Will Roger Stone go to prison?

HoeHummer's Avatar
Sounds like a bunch of crybabies, is what yous sounds like. Don’t you wish you could just vote the government out of office and not have go through all of this self-deprecation? It’s just not dignified! There is a deep state. It’s Florida, and it’s deep in your bums!

Why should the rest of the world care? Because the USA has officially normalized crazy sociopathic idiots like yous and destabilizing the continent and the world. Keep doing what yous are doing and we’ll all be speaking Russian, or German. That was what yous used to say, eh?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Be nice to him and he'll suck your nips...

Originally Posted by lustylad

he's a strange bird.
  • oeb11
  • 11-17-2019, 03:02 PM
Hopefully Barr and Durham will send some DPST's deserving of confinement to their just desserts.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Hopefully Barr and Durham will send some DPST's deserving of confinement to their just desserts. Originally Posted by oeb11
oeb666 you have hope today but by the end of next week you’ll be praying for help, but still none will come.
Jesus F. Christ. You are really embarrising yourself Yessup. You're the fucking crybaby bitch. Arn't you from Canda? Heehee Damn, you're a fucking moron. And by the way you stupid fucking idiot - Trump will pardon Stone. So you and that fake handle of yours can kiss Trump's ass. You need to get a fucking life. Maybe you can fake one - you know, like you're doing now - ya fucking fake Canuck.

Sounds like a bunch of crybabies, is what yous sounds like. Don’t you wish you could just vote the government out of office and not have go through all of this self-deprecation? It’s just not dignified! There is a deep state. It’s Florida, and it’s deep in your bums!

Why should the rest of the world care? Because the USA has officially normalized crazy sociopathic idiots like yous and destabilizing the continent and the world. Keep doing what yous are doing and we’ll all be speaking Russian, or German. That was what yous used to say, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-17-2019, 04:47 PM
So you and that fake handle of yours can kiss Trump's ass. You need to get a fucking life. Maybe you can fake one - you know, like you're doing now - ya fucking fake Canuck. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
A fake life on a hooker board??????
Say it ain't so Austin Ellen!!!!

You do only one whose real name is Austin Ellen....all us other fake posters not willing to post under their legal name....shame on them.

Here is a suggestion. Do not pay attention to who said what but what was said.

If Clinton said and did wtf Trump has done....you'd be screaming for impeachment.
winn dixie's Avatar
Damn you stoopid wtf. Iam not Rey.
What would you like to bet wtf??? I will have one of your fellow lefties prove you wrong!
Iam calling you out. Put your money or eccie membership on the line!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-17-2019, 06:41 PM
Damn you stoopid wtf. Iam not Rey.
What would you like to bet wtf??? I will have one of your fellow lefties prove you wrong!
Iam calling you out. Put your money or eccie membership on the line! Originally Posted by winn dixie
The mere fact that I could mistake you for the dumbest political poster ever to grace this forum should concern you if you had a IQ above 10.

Which is why I think you are Rey Rey.....nobody can be as ignorant as Rey Rey....and yet,here you are.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Jesus F. Christ. You are really embarrising yourself Yessup. You're the fucking crybaby bitch. Arn't you from Canda? Heehee Damn, you're a fucking moron. And by the way you stupid fucking idiot - Trump will pardon Stone. So you and that fake handle of yours can kiss Trump's ass. You need to get a fucking life. Maybe you can fake one - you know, like you're doing now - ya fucking fake Canuck. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I always thought his middle initial was H, you daffy old harpy.

I am not Yessup and never said any of that shit about a pardon - nor do I give a care about Robert Stone — but I will tell everybody what a COB are to anybody who’ll listen.
If Barr and Durham find crimes were committed to start Mueller investigation everything after is illegal. Evidence gathered is fruit from the poison tree.Full pardons for everyone is the just and legal thing to do
LexusLover's Avatar
If Barr and Durham find crimes were committed to start Mueller investigation everything after is illegal. Evidence gathered is fruit from the poison tree.Full pardons for everyone is the just and legal thing to do Originally Posted by TruckerUSA
They already have discovered perjury in the obtaining of warrants.

The entire beneficial nature of the warrant requirement, however, rests upon the necessary assumption that in each case the law enforcement officer's warrant application affidavit faithfully provides to the magistrate a truthful rendition of the underlying facts and circumstances necessary for an independent judicial determination. The Fourth Amendment "is no barrier at all if it can be evaded by a policeman concocting a story that he feeds a magistrate." 7

An all tenet: "The END does not JUSTIFY THE MEANS!"

It is regrettable for them that the LOONS on here who support the current witch hunt and the LOONS conducting the witch hunt that began sometime in Early 2016, if not in 2015, do not understand the stupidity of their behavior as they applaud UNCONSTITUTIONAL processes to overturn a legitimate election for the POTUS.
  • oeb11
  • 11-18-2019, 06:24 AM
LL- I agree with you about ends and means.

We are all aware the DPST's operate under any means possible to achieve their ends.
lustylad's Avatar
Here is a suggestion. Do not pay attention to who said what but what was said. Originally Posted by WTF
Doesn't work. The sheer stupidity of your posts always jumps out at everyone and makes it obvious who is talking out of his ass again.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-18-2019, 09:59 AM
Doesn't work. The sheer stupidity of your posts always jumps out at everyone and makes it obvious who is talking out of his ass again. Originally Posted by lustylad
Please try and stay on topic valued Poser.

Will Stone go to prison? Y or N

  • oeb11
  • 11-18-2019, 11:16 AM
A fake life on a hooker board??????
Say it ain't so Austin Ellen!!!!

You do only one whose real name is Austin Ellen....all us other fake posters not willing to post under their legal name....shame on them.

Here is a suggestion. Do not pay attention to who said what but what was said.

If Clinton said and did wtf Trump has done....you'd be screaming for impeachment. Originally Posted by WTF

DPST's are still angry their anointed savoir h.... lost 2016
She has done worse, far worse than any Republican.