I think there should be rules regarding pictures!

Well let me let you know something right off the top- I have 3 degrees - I could give a fucking rat's ass for punctuation/misspelled words/grammatical errors on a fucking whore board. I am not turning in a resume or submitting a thesis. Next time I message you- I'll make sure if I have on a suit and tie and some nice dress shoes because shit- if I have a error perhaps I will get turned down for a session. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Good luck. I have the PM's turned off. I don't have time to chase numerous messages across various venues.

For someone who has 3 degrees, it helps to reflect it. Instead, you're either on a small device or never caught on that it's difficult to dissect what you have to say because all of it runs together.

Again- there you go jumping to conclusions- where did I say or give you the idea that ladies/providers are lazy.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

The conclusions come about since it's an implied theme that depicts the women as unskilled and unemployed.

You made the reference of wasting time- sorry but if a hobbyist looks at a provider's showcase and sees pics of a 120lb lady and he sets up a appointment and arrives and the lady is 170lbs- tell me again who's time got wasted?
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Both -- yours and hers.

I live a very nice lifestyle- 3 degrees- one of which is a Doctorate- but carry-on!
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Keep bragging about the degrees. *yawns*

perhaps the provider needs to seek another business.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Perhaps the men need to stop telling the ladies how to run their business. The ladies will figure it out on their own. Carping at them isn't going to solve anything.

No matter how you try to sugar coat it- if she looks considerably different from her pics it's BAIT and SWITCH
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Bait & switch is when someone else shows up instead of the anticipated person.

just out of curiosity are your pics outdated? You seem to be very sensitive towards the subject- if your pics aren't outdated why would you even care or comment?
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

My pics don't interest you. You're not curious; you're combative.

You have no plans of connecting with me anyway and I wouldn't consider you as it is.

Not sensitive -- just sick of seeing the same thing regurgitated over and over. The identical subject came up 2 days ago since you can't be bothered to reference the link shared in the previous posts.

My personal site needs to be revamped. However, my showcase has more current images. At the moment, it doesn't matter. I've been in and out of the hobby sporadically during recent months to handle personal issues.

Does it bother you that I'm answering? You seem rather agitated.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Good luck. I have the PM's turned off. I don't have time to chase numerous messages across various venues.

For someone who has 3 degrees, it helps to reflect it. Instead, you're either on a small device or never caught on that it's difficult to dissect what you have to say because all of it runs together.

The conclusions come about since it's an implied theme that depicts the women as unskilled and unemployed.

Both -- yours and hers.

Keep bragging about the degrees. *yawns*

Perhaps the men need to stop telling the ladies how to run their business. The ladies will figure it out on their own. Carping at them isn't going to solve anything.

Bait & switch is when someone else shows up instead of the anticipated person.

My pics don't interest you. You're not curious; you're combative.

You have no plans of connecting with me anyway and I wouldn't consider you as it is.

Not sensitive -- just sick of seeing the same thing regurgitated over and over. The identical subject came up 2 days ago since you can't be bothered to reference the link shared in the previous posts.

My personal site needs to be revamped. However, my showcase has more current images. At the moment, it doesn't matter. I've been in and out of the hobby sporadically during recent months to handle personal issues.

Does it bother you that I'm answering? You seem rather agitated.

. Originally Posted by Shea Veile
You may want to re-read your post- my original post clearly stated that I agree with everything you said with the exception of the cancellation fee- there has already been one hobbyist who agrees with me and I think may more would agree/

You are the one who went on the tantrum of how you have a real life job and don't depend on men rant not me. I just let you know you are not talking to an ass kissing, uneducated White Knight who is just going to bow down to you because you are the great Shea- nope not me- I speak my mind.

Also, don't you think it's stretch that the OP is telling ladies to run their business if he's suggesting that they just use updated pics? It's not like he's telling them to have their prices at this fee and only perform these kind of activities....

Also, I guess you and I can agree to disagree, but if a lady is posting pics of when she was attractive and let's say weighed 120lbs and in reality she's 70 lbs heavier- it's bait and switch IMHO or deception of some sort- in other words she's not being honest and sorry deception and lies do not deserve a cancellation fee. Heck by your logic- if a lady who is now 200 lbs and once weighed 120 lbs- she should post an AD on this site and just make some extra money on cancellation fees.

Finally, it doesn't bother me that you are answering- I am not even angry at you- you appear to be a very intelligent lady- you have a history of great reviews and I am pretty sure you are a classy woman- once again in my original response I told you I agree with everything you stated except the cancellation fee than that appeared to rub you the wrong way as you had one of those :"How dare this guy disagree with me..." and you went on a tirade about grammar- which I already told you this is basically a whore board for what it's worth- I am not trying to impress anyone with my writing skills.

