Wow, can you believe this...

Diver's Avatar
  • Diver
  • 02-12-2012, 02:37 PM
That's how I justify it.
That's daaaaaaaaaman for you!! However he is a very sweet gentleman
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 02-13-2012, 09:58 AM
I was looking at another thread about the top reviewers. And guess who is at the top with 163 raving reviews? DaaaaaaMaaaaaan! Now, I enjoy his views and I feel they are honest personal opinions of his visits with the ladies. He frequently gives a FuuuuukYeeaaahhh for the ones that give spectacular service. I'm sure, as hobbyists alike, we commonly will schedule with a particular provider after his positive reviews. I am also quite sure a positive review from DaaaaMan wil increase that particular providers business. BigDog and Still Looking are in the running, but not as prolific as DaaaMan. I give props to these gentlemen and I hope to someday meet them in person and shake their hand. However, I would like to take this a step further. 163 reviews at approximately $250 per provider...are you ready for this...$40,000! Now, that's quite a chunk of change, and I'm sure the providers appreciate his altruism and philanthropy. But let's further think about how many ladies he has seen and calculate his total contribution to the profession. Conservatively, let's multiply his reviews by 2.5. So as to represent his frequency of reviews and non review visits. That is over $100,000. Gulp! That's quite an entertainment budget. StillLooking has spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $61,000. Congrats to you gentlemen for loving the ladies. I will let everyone reflect on their entertainment spending. Grab a drink, you may need it. DaaaaMan, if you invested that $$ and at 4% return annually, well, you get it. Originally Posted by Lunytunz

WTF difference does it make how daaaaaman spends his money? BTW, the multiplier you need to use is over 4.0 and that doesn't count repeats. If I had the disposable income he has, I'd be hobbying like a rock star. Get over it and move on. Next topic . . .
WTF difference does it make how daaaaaman spends his money? BTW, the multiplier you need to use is over 4.0 and that doesn't count repeats. If I had the disposable income he has, I'd be hobbying like a rock star. Get over it and move on. Next topic . . . Originally Posted by coven
Daaaaaaman is DA Man. Never heard anything bad about him, the providers seem to love him. And yes, I am very jelious of his hobby budget!!! You go Daaaaman. You got the money and time, spend it the way you want

As to hobbying cost, while Daaaaaaman seems to have plenty, others on the reviewer list have found ways to greatly decrease thier costs. They write reviews without actualy bothering to see the girls, especialy amps and strippers. Saves them time and money and and many girls are probably glad they did not have to see the guy!

Very creative!

Happy Hobbying to everyone. As long as your hobbying costs dont hurt your regular life, more power to you. Just watch that they dont overwelm you. That would be bad.
I have seen daaamannn. I actually had the chance to experience him in a double session with a friend I use to work with. I was under my old handle (Stacey Hunter). It was soo much fun,my first threesome in the hobby!
Bubba....I do not think it's right for you to bash the other high reviewers. I have seen bigdog and I did not have any problems with him. There is no review because I request I have no more reviews written about me.

The thread is about daaamannn and I feel if you have an issue with another hobbyist state it in your own personal thread. These threads have just been crazy with bashing people. That's not what I thought this site is about.
I have seen BigDog on 2 occasions, he was a Gentleman and wrote a very honest review both times!
While you keep hatin' on Daaaaman, he's probably ballz deep in another provider right this very second!! lmao!!

Shep3.0's Avatar
daaaaaman is the real deal monger. I consult with him on girls I see...LOL

By the way, he has over 400 okays on p4...also...he has the best stories!!!

Keep it up daaaaaaaman!!! You are the man on ECCIE!!!
Bubba....I do not think it's right for you to bash the other high reviewers. I have seen bigdog and I did not have any problems with him. There is no review because I request I have no more reviews written about me.

. Originally Posted by maria goddess
I said nothing about Bigdog. Why would you think I am talking about him? Why do you feel the need to protect him? I am glad you had a great time with him.

However, if you think every review by every reviewer is true and accurate, I have sad news for you.
He was mentioned as one of the other top reviewers. I can't speak of the other guy because I've never seen him. And all I said was that ive seen him and he was a nice guy. As far as my other comment I was speaking of the fact that I period don't think it's right that your bashing people on a thread. I feel like if you have an issue take it up in your own thread. But that's my opinion though. I wouldn't appreciate it if I started a thread and someone decided to take to a post bashing someone that had really nothing to do with a thread. That is why I spoke up because I'd like someone to have my back too. It has nothing to do with protecting him.
Haterz hate usually because they are jealous. Many hobbyiists have seen upwards of 500 or 1000 providers, strippers, massage girls, etc...

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaman has earned his accolades and my only hope is that he has not let his hobby be detrimental to other aspects of his life.

I think it speaks poorly of those who chose to exercise their agenda against some other people off topic. There are good guys, okay guys, and some douche bags.

I personally want to thank him for not over sugar coating his reviews and I am pretty sure he would have even more, but he probably chose not to review some of the poorer quality sessions.

If I may offer some unsolicited advice. Do not let them suck you into being a mod. Just keep on fuckin.
I've said what I've had to say. I'm staying out of this drama.
Bubba, please do not hijack this thread. You should know better.

As for calculating $$$ spent in the hobby, I try not to. It stresses me the fuck out.