Need a little strap on advice

DallasRain's Avatar
There is no script though. You will have to see what your provider does. Hopefully she is experienced. Ask her to start slow, make sure YOU verbalize and have lots of lube on hand. And have FUN, you will love it


have fun baby!
cumalot's Avatar
Ive found the best beginner position for strap on is with the receiver laying face down on a firm surface with his knees on the floor. This allows you to relax your lower body muscles completely. If you are in K9 position you will tend to tense up your muscles to counteract the thrusts of the giver.

There is no script though. You will have to see what your provider does. Hopefully she is experienced. Ask her to start slow, make sure YOU verbalize and have lots of lube on hand. And have FUN, you will love it Originally Posted by Giveumyhart
I've found that by pushing into the provider in the beginning allows for me to take control of the depth and the pressure, otherwise the provider is only guessing as to the depth and pressure that I need to accommodate the dong. Once there and I feel comfortable then the thrusting begins with lots of verbal communication. Again preparation and lots of lube and an experienced person with the strap on is the key, start small then increase the size.
Being cleaned out goes a long way to creating confidence as the what you can to get an inexpensive enema kit, hide it for a day or two, and toss it away later. Some are available for less than $10. The best position will just depend on you. My first time, I was on my side...K9 made it too hard to relax. I also researched and found that creating a yawning motion with your mouth can actually help you relax a little more on your other end. Have fun!
The Slut's Avatar
I thought some of the aura around this play was essentially the " no conscience fuck " aspect of strap on play. Never realized some positions were better than others. And from some of the strap on porn I am not sure there is any comfortable position to take some of those "huge" strap ons.
a yawning motion with your mouth can actually help you relax a little more on your other end. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I love that! Discreetly though, or she may ramp up the activities because she thinks you're bored lol

I also wanted to mention to anyone that engages in anal not to use Anal Ease or any numbing lube. If you can't feel the sensations, the giver could possibly injure you. Plus it defeats the purpose!

I love getting anal
Satyrrical's Avatar
I've heard laughing also works.
cumalot's Avatar
I also wanted to mention to anyone that engages in anal not to use Anal Ease or any numbing lube. If you can't feel the sensations, the giver could possibly injure you. Plus it defeats the purpose! Originally Posted by Giveumyhart
Good to know...
Satyrrical's Avatar
The Fleet fluid is billed as a laxative so is it better to use plain water?
Once I got past the mental aspects ..... and I do believe 90% of receiving anal is mental ... the huge turn on for me was that sublime feeling of turning over control to someone else....becoming someone's fuck toy....and trusting that someone to take control. Once those mental hurdles were overcome, the bigger strapons were no problem.
cumalot's Avatar
Once I got past the mental aspects ..... and I do believe 90% of receiving anal is mental ... the huge turn on for me was that sublime feeling of turning over control to someone else....becoming someone's fuck toy....and trusting that someone to take control. Once those mental hurdles were overcome, the bigger strapons were no problem. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
That's exactly how I feel, I couldn't have worded it better. Being the fuck toy really sums it up...
Ms. Athena's Avatar
That's exactly how I feel, I couldn't have worded it better. Being the fuck toy really sums it up... Originally Posted by cumalot
Are you saying you wanna be my lil fuck toy?? Ummm Dallas sure enjoyed making you her's.....................
cumalot's Avatar
Are you saying you wanna be my lil fuck toy?? Ummm Dallas sure enjoyed making you her's..................... Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
I'm sorry you felt left out....snooze you loose I guess....I'll just have to make it up to you real soon...
DallasRain's Avatar
Are you saying you wanna be my lil fuck toy?? Ummm Dallas sure enjoyed making you her's..................... Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
cumalot's Avatar
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Dallas making her envious is not going to help my situation with her. She will get her Boy Toy, but it may have to wait till you get back to Houston in May...
Be squeaky clean. Have your ass prepared (i.e. increasingly large plugs will help get you sufficiently relxed to enjoy insertion (unless the prep work is part of a longer session) and either pre-lube your cock or make certain your partner strokes you while being penetrated. I also enjoy being gagged (the type that goes in your mouth) so that it feels somewhat forced. Big turnon for me. Another fun variance is to have your arms restrained so that she can simply lift your legs to her shoulders and plunder your insides at her leisure.