why do so many 100% aa Indies say their race is mixed

From what I have seen, EVERY provider who claims she is a mixed race, and one is AA, then the AA part is the most prevalent in their physical appearance and skin color. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Well, not every one but... The genetic traits for dark skin color and other common physical traits for African descent people are Dominant genes. Caucasian genes are Recessive. In the vast majority of cases, the dominant genes will win. Hence most, but not all, offspring of mixed couples will favor the black side of the equation.

One theory common in genetics is in a few hundred years, almost everyone will be brown. Given the trend in interracial relationships has accelerated in the last 50 years, this make sense.

So yes, many of these women could be actually mixed but because of genetics, their physical appearance will lean towards the black side. Of course, many are lying for a lot of the reasons already given.
There are lots of Black women who are actually mixed even if they possess brown or dark skin. Also, Latina does not inherently mean that one will have light skin or be non-Black. Someone can be both Latina and of African descent, hence Afro-Latina. If the OP is seeking non-Black Latinas, that's real. Also, that desire doesn't mean that a visibly Black provider could also be mixed-raced or specifically Latina.
Are you sure it's 100%

So you been with all AA indy gals....I really doubt it....

Make that 99%.....I don't claim mixed....


Not mixed
Are you sure it's 100%

So you been with all AA indy gals....I really doubt it....

Make that 99%.....I don't claim mixed....


Not mixed
Lisa Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Pretty sure my ancestors didn't come here with ivory light skin like my great grandmama.

It was a lot of White slave masters fucking around in the slave cabins way back when.
There's more to being Black than being black.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
<~~~Extremely Proud 100% African American Woman.
Why does this matter? I want to know that why does it matter what these lady say on their profile. If they want to say there green I think this is America right? ugh smh. why does race matter here?
<~~~Extremely Proud 100% African American Woman. Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper
you go girl...honest ads, good reviews.....you handle your bizness well! and I gave you Greif in the beginning .....you are good at what you do
Why does this matter? I want to know that why does it matter what these lady say on their profile. If they want to say there green I think this is America right? ugh smh. why does race matter here? Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
it matters to guys that it matters too....most of your clients and men on here aren't millinieals..,,, we want what we want, you can call that a prejudice it doesn't mean we are bigoted, we just want what we want.......no hate, racism ,we just have a preference....., why is that so hard to understand?
people like different things, that doesn't make them hateful....its what they like, and unlike you they are paying money they earned, why shouldn't they get what they want
suppose you don't like big macs.....should I guilt you into eating whopper because it has a tomato slice?
Personally, I could care less what skin color or ethnic background a gal is.

But, I can understand if a guy wants a specific type, then he should be able to rely upon what a lady says about herself. This is one of many reasons providers need current, accurate photos in her showcase.

It is not always an issue of prejudice though that is a reality. Sometimes we just want something specific. Like lately I have a hankering for a Japanese girl. I don't want Asian, or mixed , I want Japanese.

I know a LOT of "black" providers and dancers. At least half, if not more are mixed ethnic backgrounds. Not a scientific survey but my observations.

I don't envy you gals trying to balance all this out
The OP is not talking about just skin color. He's talking about the whole presentation. Skin color, talk, etc. But, more than that, it's about misrepresentation. The provider changed her cultural mannerisms when he met her, talking/acting one way before and another way after.
Ok well I hobby too. If I see a picture I dont like I go to the next one. Just stick to one race if that is what you like guys. Tee threads about color and race you already know what they are when you get to their incall.

However I have went to one along time ago she claimed to be hispanic and the pics was extremely hot. When I get to the incall the room this was the wrong lady lol. I was so disappointed and yeah was tickled too. I laughed at her. I gave her 20 bucks and left.
I understand where the OP came from. But not all of AA companions speak like they're from South Dallas...especially if they're from Frisco. Do you know how many times I get hung up on because I don't "sound how I look"? The " around the way girls" urban ladies who behave in a non upscale manner cause the suburban black girl from Plano/Frisco/N Dallas to go through hoops to affluent Suitors to show she is able to be taken out through super eloquent marketing and presentation.

I stopped advertising as Dominican/Black heritage due to the abuse ladies had of it. I speak, read and write Spanish. I pronounce "por que" like a Dominican "pol que" and skip my "s" when speaking Spanish, I don't say " Como estas" , but pronounce it more like "Com tu ta(o)" ... because of my heritage there. I figure one would know upon meeting me speaking Spanish, and with the "mixed" bs going around, why advertise it??

As I said before, I relate to the OP in the sense above. But on the other hand:

As Lena acknowledged, there are Afro-Latinos/as (Sonríe yo existo!). These Afro-Latinos are no more mixed than the Afro Americans here - who ARE mixed (noting Adrienne's comment).

The Africana diaspora goes beyond the US (as we were all taught in elementary, The Nina, The Pinta and Santa Maria landed on the Island of Hispañola with African Slaves - present day Haiti and The Dominican Republic.) I know countless dark and kinky haired Latinos who identify as black first, and not "mixed".

At the end of the day it all boils down to the hole light skin vs dark skin/good hair vs kinky hair/who gets to work in the big house versus who is out in the field picking cotton and indigo slave mentalities many black American communities seem to be branded with.

All I know is I am a proud Ebony Woman!
Red Tex's Avatar
I will subscribe to the "one drop"theory. One drop of Black blood means they are black. I think very dark girls, can be VERY HOT!
Here is the simplest answer for everyone, skin color does not equal race.