what if the roles were reversed

Abe Normal's Avatar
If I tried to be a male provider, I'd be shit out of luck since I'm so ugly.

And London, my gawddamn AARP card is up to date, and I'll show it to you soon !
London Rayne's Avatar
Ha ha for you love, I will take Medicare lmao!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I wouldn't make any money with my garantee you're satisfied or it's free bit hahaha. But would I give it a shot. You bet your ass I would
that was one of his concerns getting hard and yet he just got into the mindset...and I am very proud of him the woman he saw as well as the appt. he has on friday are all ladies who are breast cancer survivors and are under going chemo and are had one breast removed and have major body image issues and he gave his first lady suggestions to improve her sex life with her husband (he was afraid he was going to hurt her) so he gave her the suggestion don't give him a chance to think wake him up with a BJ and taking his advice they have become like sex rabbits.....
It has to be much harder for a guy to perform..think about it. We don't need to be really aroused to "act." If they are grossed out by some nasty woman how can they keep it up? Imagine having to go down on something gross, and you know that's what every woman is going to want lol. They may not have the same issues we do, but performance wise I would think it's a hell of a lot harder....or softer lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
ANONONE's Avatar
Can I get a discount? You offer cim right lmao! It's the holidays can I get that for half off? Can we just have dinner and go from there? I don't have refs but I can bring you my AARP card!

Grrr..no I think women have way more tact and we are known to tip better...ask any waiter or bartender out there! Originally Posted by London Rayne
My most excellent DATY is your tip--quit your grousing.

That was some funny stuff though. . .not that I have ever said any of those things to a provider or nuthin'

So anyway. . .I always wondered how much a woman would pay for the GSO2 if the roles were reversed:

Long, pampering massage w/ luxurious oil
Slow seduction
Dark Chocolate
Kama Sutra
DATY to squirting orgasm

etc. . .

I mean if I listen to all that pillow talk I pay you ladies so much to whisper to me during a GFE, "you should be the one paying me."

Damn, tricky harlots. . .
London Rayne's Avatar
I would never pay for sex...too easy for a woman to get it for free then tell a guy to take a hike. They normally want nothing serious anyways, so that leaves the paying off the table lol.

I want true emotion and actual feelings, and you can't really buy that.
ANONONE's Avatar
I would never pay for sex...too easy for a woman to get it for free then tell a guy to take a hike. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Geeze-Louise, the mouth on that girl--and I ain't talkin' 'bout her BBBJ.

You remind me of my Uncle Lou. Were you belching and scratching your crotch when you typed that?
London Rayne's Avatar
Double post ha ha.
London Rayne's Avatar
LOL you wish! Is my honesty too much for ya? Just keeping it real lol. Women do not have to pay for sex, nor do most want to. The things we want out of a man are not centered around the bedroom all the time...at least for me. All I have to do is take a drive to the local watering hole, and I can bring home a few if I wanted that...I don't. Sex is not my number one priority in a relationship...at least for the man's part. I am more of a giver, and if I don't get mine...no big deal. I would prefer a man who was honest and faithful to one who rocked my world.

So anyway. . .I always wondered how much a woman would pay for the GSO2 if the roles were reversed:

Long, pampering massage w/ luxurious oil
Slow seduction
Dark Chocolate
Kama Sutra
DATY to squirting orgasm

etc. . .

I mean if I listen to all that pillow talk I pay you ladies so much to whisper to me during a GFE, "you should be the one paying me."
Originally Posted by ANONONE
Shall a poll be started?
SlowHand49's Avatar
I would never pay for sex...too easy for a woman to get it for free then tell a guy to take a hike. They normally want nothing serious anyways, so that leaves the paying off the table lol.

I want true emotion and actual feelings, and you can't really buy that. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Money can't buy me love . . . But it can buy some great lust!
I have actually done so. Not on an hourly-type basis; but rather I had the fathers of two ladies pay me to date them.

