Inflation Hits 40 year High

... Oh ... So THAT explains it... I thought maybe Trump
now gets a money cut of every orange sold. $$$

Why? ... because they're ORANGE!

Surely reckon that's WHY He moved to Florida!

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
You need to look at each of the items, Bam. And to pay attention.


Major demand increase over the past 2 years. Lower supply. Why, lower supply? Orange crop yields have been impacted for well over a decade by things such as the HLB bacteria that causes citrus greening. Been a problem since 2005. From 2015 to 2016 the price of orange juice almost DOUBLED due to weather issues including storms, HLB and other pests. We're looking at potentially the lowest crop since WW2 and the highest demand OJ has seen in a decade. That's a recipe for inflation.

Now, were there some issues with workers in 2020? Some COVID factors? Sure, some. Just as in pretty much every other sector. But, industry experts pretty much agree that HLB, exacerbated by Irma in 2018 has held on strong and continues to decimate crop yields.

Now, add to that pandemic related cost increases to labor, fertilizer, seed stock and transportation.

So 10% more expensive than last year? That's shockingly low given the circumstances. Vastly lower than what we saw from 2015 to 2016, though.

Context. It's important. Could Biden have helped make it better? Sure. I blame Biden as much as I blame Trump and Obama and Bush for not taking more effective, decisive actions to eradicate HLB and the insects that carry it from tree to tree and impact future crops.

There's also no easy, silver bullet solution. But I loves me some Florida OJ Originally Posted by HDGristle
Oh geez, oranges? I take 1000mgs a day. But oranges don’t matter. Oil and energy does. Everything goes up from there Mr Conservative (the man).

BTW, a guy that complained about “balance” in the Sandbox is now a prolific poster of Political topics!!!! Did you post in the hemorrhoid thread?
HDGristle's Avatar
Snappy comeback, guy
bambino's Avatar
Snappy comeback, guy Originally Posted by HDGristle
Oh, it was.

From a guy that wants to leave a hooker board, but stays. Then posts threads about too many political threads, but post threads and posts in several political topics. Seems like you’re confused and conflicted. I suggest, that YOU find help. Just sayin. Good luck Bro

BTW, I hope you don’t have hemoroids too!!!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
We all do Bam. Some are just more inflated than others.
bambino's Avatar
We all do Bam. Some are just more inflated than others. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Wow, what a tepid response. But I know. You’re conflicted. But you have to know. I guess that’s the rub. I would suggest you pull your bootstraps up. Face the facts. Be “The Man”.
HDGristle's Avatar
I've got a gallon of OJ that I can easily afford. In this moment, all is right in my world.
Oh, it was.

From a guy that wants to leave a hooker board, but stays. Then posts threads about too many political threads, but post threads and posts in several political topics. Seems like you’re confused and conflicted. I suggest, that YOU find help. Just sayin. Good luck Bro

BTW, I hope you don’t have hemoroids too!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

... Not to be judgmental, but there IS some truth to this.

Not just that inflation is at a 40 year high.
But this:

A fellow complains of too many political threads,
and then even badmouths the forum here AND the site,
and re-invents his persona as "The Man" - some-sort of
suave and boss-cocky expert on things. And even posts
political threads of his-own.

Amazing how things surely boomerang, aint it?

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah Salty - what you described is quite hypocritical wouldn't you say?

Anyway back to the topic of the thread:
July 19, 2021: “Biden says inflation temporary”
Almost 7 months later…
February 10, 2022: “inflation just hit highest level since 1982”

Senile Biden is a Complete and total failure. This chart really shows how bad inflation is historically

lustylad's Avatar
You need to look at each of the items, Bam. And to pay attention.

Oranges. Originally Posted by HDGristle
What's your point, Gristle? The Consumer Price Index is based on a basket of commodities, of which oranges are an insignificant portion. You might have a point if the price of oranges was spiking but everything else was stable or declining in price. That's obviously not what's happening.

