I commend President Obama

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Daddy's pass rubs off.

Actually, I think any of the politicians' children should get a pass. They are children. If they put themselves out there as a "public person," as adults they are fair game as to what they do as adults....no matter the Party, no matter the color, and no matter their sexual preferences. "Equality"!

The Johnson girls got a pass, but the internet wasn't around and no cells, which is more than likely why their partying escapades in Austin didn't get much publicity, except locally on the campus. Also, back then the Secret Service kept quiet and the press pretty much left them alone. Originally Posted by LexusLover
For once we agree -- the lives of the children should be kept out of the media.
rioseco's Avatar
For once we agree -- the lives of the children should be kept out of the media. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Naah......fuck'em and fuck him. No free pass !
He's a sorry son a bitch and all is fair game in this arena.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR, please listen to 6:35 - 14:00, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGvYqaxSPp4it) it is quite unambiguous and maybe you will understand, it has nothing to do with racism. If you have the time to listen to whole video, he is quite pithy in his POV, that might give you more of an understanding of the "right" POV. I have said it before, it is about mindset and nothing about the color of one's skin. This fine gentleman came from a small town in North Carolina and then was moved to Harlem, quit High School but you know what, he didn't let the hardships of life get in his way. He had a "mindset" and a "chose" and he knew it and he worked with what he had, a desire, instead of listen to propaganda. BTW, he was Marxist in his visions in the genesis of cerebral making. Originally Posted by Cherie
This is all about IBHomo's stereotyping "black fathers" in his racist and xenophobic post.

That was a deliberate attempt at race baiting aimed at those of us who find such talk offensive.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

However, the damage done by that kind of deliberate maneuver is that it brings people out of the woodwork who don't understand why it's racism or xenophobia, and gives them an opportunity to make additional ignorant racist comments. No matter how well intentioned they might believe they are.

C?herie, my dear, you appear to be one of those.

boardman's Avatar
The media should respect the privacy of the family until the politician brings them into it in for political gain. Then it's fair game.

I don't think that Obama has used his kids but he certainly used his wife. Maybe more accurate is to say that she interjected herself politically on his behalf.

I have no problem with a First Lady using her status for a cause of her choosing either. I don't care if that cause is family values, promoting education, health care or even hi-way beautification but they should do it on a personal level not a political one. Hillary used the public arena to further her political career. Most of the others have not done that. Michelle has walked a finer line than most since Barry has been in office but she was very political during the campaigns.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That fine line had to be pretty think to support that big footed woman. School lunches (starvation), food deserts, this is the first time I've been proud of my country, appearances on Oprah, Jimmy Fallon, to name two, her talk of running for the senate, parenting advice, etc. She just cuts a better figure than Hillary even did so you don't remember her.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The kids are never fair game, even if the POTUS trots them out for a political purpose. The criticism, if any is due, should be directed at the perpetrator, not the kids. When the kids get old enough and start expressing their own opinions, then it's fair game. Otherwise, leave them alone. It's hard enough being a kid today, imagine how much worse it is to have famous parents and bodyguards.
boardman's Avatar
That fine line had to be pretty think to support that big footed woman. School lunches (starvation), food deserts, this is the first time I've been proud of my country, appearances on Oprah, Jimmy Fallon, to name two, her talk of running for the senate, parenting advice, etc. She just cuts a better figure than Hillary even did so you don't remember her. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't have a problem with her trying to get kids to eat healthier or giving parenting advise. Their kids seem like good kids. Nor do I have a problem with any First Lady having a non-political cause and even making appearances on TV. It's when she uses her position in a political way and trying to get mandates passed that crosses the line or when she uses those TV appearances to lecture about parenting from a political point of view. That's why I don't have a problem with Republicans going after her.

The comment about being proud of her country was during the 2008 campaign. Then Barry got all upset about people going after her for saying that. Fuck him. She brought it on her self.

