Veto the 30 year war

LowRider69's Avatar
Leon Panetta says it odumbo's fault that nothing gets done....he says odumbo doesn't work politically and can't swallowers are wrong! Not GOP's fault! It's odumbo's fault.....


It was so obvious that odumbo is incompetent and hated America but you swallowers creamed yourself when you voted for him 2X......
LowRider69's Avatar
We will be in for another 2 years of stalemate.
Neither side will compromise.

Term Limits! Originally Posted by boardman
Takes 2 to compromise.... Boner will compromise with a cheese sandwich, so it's odumbo's fault.......

Keep swallowing the jizz your liberal masters shoot in your mouth.....and the swallowers say, "Thank you sir, may I have another?!"

RedLeg505's Avatar
Obama doesn't want to do it and never will on his own. Originally Posted by timpage
When you say "Obama doesn't want to do it" What exactly is it he doesn't want to do? Bomb sand piles?? He didn't hesitate to do that in Libya without Congressional Authorization. Or did you mean send in US military forces on the ground?? Because, again, he had no problem doing that in Libya and now again in Iraq.. and I strongly suspect we have SF operators gathering intel and marking targets right now in Syria. So, what exactly will Obama "never do on his own"??
LowRider69's Avatar
So, what exactly will Obama "never do on his own"?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Tell the truth or do enough to win are 2 things odumbo will never do on his own......
boardman's Avatar
When you say "Obama doesn't want to do it" What exactly is it he doesn't want to do? Bomb sand piles?? He didn't hesitate to do that in Libya without Congressional Authorization. Or did you mean send in US military forces on the ground?? Because, again, he had no problem doing that in Libya and now again in Iraq.. and I strongly suspect we have SF operators gathering intel and marking targets right now in Syria. So, what exactly will Obama "never do on his own"?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Get out of the way...

Oh, wait, that's three things
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh I forgot, they won't do anything then. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Spoken like a true "independent".

Congress has not "Declared War" since WW-2.

A Declaration of War is a very specific Constitutional Duty of Congress.

Of course, just because Congress does not "Declare War" has little affect on the outcome when you hit a trip wire in some god forsaken shithole and blow half your leg off.
boardman's Avatar
Congress has not "Declared War" since WW-2.

A Declaration of War is a very specific Constitutional Duty of Congress.

Of course, just because Congress does not "Declare War" has little affect on the outcome when you hit a trip wire in some god forsaken shithole and blow half your leg off. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I stand corrected from a previous post on a different thread.

H.J. res 114 was an authorization of military engagement. It's how you say, in our PC culture, that you're going to war without actually saying you're going to war. I guess it appeases the pacifists or something.
Spoken like a true "independent".

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What is your take on it tea party member? What have they done for you lately?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They'll do something. And we will all be the worse for it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now why did you have to take a shot at the TEA party? Feeling a little penis envy?
Feeling a little paranoid?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Tea Party started out as a great movement. Then came the Republicans.
The Tea Party is still a great movement.............and they continue to move America to a more responsible, smaller, constitutional republic.
I went to the crapper this morning and had a great movement. Then came the farts.. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy