A short 2 minute video before “I continue” to share hot Indy’s.

mikemendez's Avatar
Okay then, please elaborate. Give specifics and while pointing out issues, give some input or example on how to improve. Don't just say "He's a problem" I won't know until one person speaks up and points out where what I've said is out of line or what have you.
mikemendez's Avatar
Okay then, it would be helpful if you would elaborate as to my methods in question, if you don’t mind, be specific.
Just remember one thing Mike.....when these places dry up and go away you can look in the mirror and see why.
I'm done preaching.
Have at it
mikemendez's Avatar
You have nothing to base your concerns on, if you don’t offer at least one thing, just one, specific item.
LexusLover's Avatar
You have nothing to base your concerns on, if you don’t offer at least one thing, just one, specific item. Originally Posted by mikemendez
Historically, track the reviews and the busts in Pct 4.

I don't believe in coincidences. Do you?

When I'm having lunch in a rather casual eatery in a major thorough fare IN PCT 4 once adorned with "spas" while at the next table a deputy is showing a young (spa looking) lady the screen to his laptop and describing to her the "language" used IN REVIEWS ... it sort of becomes a "no brainer" to all those "nay-sayers" as yourself.

Do you really believe all that "alphabet soup" for "secret activities" fools LE when they peruse this board? Spas are a fixed target in a fixed building with occupancy and licensing paperwork! Just like LMT'S.
mikemendez's Avatar
To much generalization for my understanding, perhaps if someone begin by saying "Mike my issue with you, your methods is........" then provide an example so to speak where what I said comes into play, specifics to validate your concerns, I'm listening and open minded to hear ya. Not asking you to accept me, nor like me, just offer your logical argument, we can agree to disagree, maybe, maybe not.
LexusLover's Avatar
To much generalization for my understanding, ... Originally Posted by mikemendez
Understandable ... the word is "Too" ... not "To"!

You simply don't want "TO" see or "understand."

That's the sum of it.

So you give too much detail and I generalize too much?

Are you using your detail to "fish" for admissions?
mikemendez's Avatar
In other words, you guys have nothing to base your concerns, by not offering at least point, you lose face. How will I know if you don't tell me exactly what you're referring to. Don't point fingers at a problem, without also offering a solution.
919263's Avatar
All this bickering is not going to help anyone on this site.MM is doing a great job, he has the resources and the personality or I should say the "Balls" to actually go out, talk and get to do what we all here wish we could freely. So his info is of great importance. That being said, there does need to be some control and cover for the information as well, to sum up the concerns of many here, too much information is available right up front. One can create an account in 5 mins, and then you have the exact details of the providers available. You do not have to read the ROS to get the idea where these providers are and how to "Entrap" them. What should happen is for leechers and mongers who are not "Paying Members" and have no skin in the game, should not be able to see details about an encounter. All they should get is a general area, no phone numbers, a general description of the provider, and general activity. The details either should only be shared thru PM, or another means, like the Lounge, where only Paid members can venture. This way the info is NOT out there in the open, is guarded somewhat. Remember, safety of the providers is our safety.
So there you go MM, I am sure everyone here who is a decent guy, and appreciates what this forum is and how valuable your and guys like you contributions are will agree, Mens Lounge should be where paid/Premium members should get more details.
LexusLover's Avatar

One can create an account in 5 mins, and then you have the exact details of the providers available. You do not have to read the ROS to get the idea where these providers are and how to "Entrap" them. What should happen is for leechers and mongers who are not "Paying Members" and have no skin in the game, should not be able to see details about an encounter. Originally Posted by 919263
NonPaying/NonReviewing members can't see ROS.

If you actually believe LE can't get the "investigatory funds" to pay an annual membership to not only get the ROS, but the "Lounge," then well ..... not much more to discuss with you.

Look up "Officer Roscoe"!

Then think about this: Do you believe LE lacks the access to technology to see "hidden" text on this website? Are you deluding yourself?
919263's Avatar
You do sound like a LE... JK... LE has enough resources to do anything if that is the directive to them. So yes they can get the access as well, what I meant to say was that the lounge could be the better alternative than the main encounter page for details. PM would be the best way, I think email would even be better. The point is that Complete details should NOT be given on the Main Encounters page.
CandyStoreKid's Avatar
Hey Mike, I think your intentions are well and I have benefitted from you sharing. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you would share general information in a review. But if people wanted the specifics place, contact info i.e. then you would share via PM to people you know truly are here for the hobby fun. This way, you control who gets the info therefore putting the ladies and places at less risk.

Again thanks for all you do and dont let those who are unable to verbalize and offer legitimate feedback stop you from being you brother...
jojodancer15's Avatar
Hey Mike, I think your intentions are well and I have benefitted from you sharing. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you would share general information in a review. But if people wanted the specifics place, contact info i.e. then you would share via PM to people you know truly are here for the hobby fun. This way, you control who gets the info therefore putting the ladies and places at less risk.

Again thanks for all you do and dont let those who are unable to verbalize and offer legitimate feedback stop you from being you brother... Originally Posted by CandyStoreKid
I think this is good information for all of us to follow. We try to keep our hobby thing discrete but at the same time enlighten each other. (Don't forget LE can also buy a Premium access and read the ROS) How about we all share and be as general as possible. Instead of giving the address & contact info. Leave that blank and out of the ROS all together or just say Houston. This way the guys who are interested can reach out via PM.

Then we control who is getting access to the info. It's more work but and extra ounce of precaution goes a long way to protecting all involve.

The ladies who post all their info on showcases or other webistes, it is what it is. But this Chinatown underworld thing, we need to do all we can to keep it safe.

Mike I appreciate your contribution and you know I'm having a good time with the info you've given me. Thanks again, now let's keep this thing of our safe from LE and Predators.

By the way, this thread is a good thing. Believe it or not, we all came together to figure out how to keep all involved safe. Sometimes people use "YOU" language and point the finger and cause us to get defensive. Let's all keep the bigger picture in mind, How do we keep the ladies safe and share with each other for a better hobbying experiece?

LexusLover's Avatar
You do sound like a LE... JK... Originally Posted by 919263
I hope "JK" stands for "JOKE"!
LexusLover's Avatar
You do sound like a LE... JK... Originally Posted by 919263
I hope "JK" stands for "JOKE"!

May be you could send "Officer Roscoe" a PM and ask him.

On the "JOKE" ... that's worn out ...

PMs, emails, text messaging, etc., all leave "pecker tracks" ... so any user should be forewarned ... some don't care because they have nothing to lose, while others don't believe the assets are there to obtain the information .... I'm more concerned about the ones who don't believe as opposed to the ones who don't give a shit! And that goes for providers as much as hobbyists.