whats the deal??

bailey, IMO it is not a bad experience if the dude is not doing his research...it is a dumb experience

And I understand, there is always that concern that you will get trash in a review. But that is where your true friends will speak up for you...the guy coming to see you, looking for off the menu items is, of course, not your friend.

As an example, I like your postings and like your showcase. If it was not for certain items being off your menu.. at some point in time, I might reach out to you (I know, your thinking "not with that asshole").

But I, just like everyone else should be doing our research and think...every girl has the right to make her own rules, just like every guy has the right to seek out that girl that matches up with what he is looking for.

IMO, a quality provider who is consistent on her menu, has a fair fee, is reasonably attractive, brings no drama to the equation, does what she says she is going to do (ie very little no-shows), can deal with and function rationally in the hobby (which I know is definitely not something many can handle or wish to handle) they will find their market

You are not going to please everyone...just like I know I defintely have a non-fan base of providers.

The key is to have a solid base with the ones that are on your same playing level.

As far as the non-fans...sucks to be them, lol Originally Posted by vkmaster

I have to agree 100 % with all that he said and bailey I gotta say babe I recently realized that you cant always please every friend we meet. theres always those ones that might try to get you to do more than you offer and then thats when you end up feeling bad ,because you didnt do what they wanted and you think you might get a bad review from it, I always think this and as my clients have always said 1 bad review out 20 then it looks like that person was having a bad day... ****always takes someones negitive comments and turn them into your positive babe...
****always takes someones negitive comments and turn them into your positive babe... Originally Posted by OLindsay
+1million girl!
here's an example of what I do to turn negative shit into something FUN & positive :

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bailey, you're adorable. Don't be "guilted" into doing something you don't want to do. It's your body, and it's an honor for us that you share it. Set your boundaries, and enjoy what you do.
ICTguy32's Avatar
I have to agree with the remarks by my fellow hobbyist. Do your research and don't push the boundaries with a provider... that means knowing them first.

Bailey - do you think there might be a review that included those activities that this guy was expecting?
Bailey, you're adorable. Don't be "guilted" into doing something you don't want to do. It's your body, and it's an honor for us that you share it. Set your boundaries, and enjoy what you do. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They don't call me pistol for nothin baby you know nobody could ever guilt me into anything.
I have to agree with the remarks by my fellow hobbyist. Do your research and don't push the boundaries with a provider... that means knowing them first.

Bailey - do you think there might be a review that included those activities that this guy was expecting? Originally Posted by KCguy32
Honey I've never offered GFE or bare services ever!! There is no way that could have been out there about me. I know a lot of providers on here are GFE so maybe he just diddnt think to look, maybe I look like a GFE who knows but I in no way think someone would think that from any of the reviews posted about me
That last post was a little aggressive lol wasent intended and there is nothing wrong with GFE btw its just not my thing
Onatop's Avatar
Bailey and All

Yes we all have limitations , desires , wants , needs - guess both parties have to respect the others - and if one or the other wants or does not want - best not even meet - saves a lot of hard feelings - and deflated ego's - etc.

What few times I have experienced the hobby - there were some let downs - but just make the best of them - I was spoiled back in 2006 - I doubt if I ever meet another like her again - but we clicked - as we both felt this way -

So anyway - if a provider does post what her limitations are - then cannot expect more - like Clint Eastwood said once as Harry Callahan - " person has to know their limitations "

My 2 cents worth
malwoody's Avatar
Well it is no secret that you are "slinky" but non-GFE..
Maybe this guy was locked in a closet before he hooked up..or maybe he dwells in the world of unrealistic expectations or maybe he's just your garden variety DIPSHIT....you are upfront about your activities and it ain't your fault he either missed or ignored obvious signals....
I have another question now... So if I got a bad review because of this why would it be a valid review.. if I did nothing wrong? I'm only asking because it happened before. I diddnt lie about services, play games or use fake pics??
I have another question now... So if I got a bad review because of this why would it be a valid review.. if I did nothing wrong? I'm only asking because it happened before. I diddnt lie about services, play games or use fake pics?? Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
Your recourse for any review that may be negative or for which you disagree is to post a rebuttal in Coed Discussions. A reviewer is free to post whatever his experience was and, if in his opinion he was expecting something that was not delivered, he can post that observation. That does NOT mean that reviewers are supposed to lie about their experiences (although I am sure that lying is a part of this hobby), but without proof of the lie we can't take it down.

Remember, reviews are designed to provide information to the rest of the community and, in most cases, to stroke the ego of the reviewer with their perceived prowess. As with all kinds of information, it is up to the consumer to read all of the reviews and determine the decision on who to see based on all the available information. That is, if you have 25 favorable reviews and 1 unfavorable review, the unfavorable review should not override the favorable ones.
blk07lac's Avatar
Most of us that have been here for a while can read a review and spot the BS. So if he states in a review that he expected and was unhappy because he didn't get GFE from you we would probably ignore any other negatives in that review.
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Not doing homework is a disservice to both parties. Eccie makes the research easy, just have to be a little savy and read between the lines somedays.
thanks for all the insight guys all my questions where answred with no drama!!! Gold star for everyone in this thread!!
Bailey you sound like a class act keep up the good work ! KC is glad to have you