Mayweather ducking Pacquiao....Again!

I think it'll happen next year, hell it BETTER happen next year! I've been waiting on this damn fight for awhile now. lol

Mayweather spends money like he has a cash tree outside. So by this time next year Im sure he'll commit to the fight. Plus who else is he going to fight??
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-19-2010, 10:28 AM

I dont know it it will ever happen I want it too as well he will go down as ducking a fight if he tries to pull some bullshit and retire.
He has a big ego, his pride won't allow people to talk shit about him for too long before he commits to the fight... and that is just what'll happen if he doesnt fight
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
They're both great fighters, and it's silly to say either boxer is afraid of the other, or of the outcome. Getting solid leather on Mayweather must be like trying to thread an eel through a needle, but Pac will if anyone can. That sucker's got more angles to punch out from than I've seen in a long time. I think Mayweather's shucking and jiving is just him trying to pitch his tent in Pac's mind and take up residence there ... at this level the contest is as much psychological and mental as it is physical. I saw that up close when Bud Adams had my buddy Cleveland Williams served with a lawsuit in the dressing room at the Astrodome mere minutes before his Heavyweight Championship fight with Muhammed Ali. The Big Cat turned pale and shrunk visibly before the fight, Ali saw in the ring as they were introduced that his adversary was a defeated man and had the decency to ask the Cat if he wanted a postponement. I'll never forget the way Cleveland's process bounced every time he got hit; it was a mismatch that night, but Cleveland was a hell of a fighter with a chance of winning...until that psychological blow fell on him. I wonder if Mr. Adams is ashamed of himself. There are some sorry bastards (NOT the fighters) in boxing, as bad as any pimp.
boardman's Avatar
There are some sorry bastards (NOT the fighters) in boxing, as bad as any pimp. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Well said!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Mayweather's scared. Plain and simple.
Sisyphus's Avatar
The subject of Mayweather is an an old open wound on my skin.

I will begin by trying to give the man his props. He's unbeaten & he's one of the fastest, slickest boxers I've ever seen. He takes the shoulder-roll defense to a whole new level. This is coming from a guy who grew up in the heart of Sugar Ray Leonard country!


Although he is a GOOD BOXER, he will never be a GREAT FIGHTER. I say this simply because he simply refuses to fight anyone who has a legitimate shot to beat him at the time the fight takes place. He has fought a lot of "name" boxers but there is ALWAYS an asterisk of some sort that has to be factored in. Too small, too slow, on the downside of their career at the time, etc., etc.

PacMan is just the latest in the line. "Money" will shuck & jive, duck & dive, until Manny has lost a step, had a problem, or shows some sort of weakness. Then, & only then, he'll take some promoter's money to beat the name - not the man. Then he will beat his chest & loudly proclaim that he's taken another step to cement his legacy as the greatest of all time.

It's a shame. The real losers in all of this are the devoted fans of a fading sport that allows this to happen far too often.

Floyd may be the greatest boxer I've ever seen...but he's not even the best fighter in his own family. Rodger had more heart/guts in his little finger than Floyd has in his whole body.
thebodyguard_69's Avatar
Mayweather's scared. Plain and simple. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Randall Creed's Avatar
Pacquiao would make more money off Mayweather by putting him out on the street corner than he would in the ring.

That's how much BITCH Mayweather has in him.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Pacquiao would make more money off Mayweather by putting him out on the street corner than he would in the ring.

That's how much BITCH Mayweather has in him. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
You speak with the authority of someone with inside knowledge. Are you?

Or is it merely that for some reason known only to yourself you don't like the guy. Is it because of his prowess at avoiding solid punches? Or because his punches are mostly pitty-pats that might look good if you are a female boxing referee in the Olympics, between tampon ads?

Those aren't my favorite style elements either, but his near supernatural ability to slip punches doesn't make him a bitch. Any man who ever fought wishes he could slip punches like Mayweather, I guarantee you that.

People used to speak of Muhammed Ali back when he was Cassius Clay the way you did of Mayweather...because he was an elusive target whose happy feet seemed to always dance his ass out of danger. Then old English heavyweight Henry Cooper laid him flat down in 1963 with the hardest punch I ever saw. How Clay ever got his ass up after that is a mystery to me. A friggin' miracle! Un-assing canvas is always a Herculean effort, running a marathon is a lot easier, and not only did Clay get his ass off the floor (he was saved by the bell that round), he came back and stopped I think the next round. I'm still pissed off at Ali because he refused to take the step every American male should be expected to take, but nobody can say he couldn't take a punch or didn't have heart.

I have no idea what kind of man Mayweather is outside the ring, but if he's in any way typical of his profession he is a calm, quiet fellow with a helluva work ethic.

So.....what specifically earned him such a low opinion from Mr. Creed?
boardman's Avatar
When heavyweights were king, that was the golden era.
Jimmy Young, Now there was a heavyweight that could slip a punch! To bad he couldn't deliver one like Frazier or Foreman.
I'm still pissed off at Ali because he refused to take the step every American male should be expected to take Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
What? Originally Posted by htownhammer
He was drafted, same as Elvis. Unlike Elvis, however, he refused 3 times to take the step forward at the call of his name at the induction center here in Houston in 1967.

Before that I was his biggest fan. I even bet a buddy he would serve, and lost.

After that, fuck the sorry bastard!
allofamber's Avatar
I so want this fight to HAPPEN!!!! Sign the dam contract already...dammit!!!!!
Randall Creed's Avatar
'Money' Mayweather is a chauvinistic PIG who literally throws his money the 'I'm paid and you're not' kind of way. Basically the same way rappers do it, and we all hate them for that, don't we (among other reasons)?

His ability to dodge punches is fine, but part of that is simply because he's running. He's not always 'dodging' them by bobbing and weaving, but by simply RETREATING. This doesn't make for a great fight, especially when it's done to excess. Apparently, the crowd doesn't care much for it, either, because they've booed his fights on more than one occasion.

The reason he doesn't want to fight Pac is because he knows he's not a flawed fighter like that kid from England that both of them beat in like 20 seconds (2-3 rounds, actually). The mere THOUGHT of losing has him shook, so bad that he's doing shit he's NEVER done before any other potential opponent. That, Donny T, is the most telling.

But he's YOUR kind of fighter and person, by all means continue sucking up to him.