Do you ever wonder...

Nothing smells better or looks better than money knocking at their door. Your hygiene and looks can be overlooked, but shitty behavior will get no love. Providers draw the line with bad behavior, not looks. Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes
Methinks hygeine cannot be overlooked if it enters the room with you like an off-colored cloud. TAKE A SHOWER. I have had providers who would join me, not the first time. But in time, for a little fun before the session,
First impression lets me know what type of person you are right off the bat.
Pristine hygiene is a must. You’ll always get that with me so I expect the same. & most importantly is the attitude. You can always wash off bad odor & stench. What a person can’t remove is their shitty behavior. Until they change
My .02 Originally Posted by lalapink
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Put your best foot forward in every situation, if you care how people treat you.