Irrumatio/Skull Fucking

Amazing word. It just reminds you that we probably can't think of anything sexually that hasn't already been tried hundreds of years ago, and named!

Me thinks an irrumatio doth bring me bliss.
Man, those Romans were something else:

"it was a standard joke to speak of irrumatio as a means of silencing someone." Oral sex of any kind was considered to be an act of defilement: the mouth had a particularly defined role as the organ of oratory, as in Greece, to participate in the central public sphere, where discursive powers were of great importance. Thus, to penetrate the mouth could be taken to be a sign of massive power differential within a relationship. Remaining frescos from the Roman city of Pompeii demonstrate that irrumatio was one of the specific Roman sexual acts, the others being fututio (intercourse), fellatio, pedicatio (anal) and cunnilingus."

vidi, irrumi, veni!!!
berkleigh's Avatar
Same as Face Sitting?

I've done a few times.

<--- Because I have thick thighs its a turn on I suppose.

I enjoyed myself as I rode off lol
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Maybe it's just me butt, I'm guessing some certain lady's p.m. box is going to get full with Irrumatio requests. Just guessing here. Originally Posted by Donnie Brasco
Nope. Not a single one. People are probably already used to my rather off-the-wall topics by now. It isn't seductive to them!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
did you use a thesaurus to discover this reminds me of ciff from cheers? Originally Posted by comed
Fair enough question.

I have a library of literary smut and a bunch of those publications are from a very long time ago. There are also reference books concerning sexual quotes, etc. They're fun to read and it's my own personal quirk that I enjoy.

The word was from a reference book of archaic sexual terms. It's at the incall right now or else I would include the name of it in this response.

Another word in that listing is "ruttish", which I like a lot and describes a LOT of the men and women here. Sometimes considered a negative but I don't believe so.

Ruttish is someone who is always interested in ... ahhh... rutting. Sometimes is used in referring to a lusty young man.

A nice adjective to throw out there at times. It's just another fine archaic term that you could get away with using in polite company!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Man, those Romans were something else:

"it was a standard joke to speak of irrumatio as a means of silencing someone." Oral sex of any kind was considered to be an act of defilement: the mouth had a particularly defined role as the organ of oratory, as in Greece, to participate in the central public sphere, where discursive powers were of great importance. Thus, to penetrate the mouth could be taken to be a sign of massive power differential within a relationship. Remaining frescos from the Roman city of Pompeii demonstrate that irrumatio was one of the specific Roman sexual acts, the others being fututio (intercourse), fellatio, pedicatio (anal) and cunnilingus."

vidi, irrumi, veni!!! Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
This was a culture that had an obsession with phallic symbols (is this something that you're also familiar with, ithyphallicus?) and the power of the penis. There were also customs that included the grabbing of the cock underneath the clothing to bind a promise.

I've heard that there were phallic stone sculptures in front of houses during much of that time as well although I'm not sure of it.

I'm sure that there is a book about that somewhere but I haven't read one yet!

m5552009's Avatar

I confess to writing the review you are speaking about, and I am very sorry if I caused you some embarrassment. I did not mean any harm. My review was written with highest respect and admiration for you, and it received nothing but the highest praise for you from those who replied to the thread. You are loved by the members of this board.

Thank you for expanding my vocabulary with the word Irrumatio.

By the way, the Irrumatio with you was really great.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Oh gosh ... you were a sweetheart. No worries there!

It's perfectly fine the way that you worded your thoughts about our time together. I knew that we had a very nice visit (or I believe that we did!) and I appreciated the review.

Guess that I should have written you, first, so you didn't feel awkward reading this. Shame on me.

But you using that word DID give me a reason to write a different type of topic, didn't it? I'm very appreciative of that!

m5552009's Avatar

No shame necessary. Yes, my time with you was wonderful.

I have recommended you to many others.

Let's do it again soon.

Elisabeth and m...

You two need to get a room! LOL Oh, wait...that's what started this whole thread!

m5552009's Avatar
Elisabeth and m...

You two need to get a room! LOL Oh, wait...that's what started this whole thread!

TP Originally Posted by Tony Patella

You always know how to use the right words. You made me laugh.

rex4998's Avatar
mary palm and her five sisters get facefucked a LOT!!!

take that! unhhh unnnhhhhh!
Damn Rex...

Did that biotch shorten her name again. I always recalled her telling me the name was Mariana De Palma...
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I must have misunderstood your title, I thought you were going Shakespearian on us.

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him Horatio (Irrumatio), a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy...
