Do you remember when there was Hair down there

No hair here...just some stubble
aRandyOne's Avatar
It seems like I touched a nerve.

Go ahead, shave.
I trim, but I love my hair down there, I play with it all the time

and I know that many of the gents I see like it as well!!
I like going natural with a bush.

Different strokes for different folks
Texmedic's Avatar
I dont care as long as its clean .... I dont scalp the lawn just trim it very close
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 08-19-2012, 06:43 PM
I like it aerodynamically correct, smooth glide for the tongue without a forest for my tongue ring to get caught on !
I provide Red Carpet Treatment so there is always some hair down there. It does vary from a neat little welcome mat to wall to wall shag carpet. As seasons and my mood changes. Always fresh, clean, trimmed, vacuumed and raked. I dont let it get too wild and woolly!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I like it aerodynamically correct, smooth glide for the tongue without a forest for my tongue ring to get caught on ! Originally Posted by Gucci

Something along those lines might have been one of the mitigating influences on why I shave. Let's just say braces and, "OUCH!"
My ideal set of womanly pubes -- wax or pluck anything below the clit. Put on a skimpy pair of panties or a bikini (except a Wicked Weasel, maybe), shave anything hanging outside the garment. Result: a very sexy bush. Porn actress Megan Jones used to sport the Perfect Pubes during her Twisty's days.
I like 'em smooth. A little hair is OK but the less the better.
doublebogey49's Avatar
I like the best of both.......trimmed mound and smooth lips............I think a trimmed bush on both males and females are the sexiest look....Just my option............Yum!! Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
Ms. Athena, I agree completely...