We can play, but respect boundaries!

This is blatant disrespect. Apologies needed Originally Posted by shinepro
Respect is earned and from this side of the coin it looks like your wallet is empty. And go get your apology from whoever dropped you on your head as a child.

Dude you get on my nerves.
chicagoboy's Avatar
do not feed the trolls. i repeat, do not feed the trolls.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
At the risk of feeding a troll ...

Respect is earned and from this side of the coin it looks like your wallet is empty. And go get your apology from whoever dropped you on your head as a child.

Dude you get on my nerves.
Originally Posted by Macy Manning
I get on your nerves. Damn I might just have to give up. Foooking ridiculous. That shidd was laughable.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-10-2018, 12:05 PM
Respect is earned and from this side of the coin it looks like your wallet is empty. And go get your apology from whoever dropped you on your head as a child.

Dude you get on my nerves.
Originally Posted by Macy Manning

Macy, your avatar looks like Miss Piggy. Was that intentional, or a fookup?
I was on that hendog strong last night. We partaying again tonight. Foook it. Hey do what you'll do. Macy Manning honestly I never knew you existed until you made that comment last night. In all honesty. You thought way more of me than I you. Good foooking luck in evathing you do Pxo. Good looking out. You're always 1 bilo. I'm going to stop commenting on a lot of this shidd. You'll want to call folks gay and that is just foooking straight up disrespectful. So toodles.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You'll want to call folks gay and that is just foooking straight up disrespectful. So toodles. Originally Posted by shinepro
Ooooh child! Three snaps in
. . .

Cendell M's Avatar
Macy, your avatar looks like Miss Piggy. Was that intentional, or a fookup? Originally Posted by pxmcc
Px that makes me sad i thought you had the girls
  • pxmcc
  • 02-10-2018, 04:06 PM
Px that makes me sad i thought you had the girls Originally Posted by Cendell M
i love the girls-including you lovely Cendell-just not the girl trolls. they're as bad as the little boy trolls. there's a method to my madness, fine madam..
Cendell M's Avatar
i love the girls-including you lovely Cendell-just not the girl trolls. they're as bad as the little boy trolls. there's a method to my madness, fine madam.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
ok thank you for that cuz i had made a comment so i ASSumed you meant ALL of us ....nothing against shine it just to much now,i think its one of those games ....but hey some might say that's what you get for thinking you unintelligent BSC hooker


Slitlikr's Avatar
Shine is another handle by Sisto.
He likes arguing with himself.
Too easy.
This is just stupid. It was funny for a while but this pretend thug shit is old already. Both of them together probably couldn't gather 1 "rack" lol. Originally Posted by Trey
I don't impress dudes ever
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-10-2018, 09:18 PM
That is true.^^^
  • pxmcc
  • 02-10-2018, 09:31 PM
^^he means he aint tryin to impress dudes on a hooker board..
Cendell M's Avatar
^^he means he aint tryin to impress dudes on a hooker board.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Just my non factor opinion now he's (shine) so called not here to impress dudes,yet he is DOWN LIKE FO FLATS ON A CADILLAC with NP THAT disgustingly disrespects Providers (NP) now what;s the logic behind that.... Im trying to make some sense of this OK,at first he was funny haha and all that chit , now weeks later shits old,he here for "pus" yet keep on starting threads you can't even understand.

With that being said he likes someone that is terribly rude insults providers (HE) NUB doesn't like when someone who has never done a damn thing to him....If you stand up to someone he like (provider) well then shit hits the fan and the Eccie shit storm starts because apparently he KING BIG DICK around here (he thinks)

So shine you are down with someone who is so hurtful to ladies and hurls terrible insults and make accusations ignorant accusations just to hurt women and get involved in girly arguments....yeah sounds about right IMO that's going to get you LOTS OF SO CALLED PUS what the hell is going on around here! that's just my opinion and no i don't think you're Sc or NP I think you're an attention whore thinking you're being funny to land some good FOOKING PUS lawd have mercy! My logic of course will get the masses in an uproar because the new whore on the block spoke heh...what the fuck is new & frankly i don't care i have that right to an opinion just like everyone else SO PLEASE SAVE THE INSULTS FOR SOMEONE WHO HASN'T HEARD THEM BEFORE.

Ok now TOODLES...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Macy, your avatar looks like Miss Piggy. Was that intentional, or a fookup? Originally Posted by pxmcc
You've got a lot of nerve posting this shit. Talk about rude!

Thread rules:
-No rudeness; any point of view is welcomed, subject to the "no rudeness" rule.
-No ad hominem attacks
-Careful of thread hijacks
-All other Eccie rules are herein incorporated by reference
-Violations will be promptly Rtm-ed

Thoughts or ideas? Originally Posted by pxmcc
So in your thread you can make thread rules, yet you come over here and talk shit about Macy.

So how about your 'no rudeness' rule?
What about ad hominem attacks?
You hijacked this thread with your off topic name calling.
Violations will be promptly RTM'd.

So consider your name calling, rudeness, and hijacking a thread RTM'd.

Fucking hypocrite. Making your thread rules like you're somebody special. then within a day or two you go against the grain of your prior post.

For further reference so members can see what I"m talking about. His is the original post to this thread.
