Two Girls; One Night (Amber and SexyAngel)

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Lots of game will sort itself out.
  • bam71
  • 05-30-2015, 06:05 PM
Lots of game will sort itself out. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
True true
I am not Frank/Treebark. But I'm not new either. I already alluded to my previous handles in my first post earlier this month. I just don't get why everyone is accused of being that ONE hobbyist. They are more of us than that one guy. Lots of local guys in the hobby. And we're not all Frank. And for the record, Jason was just a random first name.
Yeah nice try. In your response to reaper you stated your new here. Now you say you aren't. That and the use of Jason's name is a little bit too much of a coincidence.
Yeah nice try. In your response to reaper you stated your new here. Now you say you aren't. That and the use of Jason's name is a little bit too much of a coincidence. Originally Posted by Msanders
So you're convinced I'm that ONE hobbyist even though the Admins already cleared me of being him. I guess it really doesn't matter who you accuse me of being, right Jason?
Loki Pk's Avatar
All the RED STAFF EDITS make this seem much worse than it was meant to be. Clearly I wasn't being literal. It was a mediocre visit with SAB, not awful but not great.

Fuck it, just ban me. What's the point of sharing info if I'm just going to get attacked by pedants, Frank-obsessors, and white-knighters. Originally Posted by Zippity
Seriously? I mean...SERIOUSLY!?!?
You post ridicules shit...use multiple handles....don't follow the guidelines in the least fucking bit...
THEN!!! When people call you out on it, THEY are the problem. Last time you posted inane shit like the OP, and I called you out on it 'I' was the problem. I purposely waited for others to chime in, just so you would see that I'm not the only 'pedantic motherfucker' around here.
Why not post these properly as reviews in the review section? I mean really? why not?
Because that would be too guideline specific?

Go ahead, blast away...I live for stupid shit like this.
And just so you know, pedant was originally pedante which in old Italian was 'teacher'. And many of us are not here for an argument, but do try to steer newbs in the right direction.
Oh wait...that's right your not really a newb...are you?
Spitz? Spitzer/ Cheerios? Really, WTF?

Did you ever notice how hundreds of others post and never catch a hassle...yet you and franko catch enough for thousands? But you guys aren't the problem...we are.
yup, makes perfect sense

So there you have it everyone, the Master has finally spoken. I am not that ONE hobbyist who rightfully so deserved his scorn. But good effort, the Toadies have earned their biscuits.

As for not following the rules, well, I'm a Hobbyist. Crack that nut on your own.
And I especially like your use of "Pedantic Motherfucker"
Loki Pk's Avatar
So there you have it everyone, the Master has finally spoken. I am not that ONE hobbyist who rightfully so deserved his scorn. But good effort, the Toadies have earned their biscuits.

As for not following the rules, well, I'm a Hobbyist. Crack that nut on your own. Originally Posted by Zippity
Your many prevarications confound the true intentions of your presence and postings. You eschew the answers to direct questions with the tenacity of a Russian diplomat at the UN. You belittle providers in sardonic posts, then respond with an acerbic attitude when called out on your vitriolic comments.

My only question...Why are you here?
My information is accurate and relevant. I post to help fellow hobbyists. I find it interesting you write I "belittle providers." You do know this is a review board, right? Not all reviews are going to be exuberant approbations, although I know this is your preferred style.

Rather than worry about what I write, why don't you TOFTT and write something useful for the rest of us.
My information is accurate and relevant. I post to help fellow hobbyists. I find it interesting you write I "belittle providers." You do know this is a review board, right? Not all reviews are going to be exuberant approbations, although I know this is your preferred style.

Rather than worry about what I write, why don't you TOFTT and write something useful for the rest of us. Originally Posted by Zippity
Zippity- Look at the number of reviews that Loki has on eccie - 80 . I don't believe that there is any other member in the Albany area - maybe in all NYS-that has contributed more reviews than him.
The Praetorian Guard loyally serves its Master. More biscuits are in order.
  • bam71
  • 06-01-2015, 06:25 PM
My information is accurate and relevant. I post to help fellow hobbyists. I find it interesting you write I "belittle providers." You do know this is a review board, right? Not all reviews are going to be exuberant approbations, although I know this is your preferred style.

Rather than worry about what I write, why don't you TOFTT and write something useful for the rest of us. Originally Posted by Zippity
If this is a review board why didn't you post this in the review section? Oh I know cause your new oh wait no you said been around awhile. Guess I'm confused kinda like you, your posts , and your reviews. Got to agree wit Loki
reaper302's Avatar
I just don't understand why some people feel it is necessary to do crap like this. Yes it is a review board so why not keep it like that. Zippy, you come on here say you are new because you posted in the wrong spot then say you are not. Now I don't know who you really are but from your post saying Jason and what not it is not hard to figure out that you are not new to the site. But like others on here you post a review that is over the top then complain that admin makes it look worse than it is. Then you complain about everything. I'm not trying to call you out but I just don't understand the drama. Post a review, without trying to go over the top with all sorts of diseases because you obviously know better and leave it. Remember you said it. This is a review board, not a place for all the crap that certain people(banned and not banned ones) like to stir up.
For the Toadies: I first posted as Zippity about a month ago, and made it clear I wasn't a new member. When I posted in this thread saying I was new, I qualified it with a smiley face, implying I was being facetious.

Why I need to so precisely explain this baffles me. It doesn't take (to steal the term) a rocket surgeon to figure this shit out. And you Toadies are WAY too obsessed with following the forum posting rules.

Here's a reference I suspect is freshly familiar with many of you: "You can't speak since you don't have the conch! Kill Piggy (aka Frank)!"