Provider version of what set your alarms off?

Pink Floyd's Avatar
I happen to have been having drinks with a young lady last night who was getting a bunch of the kind of texts mentioned in this thread.
nawtynatalie's Avatar
The DialTone List:
"Hey Boo, whatsup"
Me: "Hello" You: " How Much"
"What all do I get for $$"
"I Know you are discrete, and I don't want to be rude, but can I pop twice?"
Just being rude and demanding or talking nasty.
Well there are a number of things but the guys I see are normally pretty nice.....

Well if a provider thinks she has to talk to me on the phone before we can make a date, then I guess I'm out of luck. I talk enough on the phone with business that I don't prefer to talk, to just to socialize. There are just a handful of people that I will talk to, to just shoot the shit. Originally Posted by shorty
Yes, I don't like talking on the phone before dates. It would lessen the intrigue.
I request a short conversation especially when it is our first meeting I can learn alot in a short call no date...
Well if a provider thinks she has to talk to me on the phone before we can make a date, then I guess I'm out of luck. I talk enough on the phone with business that I don't prefer to talk, to just to socialize. There are just a handful of people that I will talk to, to just shoot the shit. Originally Posted by shorty
red flag:
We've been emailing since Weds, I've asked you for references, and all you have are ladies that are long retired or an agency that has no idea who you are.


if that isn't enough,
all he emailed me was a list of names. No email / phone number to contact these ladies.
Because I really want to spend my afternoon playing private eye instead of chasing my son through the sprinklers.

"I have a fetish/an idea for a date I want to discuss to minute detail before I send my info." = Will never, ever actually send screening info OR schedule a date, but will sure have time to email back and forth a lot.

"Hi , I saw your ad and want to meet." = Unpersonalized pre-fab letter that 95% of the time means he has not even glanced at my website and will never reply when I direct him to what I need for screening.

"R U AVAIL 2NITE????/" = Is actually a weasel with untreated ADHD.
red flag:

all he emailed me was a list of names. No email / phone number to contact these ladies.
Because I really want to spend my afternoon playing private eye instead of chasing my son through the sprinklers.

-pass- Originally Posted by lilred_robin
I feel the same way, girl. I have listed on my site what is required if you want me to screen you in order to see me.

With all the ladies out there who have similar names, or the guys misspell their names, etc., I would rather not hunt for the girl he might have seen.

I want their eccie profile links or eccie ad links, and a website.. I don't much care for phone numbers or email addresses unless those are listed on their website and eccie profile or ads.

I don't accept references from massage parlors either. It's on my website that the two references must be from well-reviewed providers. The same goes for the p411 okays.

Make things easy on me. Help me help you. lol
Very true! Names change, can be misspelled, or there could be 8 Ambers in one area..
But also, it's a good idea for the gent to warn his reference if the visit wasn't very recent, in case she doesn't remember him without digging through emails.
Or when they give you a handle on another board that you're not part of showing reviews. Like that means shit.