What could be done....today....to fix race relations?

As I said, you are incapable of intelligent thought Originally Posted by Old-T
Watch this and you will see how stupid OP's thread is... you Old-Troglodyte

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-27-2014, 11:54 AM
So asking how to improve things is--in your weird mind--stupid? You keep making my point each time you post.
txman123's Avatar
If by 'fixing race relations' you mean all of us not disliking and/or mistreating others of us because we are of different races, then you cannot fix it. There will always be dislike, distrust, hatred and mistreatment by some of us towards others due to being different races. If it isn't race, then it's something else.
Some people hate those of different nationalities, even if same race.
Some people hate those of different religions.
Some people kill their own children.
Some people are just broken and cannot be fixed.

One thing that would go a long way towards 'fixing race relations' to hold people responsible for their actions and punish them appropriately for bad behavior. This wouldn't matter to the broken people.
It would help those of us who are pissed off about the lack of accountability in general that we see every day.

Using the current situation in Ferguson, MO as an example, those doing the destruction, arson, looting on live TV, should be hunted down and sent to prison and then be made to pay back the store owners. If they have no money when freed from prison, they should be made to work to pay off their debt. They should be forever banned from sort of public aid.

If caught in the act by police, they should be immediately arrested and jailed.

The people fanning the flames, Michael Brown's stepdad, Rev. Al Sharpton, the other behind the scene instigators should be held equally responsible and face the same penalties.

The people that lied to the grand jury and police, including Michael's friend Dorian Johnson, should be charged with the strongest charges possible.

Our president and attorney general should present a more balanced view and appearance. Sympathetic to the situation and all parties involved, urge calm and responsible action, then STFU.

Michael Brown should be acknowledged for what he truly was on that night. A young thug that stole cigars and assaulted the store owner. Then strutted down the middle of the street, disobeyed and then tried to kill a cop.

One more thing - if we feel it beneficial to have a black president, then rather than electing a former community organizer, college teacher who has no idea how to run anything, we can elect someone like Colonel Alan West.
And, yes I do see that a capable black or other non-white president can be of value as a way for the non-broken of us to have a visible symbol of unity.
Wakeup's Avatar
Kill all the black people...
Wakeup's Avatar
...or all the white people...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Stop with all the race baiting for starters.

Don't call me a racists for disagreeing with the democrats.

Stop giving away free stuff and creating a entitlement mentality.

Stop rioting.
rioseco's Avatar
Yeah, that'll patch things up real fast, you unspeakably ignorant twat.

In fact, its almost as fucking brilliant as nevergaveitathought's. apropos handle, btw! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Its a start dickface !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and don't forget, shut the fuck up!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Individual liberty and personal responsibility. Right now, government has absolved many people from experiencing the consequences of their actions. This breeds a mentality of entitlement, which leads to violence.
More free shit for the protestors?

With millions of newcomers to the workforce (Obama illegals) paying their "fair share", we can afford more freebies for those who aren't pulling the wagon?
You have rich people and poor people. The poor people want their shit so they can be rich.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-28-2014, 08:40 AM
Outlaw free shit. Make everybody work for food assistance. Outlaw "earned income tax credit" and sentence Assup to exile in Antartica. Originally Posted by rioseco
Do you have a mortgage on your house? If so do you take that deduction?

Do you have kids? If so do you take that tax deduction?

You God Damn right we should outlaw 'free shit' including all the white free shit.

Should blacks pay less into SS? They do not live as long?

Start looking at things from different perspectives rioseco and you might start being the solution , instead of the problem.
You have rich people and poor people. The poor people want their shit so they can be rich. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Take every thing a rich man has and turn him loose in the desert with 5 bucks. He will be a millionaire at the end of a year (most of the time)...

Give a poor man a million bucks and he will be dead broke (most of the time) at the end of a year.

Take every thing a rich man has and turn him loose in the desert with 5 bucks. He will be a millionaire at the end of a year (most of the time)...

Give a poor man a million bucks and he will be dead broke (most of the time) at the end of a year.

IJS... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Personal experience poor man?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Take every thing a rich man has and turn him loose in the desert with 5 bucks. He will be a millionaire at the end of a year (most of the time)...

Give a poor man a million bucks and he will be dead broke (most of the time) at the end of a year.

IJS... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That might be one of the stupider things you've ever written. (Most of the time)