P.S: I hope you are dealing well with your personal issues- I don't wish any ill will towards anyone on here because Karma is a B*tch.
black sunshine's Avatar
Damn did everyone forget how to make a point in a simple paragraph?
I don't think there should be more rules about pictures. If the site has too many rules then people may not want to use the site anymore.

I agree with what Shea said about voting with your wallet. It would also be helpful to state in your reviews whether the provider photos were accurate representations of their appearance. That should be good enough in my opinion.
Boltfan's Avatar
This one is fun...

Especially from a chick who habitually has mixed in very old pictures with new(er) ones that are still old.

WE911 made a pretty damn good point and gave you all your points save one. The cancellation fee for what amounts to false advertising is the biggest laughable point to your entire diatribe.

Thanks for the laugh.

Oh and I punctuated properly, as if that matter to the point.

I just let you know you are not talking to an ass kissing, uneducated White Knight who is just going to bow down to you because you are the great Shea- nope not me- I speak my mind. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I don't expect anyone to kiss ass. Insulting when they do. Also very distasteful when someone lies or doesn't have the backbone to say it like it is. I have much more respect for a person when they're upfront without minced words.

Also, don't you think it's stretch that the OP is telling ladies to run their business if he's suggesting that they just use updated pics? It's not like he's telling them to have their prices at this fee and only perform these kind of activities..... Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

The ladies are doing what they can to get by with whatever means they have available to them. I'm sure they know some things are important but they may have other stuff going on that requires more attention.

All he had to do was click to the 2nd page and would've seen the former thread about the subject. If someone doesn't get past the first page, it reeks of laziness or carpal tunnel. Go further, at least 3-5 pages.

If a lady is posting pics of when she was attractive and let's say weighed 120lbs and in reality she's 70 lbs heavier- it's bait and switch IMHO or deception of some sort- in other words she's not being honest and sorry deception and lies do not deserve a cancellation fee. Heck by your logic- if a lady who is now 200 lbs and once weighed 120 lbs- she should post an AD on this site and just make some extra money on cancellation fees. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

My logic doesn't have to do with weight. If there are big changes, yes, I agree new images should be considered. Deception? Hhmmm ... maybe, but I wouldn't go that far unless it's blatant.

At the same time, I understand if she's strapped for funds and may not have the means to take care of it as much as she would like to. It's difficult to trust someone to take pics and not circulate them without her control. There are also a lot of men who offer to help but instead take advantage without delivering the promise.

I could suggest a few ways around the issues but I can't make the ladies follow through. Selfie sticks, camera timer, remote & stand, enlisting on modeling sites for TFP/CD/TD, splitting costs of shoots with other ladies & photographers, etc.

Other ladies may have personal demons - the kind that require professional help and resources. I don't know. I'm not there and I wouldn't post about it to become world news either.

once again in my original response I told you I agree with everything you stated except the cancellation fee than that appeared to rub you the wrong way as you had one of those :"How dare this guy disagree with me..." and you went on a tirade about grammar- which I already told you this is basically a whore board for what it's worth- I am not trying to impress anyone with my writing skills. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Cancellation fee. Usually this comes into play if there's a disagreement on site or plans have fallen apart on extreme short notice without any chance of loss recovery.

One comes to mind. The man spent the entire time on the phone wandering around the property everywhere else but where he was supposed to be. The directions were so clear and simple, a bee could've buzzed straight to the front door of the apartment. In the meantime, he had become sideways in an argument with the assistant I had then and wouldn't explain what happened. I couldn't get any info from either one and no way to get comfortable with the whole fiasco, we ended the date within the first 10 minutes. He left half of the donation for the time reserved.

I've had to push for it only on a handful of occasions but with good reasons. Usually they were arrangements with the details already worked out -- then at the last minute, getting stuck with hotel & travel costs or along those lines. It's even worse when stranded in the middle of an unfamiliar city.

P.S: I hope you are dealing well with your personal issues- I don't wish any ill will towards anyone on here because Karma is a B*tch. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Thoughtful. Thank you.

It has to do with elderly family issues. I hate being called away to deal with messes. There's good reason why I tell them I only visit at Christmas unless it's something really important. Very long drive out of state and tedious.

Randall Creed's Avatar
Damn, that 'wannabe photographer' line really feels like a low blow. You know, the 'pros' didn't start out as pros. They had to gain experience to perfect their craft. They look at old pictures they took years and decades ago and think, 'Damn, I can't believe I took THAT picture!' or, 'What the hell was THAT!' or, 'What was I thinking!'.

That's just life and the progression everyone goes through. I'm pretty sure the first blowjob you gave isn't anything close to what you can give now.

Think about this, the more experienced photographers you have floating around, the more balanced the cost of shoots will be. Instead of standing in line waiting to overpay the cream of the crop (no offense), these ladies could be letting these 'wannabes' gain experience and figure out what works and doesn't work. Provider numbers keep growing. Shouldn't photographer numbers grow and keep pace?

