GOP Redistricting attempts being thwarted

berryberry's Avatar
Ok fellas...I think if you re-read my post, it acknowledged that both sides do gerrymander, but that I felt the Red States have made a ton of restriction to voter access, and they have gone to efforts to redraw voting districts on top. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Your original post did no such thing. You claimed this was all just the GOP / Red States

The fact remains that there is clear evidence of even worse gerrymandering in Blue States yet you completely ignored it

The link I provided was about judicial decisions on redistricting, not Jonathan Turley or non-judicial conclusions. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Which is a horrible premise to make your argument about.

You do realize don't you that the North Carolina court that decided this has a Democrat majority and the vote was 4-3 along party lines

Your Georgia link is not a judicial decision but simply a case filed. These cases get filed routinely by either party in any redistricting

Your Wisconsin link shows the court AFFIRMED the new maps drawn

Of course you again neglect to mention New York - where their Supreme Court has a Democrat majority so any lawsuit filed by the GOP has no chance of winning

Same in Michigan, PA and other blue states.

Bottom line - these courts are just as partisan - so to think the decision of a partisan court means someone did something wrong is foolhardy

I'd say that as a general comment, the last administration was the most divisive of any that nI can recall, and where a constant drumming and gaslighting was considered acceptable. Pitting ppl against each other by party, when the vast majority just want things to be fair, and better. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You obviously have not been paying attention to the last 12 months and the most divisive administration in recent history with Senile Biden at the helm. Hell these corrupt libtards have tried to ram through major, major changes - advocating socialism - in an evenly divided Congress. They have tried to change the rules of the Senate to push through their corrupt legislation. If you want to talk about divisive, the last 12 months are the most divisive in the last 100 years. You just have your blue colored glasses on to not see it and admit it
HDGristle's Avatar
I'm willing to bet the last 5 years have been the most divisive since the Civil War.

If you want to talk about shades of glasses, take yours off too
bambino's Avatar
I'm willing to bet the last 5 years have been the most divisive since the Civil War.

If you want to talk about shades of glasses, take yours off too Originally Posted by HDGristle
Yeah, especially in the last year. But it’s happening around the world. Freedom vs Tyranny. Gerrymandering has been going on for a longtime. By both sides. It’s hardly news.
HDGristle's Avatar
That's the issue, though. Both sides see Freedom and Tyranny differently.

And the folks in the middle have to put up with kids who never learned how to play in a sandbox and pretend to be grown ups in an environment where compromises are looked at as surrender and betrayal
berryberry's Avatar
I'm willing to bet the last 5 years have been the most divisive since the Civil War.

If you want to talk about shades of glasses, take yours off too Originally Posted by HDGristle
Particularly the last 12 months because of policy decisions.

The 4 years under Trump were divisive from the perspective of the libtards losing their shit, burning cities, rioting, looting. Hell it started from the moment he was elected - there were riots on inauguration day

Tell me what POLICY decisions President Trump made that were divisive. That is what I am talking about when speaking about divisive.
HDGristle's Avatar
Create your own thread for it and we'll put the list together, together
eyecu2's Avatar
Berry, no matter how you try to twist things my original post was about redistricting, not necessarily policy decisions and the forces of division. I cited two cases that supported and the protection of stopping at abhorrent gerrymandering attempts, and two cases that allowed the GOP to run amok. I realize that you like to try point, counterpoint many posts to change the narrative but if you could stay on tact here. My posts are about legal proceedings not merely JQ public opinions. But If you want to cite other cases that would refute that the GOP has been highly egregious at trying to limit access, and gerrymandering the shit out of districts, that's fine. Or if not and you want to start a different topic, please start a new thread
berryberry's Avatar
Berry, no matter how you try to twist things my original post was about redistricting, not necessarily policy decisions and the forces of division. I cited two cases that supported and the protection of stopping at abhorrent gerrymandering attempts, and two cases that allowed the GOP to run amok. I realize that you like to try point, counterpoint many posts to change the narrative but if you could stay on tact here. My posts are about legal proceedings not merely JQ public opinions. But If you want to cite other cases that would refute that the GOP has been highly egregious at trying to limit access, and gerrymandering the shit out of districts, that's fine. Or if not and you want to start a different topic, please start a new thread Originally Posted by eyecu2
Dude - I did counterpoint your incorrect narrative about court decisions. You went quiet about that because I easily refuted your points.

As to the divisiveness comment - YOU were the one who introduced the topic

I'd say that as a general comment, the last administration was the most divisive of any that nI can recall Originally Posted by eyecu2
And Gristle added to it

I'm willing to bet the last 5 years have been the most divisive since the Civil War. Originally Posted by HDGristle
So you don't get to complain about twisting things when someone responds to YOUR OWN DIRECT comments
Letsplaypgh's Avatar
While you completely ignored the more egregious Democrat Gerrymandering that took place in blue states, especially New York Originally Posted by berryberry
That's a nice case of whataboutism there.
berryberry's Avatar
That's a nice case of whataboutism there. Originally Posted by Letsplaypgh
It was also a fact. You don't get to come on here, whine about gerrymandering and how those big bad Republicans are evil and trying to steal the election when the libtard Democrats are not only doing the exact same thing, but at a more egregious level

