Trump, Yellow Freight, and the Teamsters

VitaMan's Avatar
You were asking if this is Sandbox material.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Providing context to your post.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I don’t know what your post is about, I asked you but you failed to respond, I seem to remember bailing out Chrysler and GM, now the beloved U ion has them on the brink of disaster again. Were the Yellow Divers union? If so, you have found the reason for the aid by the TA and the subsequent filing of Chapter 11 by Yellow. Unions are the root cause of the majority of companies going out of business. I am proud to say I never paid a nickel to the blood sucking unions
Yellow Freight received a bail out from the Trump administration, and also gave the US Treasury stock.
That is part of this business story. Should they have bailed out Yellow Freight ? How long to wait for a cogent answer from you, that is actually about the topic discussion ?

The old, old, old meme "rent free in your head" is stuck in your head. You care about that phrase more than any topic.

You still have contributed nothing to the discussion. Sad that is normal for your posts. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You tie Trump to EVERY thread of yours...if that isn't an obsession WHAT IS?????
Your threads are ALL meaningless Trump...Trump...Trump.
VitaMan's Avatar
When you are ready to contribute to a discussion, then post.

If not, there is no reason for you to post. You contribute nothing. Only attack other members.
Everything I said is true and if you call that an attack you're grassiping at I said Trump lives in your head rent free!!!
oilfieldace's Avatar
When you are ready to contribute to a discussion, then post.

If not, there is no reason for you to post. You contribute nothing. Only attack other members. Originally Posted by VitaMan
So you don’t see where you might be a tad offensive to others at times? You also don’t have to the poster you say is attacking you. It’s become apparent you don’t care to talk ,discuss your post, I have asked nicely twice. Have a great day
VitaMan's Avatar
Really a hopeless pair.
biomed1's Avatar
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