Because of Biden's gross macroeconomic mismanagement, prices of EVERYTHING are soaring - oranges, lemons, pork, chicken, steaks, Big Macs, coffee, cars, rent - EVERY FUCKING COMPONENT OF THE CPI IS GOING UP!

So what's the point of your pedantic explanation of the factors driving up orange prices??
HDGristle's Avatar
The point is that we can have similar convos about each of the staples in the CPI bucket. And there will be varying levels of things that the current admin can and can't do to address them. Or didn't do.

That the Fed can and can't do. Or didn't.

That are setup by previous administration policies.

That depend on public and private business decisions.

The average person doesn't scratch the surface of understanding inflationary drivers. On avg, blame is assigned to whoever is in charge at that moment when things go poorly. Praise is assigned to whoever is in charge at that moment when things go right. But they don't get there in a vacuum. Not everything can be just be handwaved and/or blamed on Democrat spending. Or people notnworking because of stimulus funds. Or COVID restrictions. Or the current guy. Or even the last guy.

But that's what we do because it's easy to not be informed. The media, left and right, are great at obfuscating, praising folks for shit they had little to do with and scapegoating for the same for their respective set of lemmings.

When we boil things down to "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?" we are purposely divorcing ourselves of context to focus on the surface level. I'm vastly more well off today than I was 4 years ago and compared to last year inflation included. I know many aren't.

Any time we pull a snapshot on inflation we need to understand the context of not just what happened from point F to point G, but go back further to understand the context of how we got to point F.

But if we only look at it through political lenses, driven by long-standing media strategies to take advantage of our cognitive dissonance and low levels curiosity then I guess we aren't as smart as we pretend to be when bashing the other side.

If we wanted to solve the chip crisis we have today, when did it start? Why does most of the world get them from one place? Where do we get the materials? Where would we build the plants? What kind of workers do we need? What would the lead time be on getting this up and running? What's the projection on how long it would take to get them cranking out at full capacity? How long until we had supply under control? Why wasn't something done to shore this up before? What's being done now? Why isn't it solved yet?

That chip shortage has been a fucking killer headwind for our economy and the global economy at large. Would you care to discuss it and the impacts of it on inflation, lusty?
HDGristle's Avatar
Aussie, because I know my audience, when I say chip crisis it's not about a bag of them poh-tay-toe crisps or the side that goes with your fish sammich.

It's those crunchy computer chips that cut up your mouth something fierce when you chew them
berryberry's Avatar
While some try to make light of this and obfuscate the issue - Inflation soars, and not just for Food & Energy.

See the data on Rents vaulting higher. Biden crushes prosperity, especially for middle and lower income Americans…
berryberry's Avatar
Bidenflation Triggers 'Stunning' Collapse of Consumer Sentiment to 10-Year Low

Consumer sentiment plunged in the early weeks of February as consumers lost faith in the Biden administration’s economic policies, inflation rose to the worst level in 40 years, and the long-term economic outlook of American households fell to its least favorable level in a decade.

The University of Michigan’s measure of consumer sentiment crashed to an initial February reading of 61.7, from January’s level of 67.2, the lowest reading since October of 2011.

Economists were expecting a reading of 67, so this was a much bigger decline than anticipated.

“Sentiment continued its downward descent, reaching its worst level in a decade, falling a stunning 8.2 percent from last month and 19.7 percent from last February,” said Richard Curtin, the chief economist of the consumer sentiment survey.

The component of the index that measures consumers’ views of current conditions dropped to 68.5 in February from 72 in January. The gauge of expectations fell to 57.4 from 64.1.

Cratering sentiment has been driven by weakening personal financial prospects, largely due to rising inflation, less confidence in the government’s economic policies, and the least favorable long-term economic outlook in a decade, according to Curtin.

One-third of consumers spontaneously cited the impact of higher inflation on personal finances. Nearly half of all consumers expect declines in their inflation-adjusted incomes during the year ahead.

Twenty-six percent of consumers expect their financial prospects to worsen, the highest level of negative sentiment in four decades.
ok, thats great, i been fuckin with shorty way too long