Democrats & Increased Law Enforcement

Now we have the trump in charge of record riots, record unemployed and record debts. Four/12 more years lol

Edit to add...record corruption Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Aren't the riots a result of White Cops killing Black men? Don't blame Trump blame Clinton. Clinton funded Law Enforcement to put more Cops on the Street. As a result crime went down and unfortunately more Police Shootings involving Black men. Now Liberals want to defund the Police. Remember the Riots and increase in crime is committed by Liberals.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Facebook removes pages of right-wing group Patriot Prayer after Portland unrest

i wonder if Marky Zuckertits realizes what will happen if the far left does achieve its so-called revolution? or Jeffy Bezos? SerGAY Brin and Larry Page? Bill Grates? Soros?

the left will demand their money. all of it. trillions between them all. will they give it up? not willingly that's for sure. so what will they do when the left comes for them as they will .. remember .. the revolution eats its own. can they really kill 95 percent of the 8 billion people on the planet without being killed themselves? unleash some plague to which only they the elites have a cure? sound familiar? it should but it does not ensure they will survive.

how shocked they'll be when the proletariat beheads them all? they should have seen this coming. i mean, they are all smart enough to make billions and yet they think they'll keep it all from the mob??

BAHHAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Marky, Jeffy and Brin are about to find out the real meaning of reparations and it will be fun to watch them squeal like stuck pigs.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... are about to find out the real meaning of reparations and it will be fun to watch them squeal like stuck pigs. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Bitten has already announced "wealth redistribution" ....

.... and so has Kumola.

BloomingIdiot Mike has already complained his taxes were cut!

(I did hear him say he paid in extra to the government, but ....!)

The smart money will leave the country if Kumola wins (Bitten won't win .. she will!) and businesses will either remain overseas or flee the increased corporate/business taxations and regulations. CF John Kerry! The Iranian Deal Maker!!!

  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Why are you lying?

Joe Biden has not endorsed antifa, in any way.

Please stop lying.

If you have evidence to the contrary, feel free to post a link.


Who from the left has condoned any of the Marxist criminal anarchy...NO ONE!!

I believe you meant 'condemned" - the DPST fomented, enabled, and funded anarchy and riots- they are all intended by the venal corrupt DPST party to undermine out system of representative democracy. and tip toward their planned Marxist dictatorship.
LexusLover's Avatar

Joe Biden has not endorsed antifa, in any way.
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
By failing to address their terrorism in a manner that ends their reign of vandalism, looting, assaulting, and murdering ...


"Judge not others or you may be judged the same!" I realize Bitten and Kumola aren't religious people, but God runs the show here.

BTW: Did you vote for that POS puke with the gray hair sitting at the table to the left?

That's his rich slut wife to his right making a catsup deal with a terrorist.
Why are you lying?

Joe Biden has not endorsed antifa, in any way.

Please stop lying.

If you have evidence to the contrary, feel free to post a link.

Liar! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
If the DNC tells him to he will. He was nominated for that reason, he'll do whatever he is told. He doesn't use his mind so the Powers that be use it for him. To their benefit no one else's.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The smart money will leave the country if Kumola wins (Bitten won't win .. she will!) and businesses will either remain overseas or flee the increased corporate/business taxations and regulations.
I’ll go totally underground, cash or gtfo. I’d have done it already but studies show people average 20% more spending when using a card, and my clients are all rich people who love whipping out their platinum card. Raising taxes won’t get more out of me, it’ll be a 100% reduction.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If the DNC tells him to he will. He was nominated for that reason, he'll do whatever he is told. He doesn't use his mind so the Powers that be use it for him.
That’s blatantly obvious. He was in like 15th place until they realized an openly communist candidate would get crushed, so they grabbed the senile old man who was easy to control and fixed him up with a diversity hire.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Yes Sir
LexusLover's Avatar
Bitten = Cannon Fodder

Just think .... he is the MOST QUALIFIED that could field!!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly its all about Hoey
LexusLover's Avatar
President Bill Clinton.

He spoke at the 2020 DNC on behalf of Bitten-Kumola.


De Funding of De Polelice...... Clinton Style!!!

The Senate Vote! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bitten voted "YEA"!

Back on the topic that LoonaTicks choose to ignore this year.
Hates Peach's Avatar
The 1994 crime bill is one of the reasons crime has been lowered. It's gonna go up again, largely due to third world immigration, lax law enforcement, lenient punishments for violent criminals, constant flow of drugs through or borders and ports, and negroes who believe they have a right to destroy and harm others as they please.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The 1994 crime bill is one of the reasons crime has been lowered. It's gonna go up again, largely due to third world immigration, lax law enforcement, lenient punishments for violent criminals, constant flow of drugs through or borders and ports, and negroes who believe they have a right to destroy and harm others as they please. Originally Posted by Hates Peach

it was also overkill. it sent too many non violent criminals and drug users to prison with excessively long prison sentences.
LexusLover's Avatar
Someone is missing THE POINT.

Bitten had YEARS to do a "course correction" including 8 in the White House!

He didn't. Trump corrected the most offensive part in half a term.

As for the part about increasing LE presence on the streets .... that wasn't addressed by Bitten either.