What Makes a Stalker Do It?

do you know who the guy is Jamie
why dont these girls that is getting so called stalked,change their numbers and only give it out through e-mail
Iaintliein's Avatar
If you ever think that you understand why someone does this sort of thing. . . go get psychiatric help immediately.

I've never had a stalker, but I did watch my sister go through a stalking situation. Changing a number is not enough when you are truly being stalked. This guy left notes on her car at school and at social functions, sent her emails, sent emails to anyone he could find that was associated with her, threatened her, threatened one of her FRIENDS if she didn't tell him information.

THAT is a stalker, my friends.
now thats stalking
"so called stalked?"
you have a lot of audacity to say that, sexysouthernguy, But I'll let that go for now --

It isn't as easy as just changing your number, and changing your number has its advantages and disadvantages. If a stalker wants to find my new number, I don't doubt that he could find a way. We all know there are people on eccie who don't value discretion as much as they should, and a stalker who is obviously psychotic will go to all lengths to get information.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
SSG1985, I read your posting in the fantasy top 5 thread.

Quoting you,
"Tara Evans I really masturbate to you daily baby".

This could be step one.

Friends of Tara may want to let her know.
you dont think guys masteurbate to the girls on here
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Well if you couple that with,

Hi the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you. I'm sure they will be flocking to your door.
Please stop feeding the troll. Just hit the RTM button and move on. He's not trying to participate, he's trying to instigate. I'm pretty sure this is the guy that wreaked havoc on the board about a month ago or so. Just ignore him.
sending my love to you traci why are you so quick to judge me I have done nothing to you I am not a troll just posting my thoughts on the thread thats all
The two types of stalkers I'm familiar with are very different. There's the stalker that truly does not realize that what he (I'm using he, though truly the same goes for women) is doing is wrong. He likes the girl, and thinks he just needs to prove himself to her. That the more attention he gives her, the better his chances of winning her or changing her mind. He doesn't mean any harm, and usually does eventually give up or come to realize the flaw in his logic. This kind of stalker is best ignored, IMO.

The other kind of stalker is the one that really bothers me. He KNOWS what he's doing is wrong, and does it anyway. He fully intends to annoy/disrupt/endanger her. He feels slighted or insulted in some way and either wants to establish his dominance, or exact revenge. Maybe both. This kind of stalker is a real danger, and I'd take any action I felt necessary to ensure my safety. If it's him or me, I pick me.

I'm not sure we'll ever know WHY these people feel that it's okay to go to these extremes. In my opinion, it's best to just recognize the behavior and act accordingly, as opposed to try to understand the motivation. If you're wired correctly, you'll never understand. If you DO understand, don't call me, I'm booked. :P Originally Posted by tracibrooks
I'm going to have to agree with you on those statements. I have a guy that I will not see, now is calling me from a different phone number every week, constantly emailing/texting and just really making himself look a little "cooo-kooo" i've decided to just ignore him though. And whats up with the guy's searching myspace for providers. I recently joined myspace to find some childhood friends, and after all the guy's sending me email's letting me know they've seen my ad's. I said the heck with it and deleted my whole page.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I agree with Tracibrooks as well. The first guy/girl is annoying but usually harmless. In fact, mostly sad and pathetic. The second example is dangerous as hell.
I learned about these 2 types firsthand a few years ago. It's funny now, but I actually had a girl (not a provider) stalk me. She rode by my house regularly (in different cars), she had her brother keep an eye on me as he lived in the same neighborhood. I did not find this fact out for quite some time. Middle of the night phone calls, usually with an immediate hang up, dozens of e-mails and somehow, she always showed up whenever I went out. She would drink and get crazy and sometimes made a scene. Like I said more annoying than anything. I actually felt sorry for her. She finally moved on.
Example #2 ( the dangerous one)
I had a female friend that was being stalked by this type of guy. It's a Fatal Attaction. Women are certainly capable of it, but I think it usually tends to be a guy that takes it to this level. This guy started out slow and then accelerated his program to the point of death threats. He threatened everybody associated with her. He turned things around so badly in his mind that he felt he had been truly misled and wronged by her which justified his behavior.
I had a meeting with him. It did not go well. There was no violence, just denial on his part and I came away from it realizing that I was dealing with an insane individual. It's a form of obsessive compulsive behavior and these guys keep looping this over and over in their mind until they are removed from reality. He was finally arrested and he was told in private by a detective that if this continued, the local law enforcement would make it a point to see that he suffered. He was advised that if her relatives or friends took things into their own hands, they would probably turn a blind eye to it or figure out some way to prove that he was in the wrong. They reinforced that by basically stalking him for a while. I think being followed regularly by a patrol car seemed to do the trick. LE is not all bad. If you find the right detective, they can help in this type of situation. You need to have a lawyer ready as well.
It's a shame that the world is polluted with these types.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Here's a tip... Another reason to change to a Google voice number. When you get a stalker calling you, you can have his number (only) route to anything you want. It can be a recording with a blunt message, a church (lol), or anything you want. You don't have to change your number so it doesn't disrupt your business. GV is a great hobby tool.

A close friend of mine was being stalked by a psychotic ex. He would break into her house and wait for her to come home. The only thing that stopped him was exposure. My girlfriend and I went home with her and he was there. I had a serious talk with him but it was clear that the exposure had already solved the problem. So, fine ladies, please don't shelter these douche bags with anonymity. Give them one warning and if they don't stop, out them.

My $0.02. L4L