Did Trump shutdown the economy back in 2020...not according to Wacko and lustylady but the Gov of Florida thinks so

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A valued poster thanked you Originally Posted by VitaMan

a dim bulb never sees the light
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  • 03-15-2022, 07:55 PM
... And then a few weeks later - Trump reversed the shutdown.
Originally Posted by Salty Again
Well he first extended it....and then ended it.

Thanks for admitting the obvious.

Maybe Wacko and lustylad will come around to the truth.
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  • 03-15-2022, 07:58 PM
Trump resisted this and only put out guidelines based on so-called experts like Tony "MIA" Fauci (because he's become a political liability to the DemTards) who ignored 100 years of ... SCIENCE that mass shutdowns/lockdowns don't work.

the real question should be .. is Fauci incompetent or complicit? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The question was who shut down our economy...Trump was the one responsible. Trump was the ultimate decider.
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  • 03-15-2022, 08:00 PM
don't get too excited about the word "order" professor poofter .. it's guidance. it never forced anyone to follow it because it has no weight of law at the state level.

remember why i keep lecturing you on what a Federal Republic is ...months. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Did or did he not shut the economy down?

The answer is yes.

The question wasn't if he wanted to shut it down. Nobody wanted to shutdown the economy. Jesus.
Trumpy's clueless lack of leadership shut down the economy. He kept on stroking his little ego though talking a bunch of shit...pass the bleach mofo...wtf no smart people in the room. It was a sad sad situation

Then Biden came along and got control and people went back to work in record numbers and the Biden economy exploded with jobs jobs jobs and people wanting to spend spend spend

Yes I do say n know so dah

the voters kicked trumpy ass to the curb...and new York kicked him and his bad boy ego out also
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The question was who shut down our economy...Trump was the one responsible. Trump was the ultimate decider. Originally Posted by WTF

here is you saying mandates are good

Wtf kind of no making sense nonsense is this bullshit?

You don't want government mandates enforced?

Would that include speeding?



You just want the fucking government to recommend we not do these things but have no enforcement mechanism if we do?

How God damn stupid is that?

How effective do you think that will be?

"We recommend you do not rob a bank but if you do we will not send any police officers to stop you..." Originally Posted by WTF
here is you saying lockdowns work .. the ones you claim Trump ordered (he didn't) and that shutdown the economy

Lockdowns worked in Taiwan and Thailand....could it be because they properly followed mask guidelines?


You and bambino are acting as if the Rooster is the reason for sunrise.

Your cause and correlation need adjusting.

If you have an infection and only take half the medication....do you blame the medication for the infection returning Originally Posted by WTF

Did or did he not shut the economy down?

The answer is yes.

The question wasn't if he wanted to shut it down. Nobody wanted to shutdown the economy. Jesus. Originally Posted by WTF

Jesus won't help you out of your rabbit hole. maybe Juan and Miguel will. how much cash do you have?
VitaMan's Avatar
a dim bulb never sees the light Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Does light see the dim bulb as it passes it ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
DeSantis criticized members of the administration’s COVID-19 response team, including Anthony Fauci, for encouraging economic shutdowns at the beginning of the pandemic.

DeSantis’s state of Florida followed federal guidance nonetheless by closing schools, gyms, restaurants and other buildings.

you do know the difference between guidance and a order/mandate don't ya?

Trump ordered nothing sparky. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
all he can do is advise the governors.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
cdc and health experts most likely gave bad info to Trump. He was misled in to advising a shut down.

who do you think told Trump that a shut down was best for america?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
wtf thinks he's a rabbit.
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  • 03-16-2022, 05:33 AM
here is you saying mandates are good

here is you saying lockdowns work .. the ones you claim Trump ordered (he didn't) and that shutdown the economy

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Here is you being dumb af yet again.

The question was not a moral one but a factual one.

Was Trump responsible for shutting down our economy? That is an emphatic YES.

Now ir you'd like to debate the if "shutdowns are good or bad"...that is a different subject.

Jesus, you're starting to lie worse than Trump.

The problem with you Trump/Reagan worshipers is that you have erroneous facts. Tax cuts do not always produce more tax revenue , Trump not Fauci shut down our economy and Trump is no more responsible for energy independence than Joe Biden.

A belief system built on erroneous information can be dangerous.

It can lead to an invasion of Iraq , of which LexusLover still believes in yellowcake. It can lead to a political party losing it's way and and increasing spending and cutting taxes. That idiotic belief is catching up though and the yen is in play for the purchase of oil.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank you sir for getting rid of that horrible Mongo.,

Poor WWE has painted himself into another corner.

“If you say so.”

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
all he can do is advise the governors. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

and they can take the advise or not.

cdc and health experts most likely gave bad info to Trump. He was misled in to advising a shut down.

who do you think told Trump that a shut down was best for america? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

health experts (sic) did. including farthead Fauci. which makes their claims of following the science either ignorant and overreacting or intentionally wrong,

anyone here 100% certain Fauci didn't have a political agenda?

Here is you being dumb af yet again.

The question was not a moral one but a factual one.

Was Trump responsible for shutting down our economy? That is an emphatic YES.

Now ir you'd like to debate the if "shutdowns are good or bad"...that is a different subject.

Jesus, you're starting to lie worse than Trump.

The problem with you Trump/Reagan worshipers is that you have erroneous facts. Tax cuts do not always produce more tax revenue , Trump not Fauci shut down our economy and Trump is no more responsible for energy independence than Joe Biden.

A belief system built on erroneous information can be dangerous.

It can lead to an invasion of Iraq , of which LexusLover still believes in yellowcake. It can lead to a political party losing it's way and and increasing spending and cutting taxes. That idiotic belief is catching up though and the yen is in play for the purchase of oil. Originally Posted by WTF

ignoring most of the nonsense you posted trying to dig outta yer rabbit hole, after Trump on advice of so-called experts recommended (against his political judgement at the least) shutdowns was he responsible for the Governors not only continuing shutdowns for over a year but also some of them taking the opportunity to act like dictators?

wtf thinks like a rabbit. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm


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