If i am not telling the truth ask Ashden Love

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Don't worry ED, I'll tell her you missed her this weekend. Originally Posted by shorty
me too, I see her Sat nite no freakin karoke for her this time!! lol
Sweet N Little's Avatar
It's hard to tell whether these are actual words or not. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

I seriously don't know what they mean, Im confused on the born part lol
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Must be NY ebonics!

It's hard to tell whether these are actual words or not. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I only speak in white people dialect. sorry Im from the dirty south, and that just be how it be.
If we hijack this thread....would anybody give a shit?!?!
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
dunno Ed, Im feeling mighty white tonight, so how offensive do you think I can get?
shorty's Avatar
I wouldn't, ED!! However, we maybe sent to timeout like London Rayne was.
dunno Ed, Im feeling mighty white tonight, so how offensive do you think I can get? Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
I've seen you post - you can get pretty offensive - go for it!!
I wouldn't, ED!! However, we maybe sent to timeout like London Rayne was. Originally Posted by shorty
Thanks for bringing me back Shorty!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I wouldn't, ED!! However, we maybe sent to timeout like London Rayne was. Originally Posted by shorty
Hey Shorty , I got points for calling someone a name, She/he whatever called me ( or someone ) a hoe!! I'll claim it lol
But I could be mistaken , maybe he/she mean't I was born to hoe a garden ? ?
I thought the proper term was ho, whore etc . But hey Im just a southern chick what do I know? lol
If you hate the girl so much why are you giving her free publicity. You know she probably has her phone ringing off the hook. She is probably loving every time you create these stupid threads about her.
Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Dunno Ed, might not be right for a racist white used to be hooker to make fun of a disenfranchised minority black hooker or pimp. ah she or he makes me look like an angel. Im still trying to understand the low born hoe. white and proud of it and proud to say only white dick has ever graced this pussy with its presence.

When will women ever learn, pimps are a bad thing.

btw...I thought we were all hoes!
shorty's Avatar
Well SNL, your not ghetto enough to be called that. Maybe the Energizer Bunny is a better term!! Keeps Fucking n Fucking!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Keeps Fucking n Fucking!! Originally Posted by shorty
And I feel like fucking myself... but I can't find my Hitachi???
And I feel like fucking myself... but I can't find my Hitachi??? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Don't make me come over there!!
Must be a PIMP's account.

He is not very stealth about it either.
1. He is attempting to damage this girl's business for whatever marketing reasons he may have.

2. He is openly recruiting girls on the board

Dude you might as well post the benefits you offer.
Room and board, transportation to and from appointments.

Screening and advertisement ( would you let your recruits know what activities you have published on their ads ?)

How often do they get to contact their family?

Will they have to have your babies besides being your employees?
Might as well just come out and say it. You never know, you may generate some interest. Very strange things happen in hobbyland. It would definitely be a step up from this non-sense you are currently doing.