Seems to me that Michelle has gotten the message so far and has backed way off any kind of agenda or she's doing it in a less public way. I wouldn't be surprised if to see her run for office though.

I have to agree with the OP. I don't like his politics but Obama seems like a decent enough father. I've got plenty of criticisms of him that I don't need to resort to that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't have a problem with her trying to get kids to eat healthier or giving parenting advise. Their kids seem like good kids. Nor do I have a problem with any First Lady having a non-political cause and even making appearances on TV. It's when she uses her position in a political way and trying to get mandates passed that crosses the line or when she uses those TV appearances to lecture about parenting from a political point of view. That's why I don't have a problem with Republicans going after her.

The comment about being proud of her country was during the 2008 campaign. Then Barry got all upset about people going after her for saying that. Fuck him. She brought it on her self.

Seems to me that Michelle has gotten the message so far and has backed way off any kind of agenda or she's doing it in a less public way. I wouldn't be surprised if to see her run for office though.

I have to agree with the OP. I don't like his politics but Obama seems like a decent enough father. I've got plenty of criticisms of him that I don't need to resort to that. Originally Posted by boardman
Just a reminder:

“... a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this. That shouldn’t even come into the equation," Michelle Odumbo. "I think that a good victory for Democrats on Tuesday, you know, should be rewarded with some fried chicken."
boardman's Avatar
Just a reminder: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm really not sure what your point is in relation to my posts but...
If the woman wants to eat some fried chicken, she can get her fill for all I care. If she wants to feed her kids and Barry fried chicken, that's OK too. Just as long as she doesn't try something to get me to eat or not eat fried chicken I'm not really affected by it.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the woman wants to eat some fried chicken, she can get her fill for all I care. Originally Posted by boardman
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1056168981]This is all about IBHomo's stereotyping "black fathers" in his racist and xenophobic post.

That was a deliberate attempt at race baiting aimed at those of us who find such talk offensive.

Sir, I do believe you allow your bias, against the writer to interfere with your "critical thinking" and that, puts you right back at default, which of course is, "everyone is a racist" and that Sir, with all due respect, is an obtuse way of thinking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I stayed that JLHomo's statement was a blatantly stereotypical and racist statement about "black fathers," which could have been couched in any number of non-offensive ways.

How can you accept it as anything else?

Additionally, exactly what critical thinking is being affected here?

With all due respect, you have no fucking idea what my "default" is.

Looking forward to your response.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm really not sure what your point is in relation to my posts but...
If the woman wants to eat some fried chicken, she can get her fill for all I care. If she wants to feed her kids and Barry fried chicken, that's OK too. Just as long as she doesn't try something to get me to eat or not eat fried chicken I'm not really affected by it. Originally Posted by boardman
You did post:

Seems to me that Michelle has gotten the message so far and has backed way off any kind of agenda or she's doing it in a less public way. I wouldn't be surprised if to see her run for office though. Originally Posted by boardman
And, on November 3, 2014, Michelle Odumbo did say:

“... a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this. That shouldn’t even come into the equation," Michelle Odumbo.
Meaning, it's obvious Michelle didn't 'get any message', and she has not backed away from supporting her agenda to promote any and every dim-retard candidate without any regard for qualification, untoward-stupid/divisive/racist remarks or substantiated criminality: party politics "Über Alles!"
OK, father of the year, explain what that post meant to you.

What were you trying to say?

How does it dovetail withIBHomo's horribly stereotypical race baiting?

You DID get that's, part, didn't you? You didn't?

Poor SLOBBRIN! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Liberal Butthurt Syndrome, much?
Amy Carter was "fair game", as was Chelsea Clinton. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The press was very harsh with Amy and Chelsea regarding their looks as they were growing up. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's not my recollection with Chelsea. The press came down on folks, mainly comedians and pols, who said she broke the ugly stick.

Amy Carter I'd agree with. Jimmy and Rosalynn kept her mainly out of the public eye. Anybody remember when the last time they heard any word on Amy? Brown University?