When The Democrats Want To Really Lie, They Bring Out The Expert

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  • 06-04-2014, 04:13 PM
I guess this is the day monkeys fly because I agree with your dumb ass on this one.

I think what Obama has done here will damage the Democrats far more than any of the other supposed "scandals". I cannot imagine WTF he was thinking as to how this was going to look to people who don't give a shit about Benghazi and the other bullshit the Republicans have been quacking about for years now. This dude was a fucking deserter. The only reason to cut any sort of deal to get him back would be to court-martial his deserting ass.

Set aside the failure to consult with congress. Set aside giving up 5 supposed terrorists. Based on everything I have read, six troopers died trying to find this guy after he walked off voluntarily into the sunset. And, we're supposed to treat him like a hero?

What the fuck was Obama thinking? Is there any way the WH couldn't have known all these facts? Just unbelievable. Originally Posted by timpage
Obama did not meet with the Afgan President a couple of weeks ago. This was a bigger picture swap. Imho. Should Obama have been standing by this kids parents? Fuc no. Especially after the father started talking in wtf ever that was. Obama should have bitch slapped him. Was it bad domestic politics? Yes. Is it good long term international politics? Yes. Again imho
This is unbelievable. The same stupid bitch who sold the song and dance about a Youtube video being the cause of the attack in Benghazi is at it again.

Is she really this stupid, or is she just a compulsive liar? How can she have made the idiotic claim about Bergdahl being captured on the battlefield?? Is she really that ignorant and uninformed, or is she simply so disdainful of the sheeple that she knew she could lie with impunity??
This is not the stupidity of a single woman; it is a dangerous step by an arrogant president. Someone who thinks he is above the law, unaccountable, and imperial. This is all Obama. Rice is just a bit player.

This is unbelievable. The same stupid bitch who sold the song and dance about a Youtube video being the cause of the attack in Benghazi is at it again.

Is she really this stupid, or is she just a compulsive liar? How can she have made the idiotic claim about Bergdahl being captured on the battlefield?? Is she really that ignorant and uninformed, or is she simply so disdainful of the sheeple that she knew she could lie with impunity?? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
rodog44's Avatar
According to the Oboma lovers he is the smartest man to ever set foot in the oval office. Forgetting that he broke the law, how about the optics of the last few days. All he had to do was pick up the phone to get our marine released. Instead he released thugish killers to kill our real heros. Let me tell you, a two year old could have figured out how that was going to look. And all this happens after the VA mess. BOY OH BOY THAT IS ONE SMART MOTHERFUCKER.
[QUOTE=Whirlaway;1055396855]Wow........I am surprised you didn't float some crazy explanation like the CIA planted nano-chips in the Taliban Commanders and we can drone strike their asses anytime....................... ..

Shit, I hadn't thought of it, but how cool would that be?
According to the Oboma lovers he is the smartest man to ever set foot in the oval office. Forgetting that he broke the law, how about the optics of the last few days. All he had to do was pick up the phone to get our marine released. Instead he released thugish killers to kill our real heros. Let me tell you, a two year old could have figured out how that was going to look. And all this happens after the VA mess. BOY OH BOY THAT IS ONE SMART MOTHERFUCKER. Originally Posted by rodog44
He wasn't a Marine, dumbass and "Oboma" is spelled with two a's. You detract from your otherwise brilliantly presented argument with these unfortunate errors. Try again tomorrow. Maybe you will have grown a brain stem by then.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Shit, I hadn't thought of it, but how cool would that be? Originally Posted by timpage
Not to worry timmy, but coming up with something like that would have required a President and administration able to think more than 5 minutes into the future, show some intelligence, and willingness to "violate" the detainees civil rights by implanting such a tracker in them.

Which is why it would never occur to the Obama administration to even consider, let alone implement such a plan.

And for the record, that "violate the civil rights of the detainees" is what I would expect one of Obama's staffers to raise as an objection if the thought HAD occurred to any of them.
Not to worry timmy, but coming up with something like that would have required a President and administration able to think more than 5 minutes into the future, show some intelligence, and willingness to "violate" the detainees civil rights by implanting such a tracker in them.

Which is why it would never occur to the Obama administration to even consider, let alone implement such a plan.

And for the record, that "violate the civil rights of the detainees" is what I would expect one of Obama's staffers to raise as an objection if the thought HAD occurred to any of them. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You're a fucking idiot if you think there is any government on the planet with the technology to accomplish that feat that would actually do it under the circumstances presented here.
He wasn't a Marine, dumbass and "Oboma" is spelled with two a's. You detract from your otherwise brilliantly presented argument with these unfortunate errors. Try again tomorrow. Maybe you will have grown a brain stem by then. Originally Posted by timpage
I believe he's talking about the Marine currently held in Mexico. Nobody likes a spell Nazi, especially in these days of autocorrect, but that's one of the lesser reasons you're hated.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who hates Timmy? He's a good guy, and an intelligent liberal. Rarely hypocritical. I almost never agree with him, but I sure don't hate him.
RedLeg505's Avatar
You're a fucking idiot if you think there is any government on the planet with the technology to accomplish that feat that would actually do it under the circumstances presented here. Originally Posted by timpage
Geeze Timmy, didn't I just SAY that the Obama administration would never violate the "civil rights" of a terrorist detainee by putting a tracking device implant in him even if they had the ability?? Even though YOU were the one that thought the idea was "cool"??

I can see why you need to call everyone "fucking idiots" if you have that much trouble with reading comprehension.
LexusLover's Avatar
She's just incompetent. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'll take issue with you to this degree. She may be incompetent, which is why she lives off the government tit with her tits, but her "Sunday interviews" are consistent lies.

Now the pro-Obaminable media is shifting their "focus" to get in line with her bullshit with first explaining what she "really meant" by he was captured "on the battlefield" and then attacking the servicemembers who were serving with him when he decided to join the enemy.

I heard the attack like this: "What's your motive for speaking out?"

So, how are the liberal "pro-military" pundits on here (and in the pro-Obaminable media) going to tap dance around the attack on the "decorated" combat soldiers in order to pull the lying sack of shit out of the muck he created by his unlawful and dumbass trade?

The "motivation" of the troops serving with the White House "prize" seems to be THE TRUTH, which probably is why the pro-Obaminable media is confused.

Unfortunately for Ms. Rice and her "Boss" this time the administration couldn't fuck around until all the witnesses were killed by the enemy.
Once this administration is over we'll never hear from Susan Rice again. She'll never work on the political scene ever again. Politically she's like a condom one use and to the trash been ya go, lol. Oh she might write a book or work in a small university somewhere on the east coast but for the most part she's through and so is anyone else associated with this administration.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Looks like they turned that condom inside out so they could use it again.
Do you think they washed it first.

The reality is that she is just following this administrations policy of not telling the truth and supplying disinformation to the sheep.

It will do nothing to affect the Democrat vote as they will march in lock step to the polls to pull their typical straight ticket still convinced that the party they are voting for actually gives two shits about them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Once this administration is over we'll never hear from Susan Rice again. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
She'll get her obligatory honorary degrees and commencement engagements ....