I am annoyed and tired of the whole cougar scene

harkontume's Avatar
Dude.. I mean ... young man.. No one ever forced you to date older women.

If you are smart and very very LUCKY. You will be older one day also.

Date you who you want, fuck who you can.

But dont go hating the survivors!
If you do not wish to deal with ladies that have 20 something year old kids, then you may not want to date a cougar. Seeing how just about all of them will have kids in your age range. Hell these days even ladies in your age range will have kids. Either way happy dating in finding what you seek.
srvfin's Avatar
Dude..... I think you have the whole cougar thing misconstrued.... In my day, when I was your age, cougars didn't want to date and have relationships...... They just wanted to pick you up in a club and fuck your brains out for the night..... You didn't have to spend money on them, they had their own and were not hesitant about spending it on you..... Sure, if you saw them out a few weeks later and she was persistent you might get a do-over but I usually stayed away from that and sent one of my buds in..... But a relationship???? I don't think so..... Just sayin....
The_Leopard's Avatar
About the whole offspring thing, nowadays that might filter ur choices A WHOLE lot, noticed a lot of women being single moms these days, so u might have to suck it up&accept pseudo daddy figure/presence or your cutting out a large pool of personalities; the male's financial stability & future hope/prospect for a career/comfortable life retirement would seem to be a BIG thing for attracting a Woman of [big qoutes] a/some "Character"

But what do I really know? I'm younger than you XX, LoL; kinda would seem like what I'd want if I was in their shoes (woman).

Feel free to give me any hints pointers too older guys/ ladies out there Originally Posted by littlejohn20
Well, if you want hints, here it goes.

I usually am a fun person. I am artsy and eccentric. I like to be like Gene Wilder because I think I am free spirited. What I do not get it that doesn't look good on my record.

I like to be outside the box and not with all the skeletons in the closet. I am not even good at taking care of children (hard to because I have a messed up family lifestyle, but I go to school once again to get another degree).

I am majoring in 3D Visual Arts instead of the Business Major I tried out while trying because I wanted to open the door to something I like.

I don't want to like something someone else likes. I want my own style.

Hell, I thought about purchasing this one day, http://www.realdoll.com/

Some lady dolls for me to keep me happy. I am going to admit it. I would buy that just to keep myself happy and content.

I don't think I will be in a relationship for a long time. Reasons is because, women/girls do not find me attracting or what not because I am not dead serious at times. I only take personal stuff and work serious and not life. Life is a joke to me.

Second, I love art. I don't see a problem with it. I wish a 38 or 40 year old lady likes art as much as I do, but in Austin, they already got some artsy guy they are dating. While I am stuck with some boring life whatever.

And finally, it could be that I am needy because I never had friends in Middle School or High School. I get talked about a lot for being a "cornball nerd". And because of me being a nerd doesn't mean I am going to be that forever. (Okay, I am a nerd, I love reading. I love art. I hate being a macho man. I don't see girls/women as beneath me or what not. I am not Adam. I don't want Eve to be my subservant. FUCK THAT!!!)

It's just had with a personality like me. I am a character. I hate character killers.
Budman's Avatar
I am going to agree with you on one thing. You should not be the grammar police. Your original post was painful to read.

Now I want to respond to your basic whine. You bitch and moan about not wanting to date an older lady with kids close to your age. You call them excess baggage. Well my suggestion to you would be “Don’t fucking date them”. You seem to have plenty of “baggage” yourself. Maybe not kids but you certainly have issues. The last line in your original post is So, to all the 28 to 32 year old girls, please see us. We make you laugh.” This is probably not the best venue for you to reach your target audience. You bitch about the girls your age not wanting to see you. Well maybe it’s because you come across as a whiner. Or maybe they want to date someone with a little maturity and not a Gene Wilder wanna be. This hobby is not the place to form long term relationships.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

I don't think I will be in a relationship for a long time. Reasons is because, women/girls do not find me attracting or what not because I am not dead serious at times. I only take personal stuff and work serious and not life. Life is a joke to me.

It's just had with a personality like me. I am a character. I hate character killers. Originally Posted by The_Leopard
I may just be speaking for me but I think that there is nothing more attrative then a man comfortable in his own skin....character is what makes us who we are...more people should be less serious and joke more
AidanRedd's Avatar
You're still young. You've got a lot to learn about women & what women really want! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf

Why don't you enlighten us with what women REALLY want.
The_Leopard's Avatar
I may just be speaking for me but I think that there is nothing more attrative then a man comfortable in his own skin....character is what makes us who we are...more people should be less serious and joke more Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Well, maybe some people don't want to joke more. I guess that's it. My life is thrown to be too much of a damn game.

People tend to play games from me. Not in the hobbying world, but outside of that. I just grew tired of it.

I guess I just had enough with games while I try to extend my trust to some people.


The reason why is because of this? How do you feel if your relative-in-law ask you, "Why don't you got a girlfriend? You are 30 years old." You keep hearing that all the damn Sunday they visit and then it gets a little too obvious that they are trying to help, but bring me down with that question at the same time.
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Guest031411-2's Avatar
Hell, I thought about purchasing this one day, http://www.realdoll.com/
Honestly, if you talk like you type you'd be better off with the doll, especially if you are as fucked up as you type. Seriously dude,
I like to be outside the box and not with all the skeletons in the closet. I am not even good at taking care of children (hard to because I have a messed up family lifestyle, but I go to school once again to get another degree).
Does this mean you came out of the closet to avoid that stereotypical box and no longer have the hang-ups on being gay as a skeleton in your closet, especially given that your family lifestyle (heterosexual) was crimping your style dog?
I love art too. Art Vanderlay was one of the funniest "old school" posters we had. I miss Art! (sniff)
Schmafty's Avatar
Everybody has baggage, no matter what the age: young kids, older kids, crazy exes, etc; you can't escape it by restricting yourself to a particular demographic. Personally, I wish that I could count "33+ year old women throwing themselves at me" as one of my problems.

I love art too. Art Vanderlay was one of the funniest "old school" posters we had. I miss Art! (sniff) Originally Posted by meldrick
I miss Art Garfunkel, myself.
...I don't like girls under 25 much. They are not matured until they are 25... Originally Posted by The_Leopard
aww man!
lets see...
  • i fit the "amazon" category you seek (5'8")
  • i do see "younger" men (which btw are still older than me)
  • but im located in SA
  • and im under 28

(im jk! which may add to his reasoning that im immature bc i (think) i have a sense of humor )
Everybody has baggage, no matter what the age: young kids, older kids, crazy exes, etc; you can't escape it by restricting yourself to a particular demographic. Personally, I wish that I could count "33+ year old women throwing themselves at me" as one of my problems.

I miss Art Garfunkel, myself. Originally Posted by Shmafty
Where's Art Linklater? Those kids really DO say the darndest things!!
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 09-13-2010, 08:25 PM
Age is just a number.
It's stereotypical to judge someone for only their age.

I know plenty of people who are mature, and immature.
Who have kids and don't.
The ages never coincide with the stereotypes.

I hate to break this down, but everyone has baggage. Everyone.
Only difference is: how much, and/or how.. (and I emphasize this) ..how much the person in question is willing to handle.

Ya also gotta consider what sort of baggage you're carrying into the picture also.

It's not a one way street.

..though, I'm just newly 24, but I can only say I am who I am today.
I'm sure I fall into some category somewhere. Oh wells!