How safe are verified ECCIE Providers

JennaKae's Avatar
Perhaps you should look up the definition of 'prey'. Not a good choice of word to describe an escort. Good luck!
It doesn't matter what site you're on, LE can get on it. There's a site in Milwaukee that has had LE on it for years. No website is immune however, I believe BP has lower hanging fruit than other sites. When ladies or gentlemen get busted, depending on the municipality, they can be offered to work with LE to catch others in the hobby through their current website accounts, e mails, texts, phone calls, etc. in exchange for a lesser or perceived lesser charge.

Pay attention to how a site handles these situations, they all have to deal with them. Most sites close their accounts and make an effort to keep them off. The one in Milwaukee won't do that and for that reason I don't participate on it. Be leery of new sites, it's not hard or expensive to put a site together and let the hobby know it's new and we should all join.
This day and age, there are no guarantees. Eccie, TER, BP, its all the same. Now there are different levels of course. I would always trust a ECCIE girl over a BP girl. TER is up there too. But as long as people are doing BB stuff, there is never going to be a guarantee. It's not only up to the provider, its all the people the provider have been with. Then, think about all the providers each dude has been with. Mind. Blown.