When other sex workers look down on 'whores'

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
And to the lovely OP: I have heard it said that people rarely argue what they believe to be true; rather, they argue against what they know deep inside is true, and frightens them.

In this case: Strippers and Pornstars looking to find a class distinction that they know does not exist.

Decide for yourself whether that has merit. I find myself guilty as charged when I am most animated. Stuff I know to be true is like water off a duck's back - can not be challenged, so who cares what someone else says/thinks? It's the stuff that is uncertain/fragile that I find I most need to defend.

Maybe, if we are fortunate, the hierarchy guy will make an appearance and offer some further clarity. Eh, K?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Oh, and one more thing: to all of the Providers: in some of our lives you Ladies are truly a blessing. And much valued. Thank you.
Lookzfun61's Avatar
Oh, and one more thing: to all of the Providers: in some of our lives you Ladies are truly a blessing. And much valued. Thank you. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I'll second that...
no complaints here. we will all be judged one day.....so i hope that i won't have to answer for judging someone else. different strokes for different folks.... society has come to the justification era where as long as my shit doesn't stink as bad as the next. Newsflash....it all stinks....
pyramider's Avatar
I do not thinck anyone has hit on the true dynamic. Women are highly competitive with other women. They need to cast dispersions on other women. In the RL its very rare when a woman will look at another woman and say she is hot. More than likely she will bash the other's hair, makeup, shoes, etc.
  • Blaze
  • 08-04-2012, 08:06 AM
*Raises Hand* I have been guilty of this in the past. Sex workers are just that, sex workers.

Pyramider, I am the exception. Personally, I'd rather sit on the bench with the other fellas and watch the ladies go by at the mall. I do not like shopping (except for shoes) and their make up, hair, or clothes are not the first thing I see. I just see a person standing before me. I dont understand why men and women alike have to be that way. The first thing out of their mouths is a physical summation of another, it really irritates me to no end and I do routinely call people out on it. Something like, " Really, your that insecure"? I rather sit in silence and think naughty thoughts about them.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I do not thinck anyone has hit on the true dynamic. Women are highly competitive with other women. They need to cast dispersions on other women. In the RL its very rare when a woman will look at another woman and say she is hot. More than likely she will bash the other's hair, makeup, shoes, etc. Originally Posted by pyramider
I was getting something to eat with a favorite last week and while we were waiting for our food at the bar out of her mouth comes "wow look at her ass, what you know I like women too...." lol
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I like all Providers, I really do. They have helped me so much and I appreciate what they do. After being heartbroken so much in conventional relationships. I would rather trust a Provider, than the women I used to date. If I was President someday, I would absolutely legalize the "trade".
I do not thinck anyone has hit on the true dynamic. Women are highly competitive with other women. They need to cast dispersions on other women. In the RL its very rare when a woman will look at another woman and say she is hot. More than likely she will bash the other's hair, makeup, shoes, etc. Originally Posted by pyramider
I think your impression may be spot on if you are referring to insecure women.

I've never felt the need to belittle other women, and I am known to stop a lady and compliment her if I really like something about her. I get my inspiration from other beautiful ladies. I've stopped women MANY times to inquire about their hair/shoes/wardrobe, WHATEVER it is I'm finding attractive. It's the best way to network for all the best services (as far as female maintenance is concerned), and I've actually picked up a few acquaintances that way.
Women are beautiful creatures (well some of them are). Nothing like a fine woman. I just sit and stare. Women stare at me all the time, I don't mind. Had my first threesome last week, it was great!

Sex workers putting other sex workers down.. nothing new. Join that new york board. Those ladies do NOT play there.
So today on another adult forum there was this very condescending porn star who went off on escorts saying we were degraded and dirty for having sex for money. I said, " The only difference here is YOU do it unsafely, and in front of a camera, and how does that make you any different or better than those of us who choose to have sex for money discreetly and in a more sensual and engaging environment?"
Originally Posted by alluringava
Are you serious?
I honestly dont get how she or general society thinks its better to be a porn star than to be a provider. If you really want to break it down, there are some porn stars do things I as a provider would never be asked to do. Then what they do is permanently stored on the internet for all to see...
whats even more funny is that a lot, and i mean A LOT of porn stars are also whores on the side.... in fact, im doing a doubles session with a very well known porn star in cocktober
whats even more funny is that a lot, and i mean A LOT of porn stars are also whores on the side.... in fact, im doing a doubles session with a very well known porn star in cocktober Originally Posted by Alyssa Nicole
In fact, Lacey Duvlle was in Houston... I wonder if she was worth it!

In fact, Lacey Duvlle was in Houston... I wonder if she was worth it! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Looks like she's letting the ass shots wear off. Thank goodness.
myren1900's Avatar
Well, as long as the providers, whether it is bar girls, strippers, AMP girls, escorts or porn stars, feel comfortable with their jobs, and I hope most do, I think it is a perfectably acceptable job. From a customer point of view, I find that AMP girls and escorts seems to be the most honest providers out there. Nearly everyone I have met have always done their best effort to provide service as promised or beyond. The same cannot be said for bar girls or strippers. Upselling and pretending that "more" MIGHT be available is part of their game. Most of us have no experience with porn stars unless they work as escorts ofcourse.

I am amazed how great an attitude towards customers most AMP girls and providers have considering the uncertain working conditions they have. We should applaud them for their service