Not much to decide for me !

I don't see this being more than a novelty , once you've seen it are you going to repeat ? Not likely . Are you going to do this every Friday ? Not likely . How are you going to sustain such interest in show ? I think if you enjoy performing , great ! But if you're looking for financial success , I wonder ?
sue_nami's Avatar
he is my mascot, Arturo a carved turtle i bought from an Indian in Michoacan who was riding him on side of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. If you were wondering at all about Arturo then he was doing his job. you really didn't think we played in a fountain did u??? back page doesn't let u say squirt or ejaculation and most of y'all aren't familiar with the term amrita right? "Anyone can “ejaculate,” or “squirt,” but the goddess in women releases her amrita." google it. how would u say squirt party without using the word squirt?
sue_nami's Avatar
it's 100 dollars.
sue_nami's Avatar
we're thinking about once or twice a month with different themes. We have a few more theme ideas, for sure we will have a swingers house party. and for sure we will have a naked art party where we make tit and dick prints for folks to take home. this one has a squirt and dungeon theme. you guys continue talking about it in here, we may not have room for everyone and we will move it to a larger location .there has been tremendous interest.
CODY- I met Sue at a recent Halloween event (super fun- Hi Sue), I was SO excited when I figured out it was her so I could FINALLY get some answers behind that FUCKING TURTLE!
sue_nami's Avatar
damn turtle is the best advertising dollars i ever spent. Arturo is a party animal!!! Luz you should come ride my turtle baby.
I could make the OBVIOUS poop joke here but I will refrain seeing as how I'm a lady... hahaha!

Sue, This party sounds CRAZY AS FUCK and to be completely HOnest, I would actually LOVE to come but I am going to San Antonio this weekend *sadface* HOWEVER... depending on a pending on the way outcall- I actually might try to stop by the early one!

Hope I am not out of line here Sue- but $100 is a bad number to a lot of people (hence so much advertising with $99!) If price on this go round is non negotiable- you could at least use the numbers from this show to estimate where your best rate would be. Microsoft Excel has an optimization formula (I think) that will do it but based on just 1 show it may not be completely accurate since some data would have to be estimated.

That being said---- I would totally pay $69 if I were a dude to get into what sounds like the dirtiest event/private social/party ever!!! hahaha Of course due to expenses, that may not be possible for you.

Maybe see you FRIDAY!

sue_nami's Avatar
ewww no poop joke! i was thinking more a pud/camel toe sort of turtle joke. LOL. we would discus a discount with fellas if they asked to attend and had limited funds. there is limited admission maybe about 10 folks at each event unless we hit critical mass and get enough to move it to the larger party house we have an option to rent. so far we do have interest and commitments at this price level for the night time show but not the daytime one. maybe the daytime one should be cheaper?
sort of a matinee price,and maybe senior citizen discounts :-)
Sounds fun. If there are enough providers who show up and the space itself feels comfy cozy and large enough, this sounds great. If however its just a show unlikely to lead to any BCD-type action (there, our out or in a room down the hallway) then I dunno?

PM me with more info, Sue would be nice to meet U and your peeps. Trees love parties.

Well Homer it is a Friday night PARTY and not a quickie visit to a provider. What we are providing is a different experience including a show and entertainment and a whole evening worth of fun in the form of social interaction and food, drinking and watching a live sex show. As a party, we are not trying to compete with girls who provide sex. What we are providing is fun and hours of entertainment. Of course, the guys can pleasure themselves if they want during the live sex show, or couples can have sex while others watch or help if invited to join. also the dungeon play is offered and you could get spanked or flogged. As Nug pointed out, this event is something totally different to do. It is not meant to compete with the working girls in here but more like compete with an evening at a bar or date night at the movies. So Homer, if this sort of party is not your deal, then by all means please don't come. we want people who want to have fun and do something a little wild and different with their Friday night and by the response their is a demand for this sort of fun night of sexual adventure. Homer, you go pay for sex, we are not throwing this party for guys like you, more for couples who pay this much to go to a swing club and watch or couples who pay way more than this at a titty bar and don't feel they get their money's worth watching just dancing. it is a new place for sexual adventurous couple to play in a more public environment and have folks watch them while they fool around. this would of course require you know a woman who you don't have to pay to hang out with you all night. It seems our target market is finding us and quite excited to have this new option for Friday night fun. Originally Posted by sue_nami
I agree, this is not a party for normal single guys who go out with the hopes of getting laid, whether that be with a provider, stripper or just picking up a lady at a club. It sounds more like a couple thing for couples who like to do stuff in public. The good thing is with only room for 10 you don't need a big turnout and Austin does seem to be full of couples who like to play in public, it's never been my thing and I wouldn't pay 80 bucks to do it with my gf but again there does seem to be a market in Austin. I don't know of any other places that charges so much but I don't think they put on a show though either so good luck. This might be something you advertise in the other realm to.
Whispers's Avatar
nothing much being offered here that a visit to a swingers club for far less money would allow an interested person or couple to meet the right people that would provide this and more for nothing at all.
Little Monster's Avatar
100 bucks and you still have to bring your own beer.....shit!!!
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
100 bucks and you still have to bring your own beer.....shit!!!
$100 bucks to see two non-FS providers get their kicks and giggles off with one another, piss on you, hit you, electrocute you and you walk out with blue balls, bruises on your ass, a burn mark and smell like piss. Sounds like a night I had at the Liberty Lunch back in the day!
$100 bucks to see two non-FS providers get their kicks and giggles off with one another, piss on you, hit you, electrocute you and you walk out with blue balls, bruises on your ass, a burn mark and smell like piss. Sounds like a night I had at the Liberty Lunch back in the day! Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke

Good old Liberty Lunch.. *sigh*.. My good old punk days..

I'm doing a Friday night watching show. Only 5 bucks to get in. Sit and watch me pleasure myself to porn in front of my computer. No touching though. Sorry, this is a performance only, not FS.