I've seen enough terrible selfies to suggest that it's worth it to give the wannabes a shot. Only the serious wannabes, though (you can determine HOW serious by the equipment they use...usually).

Though it would be difficult to enforce, there should at least be encouragement to maintain reasonably recent photos. One or two shoots a year shouldn't be THAT big of a deal to most providers. There's no excuse for 5-year old photos, as far as I'm concerned. Even if you're maintaining, it'd still be nice to see you in new outfits.

Guys are visual creatures. We can't help it.

This one is fun...

Especially from a chick who habitually has mixed in very old pictures with new(er) ones that are still old.
Originally Posted by Boltfan

Interesting coming from someone who has met me on several occasions.
I'm still the same height and build as the last time we ran into each other.

My personal issues have stretched back the last 3-4 years -- from surgeries and recoveries to family issues. I've been away since late last year.

I openly stated my site needs to be revamped and didn't hide it. The most recent pics are located on my showcase. They were taken a few months ago. So what's your grind??

The only difference: I've dropped almost 30 lbs within a year due to stress & health. My clothes are a little big but I look damn good! Not many people can attain their former svelte high school self later in life.

Now I haveta shop for new lacey bits. Fun!

..... And without you!

Damn Shea Veile, you're beautiful and intelligent; I love it!
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 09-08-2015, 06:43 AM
First: As a mod, the only rule is they need to be of the lady (not someone else). You would be surprised how often they are of someone else and we need to handle it. (not everyday or week, but way more than you would think)

Second: as a hobbyist, so long as they are representative I don't care if they are old or not. Hell I see some ladies with pics from 10 years ago which were used on ASPD. I have no idea if they still look the same or not....the information is out there, guys just need to not be lazy about their research.

The ladies are not putting every pic of themselves up, they are putting their best ones...still doesn't mean that is what they will look like when you show up.

As for the cancellation fee Shea....if the lady falsely advertises and he decides to leave right away, hell no on the cancellation fee.

Cancellation fee. Usually this comes into play if there's a disagreement on site or plans have fallen apart on extreme short notice without any chance of loss recovery.

One comes to mind. The man spent the entire time on the phone wandering around the property everywhere else but where he was supposed to be. The directions were so clear and simple, a bee could've buzzed straight to the front door of the apartment. In the meantime, he had become sideways in an argument with the assistant I had then and wouldn't explain what happened. I couldn't get any info from either one and no way to get comfortable with the whole fiasco, we ended the date within the first 10 minutes. He left half of the donation for the time reserved.

I've had to push for it only on a handful of occasions but with good reasons. Usually they were arrangements with the details already worked out -- then at the last minute, getting stuck with hotel & travel costs or along those lines. It's even worse when stranded in the middle of an unfamiliar city.

. Originally Posted by Shea Veile
A local provider who charges a cancellation fee because it did not work out before 10 minutes are up?

I know that ladies are all about the money, and since that is the case, how about a cancellation fee for a guy who gets ready, drives across town in traffic, and he gets there, then something suddenly came up and she has to cancel or the dreaded radio silence because she tried to squeeze in a regular who called her last minute?

A traveling provider knows the risk of traveling and assumes that risk when she does so. It is all part of the hobby, for providers, it is the cost of doing business, for hobbyists, it is the cost of being in the hobby. You can bitch about it as it is frustrating when it happens, but it is the risk of being in this hobby.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I like the concept of "shared cost" for a photoshoot. If the photog is an unpaid amateur like me having two providers at the same time (provided both were well reviewed as far as trust goes) would be great, making suggestions on poses, moving or holding lights and reflectors while shooting the other etc.

But I think getting schedules to mesh would be a lot like herding cats.
Speaking of new photos, and videos......

Check out http://lolabrea.com

I take pictures every summer!! the latest two videos and pictures were taken in June!!!

I think it would be good if the mods could wipe out all images on eccie every few months then it would be easy to tell who continually uploads the same photos and which change.... P411 has a notification stating "New Photos" when a new image is uploaded....
Guest113018-1's Avatar
It seems that cost of a photo shoot has been mentioned as a reason for not getting new photos done more often. Here's a suggestion, It appears we have a few amateur and semi pro and maybe even some real professional photographers as clients here on eccie. We should put a few on staff, kind of like a mod, and when a new provider enters the scene and wants to become verified and post a showcase she schedules with the staff photographer and they work out a payment, either a nominal fee or maybe trade services. Then every provider has to get new photos every year and has to go through the same process. Or let them post selfies as long as they show the date they were taken.
There will always be a NEW excuse for not having new photos... I mean really!?!? you cant afford a photo shoot?? Most girls are getting paid 300 and hour and cant afford a full day photographer? Come on now.....

It's lack of common business sense... if all the girls knew how new photos impact business trust me photographers would be full booked, the ladies would be in high demand and the hobbyists would be broke....

also the OP isn't asking for professional photos just new photos how hard is it to take a selfie? is taking a selfie expensive?