Because you're childish Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No, I am far from childish. No man has any right or power over me outside the law. I've never been one to go along with the crowd, cause you only get as far as the crowd. I guess I march to the beat of a different drummer. You are obviously a whipped puppy. Going along with the status quo cause you think it's the " Right" thing to do. You've made the grade as a standard issue dupe just what politicians love.

His cynical calculus is quite transparent

He disregarded the last election and viewed it as invalid, can't remember his exact words, but there were more people who didn't vote so to him it wasn't the will of the people

He views the vast uninformed potential electorate as fools the progressives and his media acolytes can easily sway with the promise of some refrigerator raids on the upper east side and a Christmas...Oops . ...err holiday goose or so (don't they know holiday means holy day?, guess not or it would have gotten the boot too)

All he must to do is turn thumbscrews on them for a bit, until the RIGHT people get elected and the full compliment of the right laws and constitutional adjustments are made, then surely we can relax this temporary necessity
rioseco's Avatar
Anytime I hear the word " Mandatory" from a douche bag politician, I am inclined to do just the opposite.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I heard that !
rioseco's Avatar
The man who is suppose to be a "constitutional" scholar, wants to take away your right to not vote.

He makes the bogus claim that it would "would counteract the influence of money in politics more than anything else".

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well he did convince a shitload of people into voting stupid for two elections.
He has nearly two more years in which to pull this off and he already told you he has a "phone and a pen". I'll add to which he is very proud of using for equally destructive means.
No, I am far from childish. No man has any right or power over me outside the law. I've never been one to go along with the crowd, cause you only get as far as the crowd. I guess I march to the beat of a different drummer. You are obviously a whipped puppy. Going along with the status quo cause you think it's the " Right" thing to do. You've made the grade as a standard issue dupe just what politicians love.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Ahhh yes, I guess that's why I'm an atheist in a country where half the people actually believe in a magic skydaddy. You guys are too easy.
[QUOTE=nevergaveitathought;1056 508745]His cynical calculus is quite transparent

He disregarded the last election and viewed it as invalid, can't remember his exact words, but there were more people who didn't vote so to him it wasn't the will of the people

He views the vast uninformed potential electorate as fools the progressives and his media acolytes can easily sway with the promise of some refrigerator raids on the upper east side and a Christmas...Oops . ...err holiday goose or so (don't they know holiday means holy day?, guess not or it would have gotten the boot too)

All he must to do is turn thumbscrews on them for a bit, until the RIGHT people get elected and the full compliment of the right laws and constitutional adjustments are made, then surely we can relax this temporary necessity[/QUOTE

And the right doesn't see the knuckledragging mouthbreathers as fools to be swayed by the promise of whatever it is that meat with eyes like nowadays. As for Christmas, it's a pagan holiday you fucking moron. Remember that little fact while you're bowing down to your magic daddy.

And the right doesn't see the knuckledragging mouthbreathers as fools to be swayed by the promise of whatever it is that meat with eyes like nowadays. As for Christmas, it's a pagan holiday you fucking moron. Remember that little fact while you're bowing down to your magic daddy. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

You seem to have a touch of the Donald Duck

Spewing gibberish

I'm no moron and while your statement was a non sequitur and didn't apply to anything I sad, I'll briefly address it in hopes that you can escape your rigid foolishness for a lesson. I'll say that any day, or any observance day or non observance day is what the individual. wants it to be.

And oh yeah, be careful with the word holiday, you used it without much thought
Ahhh yes, I guess that's why I'm an atheist in a country where half the people actually believe in a magic skydaddy. You guys are too easy. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No, dude you're the one who's easy. You have a distorted belief system that's why a politician can get you to go along with any stupid idea they employ. You obviously don't stand for something so you'll fall for anything. Another trait politicians love.

LexusLover's Avatar
Ahhh yes, I guess that's why I'm an atheist in a country where half the people actually believe .... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Probably fewer, much fewer, believe in a "sky daddy" .... if polled, but ..

.....well over 3/4's in this country believe in some form of higher existence above man.

I can understand why you might want some statistics to give your nonbelieving some validity, but that only indicates you have insecurities with your lack of belief and need others to go along with you. The same applies to those who use the first person pronoun "we" when asserting some position or philosophy, because they were "informed" that by pluralizing the pronoun it sounds like "others" also share those beliefs or attitudes. They are insecure in their position and need the spurious support.

Or may be you are just "hedging" in the event another wimp gets elected to the White House and rather than order military action decides that it would be better to allow ISIS to set up shop on U.S. soil to "oversee" the further dismantling of this country. You will have established "deniability" to save your head.
No, dude you're the one who's easy. You have a distorted belief system that's why a politician can get you to go along with any stupid idea they employ. You obviously don't stand for something so you'll fall for anything. Another trait politicians love.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Up to my nuts, in your guts. I'm easy like sunday morning, mothertrucker. Yeah, I'm all distorted and shit.

"Hello fellow American. This you should vote, me. I leave power, good. Thank you, thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. Taxes. They'll be lower. Son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do. So do."

I think it's hilarious that you think anything you do actually makes a bit of difference. We have no power over policy. None. So let's get crazy and have some fun.
Up to my nuts, in your guts. I'm easy like sunday morning, mothertrucker. Yeah, I'm all distorted and shit.

"Hello fellow American. This you should vote, me. I leave power, good. Thank you, thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. Taxes. They'll be lower. Son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do. So do."

I think it's hilarious that you think anything you do actually makes a bit of difference. We have no power over policy. None. So let's get crazy and have some fun. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Hahaha, you're a fag.

Hahaha, you're a fag.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That's all you got? That is some WEAK shit. Who even uses that word anymore?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
ANOTHER brilliant thread. You're on a roll, Whir-LIE-turd.

You also have the right to go fuck yourself.
ANOTHER brilliant thread. You're on a roll, Whir-LIE-turd.

You also have the right to go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If he told them NOT to vote, they'd be lined up at the polls bright and early tomorrow. Like most republicans, they have no real thoughts on the subject, they're just against whatever obama is for.
Budman's Avatar
Fuck that mandatory voting bullshit. There should be an IQ test to determine if you're smart enough to vote. Way too many idiots vote that have zero idea of who they are voting for much less what they are voting for. Of course that would leave out much of the liberal voting block.