male enhancement

sixxbach's Avatar
prolly not LAP, consider yourself lucky! I was a 20 something year old not that long ago...
I'm a 30 something but luckily all I need is a stiff wind to pop a boner. I've been told that even if you don't have any "issues" it can make it even harder or last longer...any truth to that?

atxbrad's Avatar
opinion from a one trick pony, Cialias get me to round 2. Im a 30 something too but have never been able to get 2 pops. "C" is an all around imporvement for me. I dont have to have it but its better for all parties involved when I do.
nuglet's Avatar
nope, no advantage at all, just ill-spent $$
There's still a lot of BS/bad info/mistaken concepts about all of the enhancement drugs.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
I took a 100mg V for the first time with a young girl I was seeing on the side. I needed a boost to help me keep up with her as I was in my late 30's and she in her early 20's. I didn't need an hour to wait. I took it the moment we saw each other and as we were fondling around; popped went the weasal. It work too well for me as I fucked her 7 times to completion in three hours. I'm not bragging here, but I had too keep fucking because the urge and the boner never went away. Each time I was hoping that the V would wear off and it never did. I'd wait around 20 minutes for recovery before we would hit the sheets again. Of course I didn't last very long as I was driving her at 100 mph. For a moment there, she tought I was on an illegal drug since I couldn't stop fucking her.

In retrospect, that was one hella great time, but at that particular moment it was killing me with a pounding headache and exhaustion. I've taken V again but I lowered the dosage to 50mg but it still comes with the headaches and less urges.
nuglet's Avatar
sir hardin;
I'm sure this is one of those ymmv things.... except for the headache thing. I know a lot of guys that say they never had a headache from V, but they are certainly in the minority.
you're right to cut the 100 in half, same with cialis. They cost close to the same and if you doc will give you the 100 dose, cut it into 2 50's and you save $$. At least that what Doc said.
Lick, I am 44 and don't need the vitamins either, but sometimes the vitamins do make it like your 18 again! I do usually get a headache afterwards though.
TGFBI, I am 42 and took the V pill an hour before a session gave me a good boner but than had massive headache for several hours .... afraid to try anything else ????? My partner says I dont need it but just wanted to try it out ..... not gonnna try it again ...
If you don't need it, I'd recommend not taking it....would you use a cane if you don't have a limp? Why take the risk of building up a dependencie on something not required? Now, at my age I have to admit that Cialis works great in helping keep me from "getting over stimulated" Getting it up was never a problem, keeping that way - yes. BTW...even 1/2 a C gave me a bit of a stuffy nose, but did what I need it to do...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well frankly, my doctor won't even let me have V. Sucks something fierce, but sometimes you've got to face reality. I've tried Rize2 but all that did was give me a headache. When I was doing V, it was OK, but whenever I got a 4-hour erection, I had this terrible urge to call the media and not my doctor!

Nowadays, if a boner strikes, I don't even know what to do with it.

Most of the time it's like trying to stuff an oyster into a parking meter!

I'd like to see some age demographics on the use of Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and Boneroid, or whatever they call the off-brand stiffy meds today. Dollars to donuts that it's mostly kids under 40 who don't need it.

Guess that would depend on your age....I would imagine if you were under 45 a Doctor would be hesitant to prescribe ED medication. Especially if there were underlying medical reasons. LOL, 4 hour erection....trying to think of one gal here that would enjoy *4* hours of that
Not only is there no advantage to these pills, they actually present a potintially dangerous situation. They can actually damage the penis later on. This has been explained to me by two different doctors.
Not only is there no advantage to these pills, they actually present a potintially dangerous situation. They can actually damage the penis later on. This has been explained to me by two different doctors. Originally Posted by Bull149
Nuff said sir, thanks!

sixxbach's Avatar
well one of my cousins is a doctor and knows i take these pills....... never said anything of the sort. but even docs disagree and have different medical opinions
Can't Get Enough's Avatar
Levitra is a good alternative to viagra because you can take it while drinking alcohol and having food in your stomach. If I remember correctly I had gotten a stuufy nose so taking afrin might help that side effect.