In the one case, the lady was so unpleasant no man could stand her. My job was to do the impossible: maintain a relationship while teaching her how to be pleasant enough that there was at least some HOPE of her giving her father grandchildren someday.

In the other case, the lady had been raised by a mother who was an arch-feminist of the male-hating variety; and to make matters worse the lady had serious body-image issues. My job was to fix her body image, make her see men weren't like her mother portrayed, and give her the confidence to date.

I had known their fathers from mercenary work I had done prior; and they had a lot of faith in me for this sort of task. I was paid VERY handsomely in both cases to compensate for the fact that these were very challenging and also I had to be monogamous with these women while seeing them.

Both cases were completely successful; and though neither woman is aware I was compensated for dating them, both are still in touch with me to this day.

Interestingly, while I was not particularly keen on either of these ladies to start with -- especially the first one -- I DID grow to like them both, and became attached to the second one. So setting that one up to end "naturally" was not an emotionally easy task.

The fact that I did that sort of makes me wonder how often women fall into relationships with men that have been orchestrated by family without their knowledge.

I had also, at one point, agreed to do a single act with a receptionist where I worked for a fee. What had happened was at the time I dated a lot, and there was enough traffic of women that the receptionist noticed and gave me static about it. Just joking I told her that I charged -- so she seized on that and agreed to pay me.

At the time I was sort of on a tear (I have since reformed ... a LOT) -- I had gone through at least first dates with literally hundreds of women. So I figured -- hey, what's one more? I had never been in bed with a morbidly obese woman before, but there's a first time for everything. I'll admit I had to think of someone else to get it up. I think I did a pretty good job because she offered to pay me more if I'd do it again!

In the modern era, I wouldn't trade places with a provider. The first type of providing I did was just WAY too emotionally exhausting. And the second type was just ... I dunno, not my cup of tea.
big boi terry's Avatar
If a man wanted to be a provider he could have restrictions if he wanted to, ladies do it all the time. If the hobby wasn't his sole source of income, he could be choosey, he could decide to only see 1 lady a day,no one over say 200 lbs, if that's what he doesn't like, he could also make certain conditions known on his website, and, if he does indeed have a stellar reputation, even though women don't have to pay for it, he would get business. For instance, a woman is a very well respected member of society, she is married to a wonderful man but he leaves her desiring more in the bedroom. She doesn't want to pick up anybody close to her,because truthfully, if it was known,she could have her pick of men most likely. Her desire may be that she just wants a man to pamper her for a few hours,or she may desire a man that has the stamina to completely leave her sprawled, spread eagle, on the bed just barely able to get up when he's finished. If a man is known to be just these things, he would be in demand, well, I think so but since i'm not a woman, I really don't know. Yes, he would have to go through the same BS that a female provider would have to go through, but it would probably be a little easier for him because most women would not be as difficult to deal with as us guys are. Like I say, for 1 client a day, I would try to love her so good that her sister would feel my impact! LOL, my opinion.
ANONONE's Avatar
LOL you wish! Is my honesty too much for ya? Originally Posted by London Rayne
I didn't say that your statement wasn't true. It was the tone that i was referring to. You sounded just like my Uncle Lou sitting in his boxers and a wife beater talking about his sexual conquests in Europe during WWII.

What is the opposite of misogyny. . .misandry?

Shall a poll be started? Originally Posted by Ansley
It wouldn't matter, Ansley. . .aren't I on your infamous DNS list?

If you wouldn't accept money to fuck me, that pretty much sums things up. No need for a poll, doll.
ANONONE's Avatar
I have actually done so. Not on an hourly-type basis; but rather I had the fathers of two ladies pay me to date them.

In the one case, the lady was so unpleasant no man could stand her. My job was to do the impossible: maintain a relationship while teaching her how to be pleasant enough that there was at least some HOPE of her giving her father grandchildren someday. Originally Posted by Laurentius
Way to go Petruchio!