Both parties gerrymander and have throughout time. To falsely blame one party like the OP did is simply posting blatant misinformation
HDGristle's Avatar
His thread's been taken OT enough, I can create a new one if you're not inclined to
eyecu2's Avatar
That's a nice case of whataboutism there. Originally Posted by Letsplaypgh
Indeed. I think the original post was about GOP redistricting, and not anything other than how that group was trying to change voting access and districting. I would even have entertained court cases that would support a counter-narrative, but as per usual, the sandbox bois, here like to change the narrative or goal posts so they can bring in commentary topics just like fox does in it's "journalism". All commentary and opinion, not facts. If there was some court cases that supported the narratives they would use them, but they are not able. If it was so easy to counterpoint facts with facts, they would have. Instead, it's a whole lot of the whatabouts' and that I need to defend those absurd assertions is just nonsense. If anyone wants to talk about NY or another state, then start a thread about DNC Gerrymandering or that state. I'd love to see the court cases cited as I did.

It's like the wizard of oz, where everyone can see the man behind the curtain,....and then some ppl here want to shout' pay not attention to that man behind the curtain"!

But since the GOP has tried to change voting laws and been outsted by the court cases and decisions that support them, and those who don't, there really isn't a place to hide. Now we could also bring up those same efforts that happened in both Ohio and Virginia....

Heres the one in Virginia where the state SC told the GOP lawmaker to go fuck himself AFTER trying to add prison population count in the district populous make-up of blacks and diversity where the majority of those in prison were black. (btw- many prisoners if not all cannot vote- so go figure on that?)

And more about the outcome of the morons on the GOP side of this issue:

And in the state of Jim Jordan, who has proven to be a personal Fluffer for certain GOP office holders, accused of allowing the molestation of young men, and member of the corrupt OHIO Reptards sought to redraw the districts of OHIO to gain more seats, but they didn't realize that they would be fact-checked by the State SC to tell them to fuck off as well.

thanks Ohio for allowing 'an adult', to finally make some decisions that actually mean something.

relative to states that affirmed a GOP advantage, they were shown so as to demonstrate that some states are literally willing to look past fairness and only along party lines, and some aren't; such as the ones that were noted that support stoppage of that same attempt to grab additional power. The real point, was this; The GOP is attempting to grab power and limit votes. Or maybe you guys on the right only think that during the GOP attempts that are not successful, "Perhaps there is a conspiracy run by those state SCs", to strip you numbskulls from your power-grabs!! After all....isn't everything a conspiracy when you operate under the acronym GOP??
lustylad's Avatar
It was also a fact. You don't get to come on here, whine about gerrymandering and how those big bad Republicans are evil and trying to steal the election when the libtard Democrats are not only doing the exact same thing, but at a more egregious level

Both parties gerrymander and have throughout time. To falsely blame one party like the OP did is simply posting blatant misinformation Originally Posted by berryberry
Barry, you don't get it. Libtards ENJOY being brazenly two-faced and hypocritical!

Allow me to re-quote from Kim Strassel's column (see my post #11). That will allow eyecu2 to enjoy being a flaming hypocrite all over again!

Enjoy, eye!

"GOP redistricting: racist, undemocratic, rigged. Democratic redistricting: goodness, light, frolicking puppies."

"In the 1980s and ’90s they (Democrats) controlled nearly twice as many state legislatures as Republicans—and gerrymandered like bandits.

Mr. Obama’s unpopular governance changed that, losing Democrats some 1,000 down-ballot seats over his tenure..."
lustylad's Avatar
That's a nice case of whataboutism there. Originally Posted by Letsplaypgh
You don't get it. Republicans aren't the ones making the silly claim that redistricting is a grave threat to democracy, blah, blah, blah... while they themselves are busy egregiously redrawing the lines in multiple states to maximize partisan advantage.

Only the dim-retards are capable of such sickening, sanctimonious, jaw-dropping hypocrisy!
berryberry's Avatar
Barry, you don't get it. Libtards ENJOY being brazenly two-faced and hypocritical!

Allow me to re-quote from Kim Strassel's column (see my post #11). That will allow eyecu2 to enjoy being a flaming hypocrite all over again!

Enjoy, eye!

"GOP redistricting: racist, undemocratic, rigged. Democratic redistricting: goodness, light, frolicking puppies."

"In the 1980s and ’90s they (Democrats) controlled nearly twice as many state legislatures as Republicans—and gerrymandered like bandits.

Mr. Obama’s unpopular governance changed that, losing Democrats some 1,000 down-ballot seats over his tenure..."
Originally Posted by lustylad
Indeed Lusty, indeed - nearly everyone who responded to Eye's thread pointed out how wrong he was, how he was being hypocritical, etc.

I pointed out the North Carolina court decision he is obscenely excited about was simply the result of a partisan court controlled by Democrats that voted along party lines. And that there would be no parallel to that in New York or other Blue states who have gerrymandered far worse than the GOP in North Carolina because the state supreme courts in NY and other blue states are controlled by Democrats. For some reason Eye either can't comprehend this or he just likes being hypocritical and spreading misinformation