John Wiley Price arrested by the FBI.

The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Federal prosecutions tend to move at a snail's pace. Don't expect him behind bars for long any time this year. However, they are an impending avalanche, shaking a little from time to time before finally crashing down with tonnes of cold hard fury. If it's gotten this far, he will be hit hard eventually.

As to the man himself, he may have, at one time in the past, been a positive influence for the town, and for society in general. I don't know, I can't really say for sure. I do know that if he ever was a force for good, that was a long while past, before I was old enough to have any clue what politics were. He's been a shitheel for a good while, and his antics do more to hurt every cause he proclaims to stand for than anything else he may do.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
For those who are reading this topic and are wondering why this man tends to bring out a lot of negative opinions, I tried to find a synopsis (or a timeline) of this person through the years.

I, personally, really only remember tidbits here and there.

I just couldn't find what I was looking for.

Can anyone give us the Cliff Notes (oh wait, today it's Sparks Notes, isn't it) version of who this guy is, etc.?
pyramider's Avatar
I'm surprised it took so long to indict and arrest this slimeball, but the U.S Government often takes its time while slowly building a case.

If you've apparently never pulled down an income higher than the bottom-end of the six-figure range (other than a series of shady, slippery real estate deals, of course), it's a little hard to explain away a new Bentley, a high-end BMW coupe, and $230K locked away in a safe, isn't it? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
All the cash and cars is easily explainable ... he has been on the take for a long time. Originally Posted by pyramider
Well, that's an explanation, all right.

Not the sort that would go over well at a criminal trial, though!
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
It's funny, a non-Caucasian or non-Hispanic is arrested or indicted and they throw out the race card. All these allegations of racism were thrown out and everyone acts like they know what evidence they had.

When was last time you heard of a Caucasian individual being arrested and racism was alleged?

Why does the NAACP have to step in and protest his indictment? Do they know something the police do not know?
Like Don Hill, he is counting on jury nullification. That is, that black jurors will not vote guilty. Chances are ,out of the ten or so counts,he will be found guilty of a least one or two(more likely a compromise verdict than a complete nullification).
Mavs fan's Avatar
Did someone say that Price has a Bentley? Maybe he is suiram77.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
i think we should hang this bastard and the bury his ass in is bentley good bye mr price no justice no peace rember that asshole
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Did someone say that Price has a Bentley? Maybe he is suiram77. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Bwahahaha, I bet they seized all his accounts at the credit unions too!
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
It's funny, a non-Caucasian or non-Hispanic is arrested or indicted and they throw out the race card. All these allegations of racism were thrown out and everyone acts like they know what evidence they had.

When was last time you heard of a Caucasian individual being arrested and racism was alleged?

Why does the NAACP have to step in and protest his indictment? Do they know something the police do not know? Originally Posted by TallDallasGuy
It's hard for a white male (especially) to ever use the "race card" since institutional racsim has always worked to his benefit, but I understand what you're saying.

I think most of those guys are really saying "Yeah, I'm crooked, but the white politician over there is too but you didn't arrest him." Most politicians are shady, but minority politicians seem to be sloppy as well. 250k cash in a safe? How about 250k in land or some other asset that is easier to explain.

I've met JWP and I found him to be pretty engaging and funny. Having said that I'm pretty sure though that if the Feds charged him they have a strong case against him. Here's a great article about him from back in the day:
Very interesting article, blackmaleindallas.

Thanks for posting the link.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Price tries to cut ties with his past.. he was married to a Mexican woman, divorced, had a son with her.. disowned the child early on.. years later he was asked about his son, who was 19 years old.. Price didn't know much other than to say, "he's doing his thing.. at some Minyard's or something"..
Hey he's our man Downtown!! Didn't Big Al hand the ball off to him back in the day? As reported the tax stuff will be hard to beat. It took them years to make this case but it's kind of sad for the city and a guy that started out with good intentions. Its politics. What can i say.blows.
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
It's hard for a white male (especially) to ever use the "race card" since institutional racsim has always worked to his benefit, but I understand what you're saying.

I think most of those guys are really saying "Yeah, I'm crooked, but the white politician over there is too but you didn't arrest him." Most politicians are shady, but minority politicians seem to be sloppy as well. 250k cash in a safe? How about 250k in land or some other asset that is easier to explain.

I've met JWP and I found him to be pretty engaging and funny. Having said that I'm pretty sure though that if the Feds charged him they have a strong case against him. Here's a great article about him from back in the day: Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas

I'm sure Mr. Price is engaging and funny, but that doesn't keep him from being an alleged criminal!

$250,000 in cash lying around the house is quite a bit! I'm sure there are plenty of families in Dallas County who could use that!

I'm sure federal prosecutors have very good evidence he committed at least one crime, it is not like he got pulled over for a window inspection sticker violation and then is claiming racism. If I recall, there is a white female that was also indicted for the same charge. We're prosecutors racist and sexist against her?

Not all minorities claim racism or use the race card, it's usually just ones who can't take blame for their action and want to blame someone else for their downfall.

Either he committed a crime or he didn't, race has nothing to do with it.
Why would it be so hard to believe that a man in a powerful position would commit a crime-whether he is black or white?

More than likely in 12-18 months or so, he'll probably plead no contest to a lesser charge.

But like Michael Jackson said, it doesn't matter if you're black or white-

And I Told About Equality
An It's True
Either You're Wrong
Or You're Right

But, If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Doesn't Matter If You're
Black Or White
pyramider's Avatar
It's funny, a non-Caucasian or non-Hispanic is arrested or indicted and they throw out the race card. All these allegations of racism were thrown out and everyone acts like they know what evidence they had.

When was last time you heard of a Caucasian individual being arrested and racism was alleged?

Why does the NAACP have to step in and protest his indictment? Do they know something the police do not know? Originally Posted by TallDallasGuy

Price, and this cohorts, will throw the race card out to whatever media source is around. Why? Because that has been his MO for the last 20 years. Old habits are hard to break.