fun stuff!

$665.60 here. Towards the lower end of the group so far...
I need to get busy.
RickForFun's Avatar
$845.60 Guess I've had fun.
fire engine red's Avatar
"My Fine Is $860.60"
Something must be wrong with me! Haha! I tallied the results 3 times for accuracy and I only come up with $275.50 or depending on wording as Tia Travels mentioned I might could bump that up to $325.50. Seems kind of low compared to others! LOL! Hope no one goes back to see where the 50 cents comes from! I am in Oklahoma and just joined ECCIE very recently as a lifetime member after visiting the site for awhile. It has been been helpful and educational and sometimes extremely interesting. Do I need to improve my test score? Or not? Haha!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
welcome, you must have gone to Oral Roberts
tia travels's Avatar
... Do I need to improve my test score? Or not? Haha! Originally Posted by Relaxer
Yeah, come see me...I'll help you improve your score.
I added mine up... it was not worth mentioning
simplyjoe's Avatar
$570.00. Is that good or bad?
tia travels's Avatar
$570.00. Is that good or bad? Originally Posted by simplyjoe
Depends on who the conversation is with....a priest? Well, that's bad. A potential date on Adult Friend Finder? She might be somewhat impressed.
well damn is mine $762.00