Why Are Some Providers Not Using p411?

why is P411 better then just your ECCIE reviews with mainstay ladies. I know ECCIE isn't used in all places but why does p411 work for you ladies in faster verification? Yes I like p411, was a member but still didn't understand how or why is was so much faster? Gina is a nice lady BTW. Originally Posted by Jesse3962000
I don't go off of reviews on here. You can have 300 reviews or 0. Doesn't matter to me. I always contact the provider and get an inside scoop. Reason being is that reviews can be completely fake.

The reason why P411 works faster for me is because I can look at your "Okays" that show me which providers you saw and when. If they gave you an OK I know that a session happened and per her, you are okay'd to see at future sessions.
I made a p411 two weeks ago and I almost didnt because they made me send in pictures of my id... but ive gotten ZERO love on p411 so im probally done with it.
I don't go off of reviews on here. You can have 300 reviews or 0. Doesn't matter to me. I always contact the provider and get an inside scoop. Reason being is that reviews can be completely fake.

The reason why P411 works faster for me is because I can look at your "Okays" that show me which providers you saw and when. If they gave you an OK I know that a session happened and per her, you are okay'd to see at future sessions. Originally Posted by Tracy Aine
I completely agree. Reviews are useless for screening. Having 5 okays is better than 500 reviews. If you want screening to be expedited, p411 is the way to go.
Are people not trusting reviews on here?
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Are people not trusting reviews on here? Originally Posted by Shay Rozay
I don't know if that's the case or not, but I thinck that an actual, 'Okay' from a verified provider carries a lot more weight than would a review.



Jesse3962000's Avatar
Why doesn't ECCIE let you ladies give us an OKAY? Make it simple. Now I am NOT saying you ladies should read the reviews, ROS, but least let you give us an OK. Would that help. Thanks for the replies Ladies, these are things that I didn't know that were different. Most of my reviews were from CO before and up there ECCIE wasn't used much, different board at p411.
I like the idea of providers critiquing members, or just giving them an "Okay" status. Let's put that in place MODS. However, I'm also in favor of allowing providers view our reviews. In my humble opinion, it's a personal critique form that let's them know what's working, and what's not.
Leilana Vega's Avatar
P411 is the best! I think eccie should add an element to it like some other sites have. On other boards in other states... They are set up like eccie, but providers can give the guys an "okay" like they would on p411. I think that would be a great blend. They added the "like" button like Facebook has. Why not ad an "okay" button too :-)
Cheesecake7's Avatar
I made a p411 two weeks ago and I almost didnt because they made me send in pictures of my id Originally Posted by Shay Rozay
That reminds me when I set up my p411 account the workplace verification almost put me in an embarrassing situation as one of my employees got very suspicious that it was a scam. Thankfully she left the paper with the verification code on her desk and forgot about it so I was able to complete the process. So I will definitely stay on p411 so that I don't have to go through that again. Also, by now I am the proud recipient of 9 OK's and that is nothing to sneeze at (I know, some of yo guys have 500 but I am still a half newbie).