A question about mail-order brides, etc.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I understand completely, having only been single for a few months in my adult life, experiencing the alternative is something to wonder about. ... Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I know that the grass is always greener, or appears to be, on the other side. I could only imagine if I had always been married or involved, I would wish to see how it is to not have any strings attached at all.

There is a certain freedom associated with that! You don't really have to answer to anyone except yourself and of course, bosses, etc.

But it does seem to be wonderful to have a mate. And I would guess that's the reason why a lot of men explore the option of mail order brides. Which I still find the subject absolutely fascinating, even with some of the negativity that has become attached to this topic.

elgato111's Avatar
I have known of 2 men I worked for that got mail order brides, one from Russia and one from Manila.

The one with Russian bride spent a ton of money on trips back and forth and getting her out of the country and into the US. But they are still married after 15 years together and 2 great kids.

The one that got a bride from Manila had bad luck. She came over and they married but she soon became "americanized" and wanted him to be at her beck and call or no BCD activities. He soon grew tired of her ways and divorced her.

Works sometimes, sometimes not.
allofamber's Avatar
I know of 2 different hobbyist who went the route of Mail order brides (both Russian..and beautiful!!!!!)....it only took UNDER 3 years for BOTH ladies to get themselves established (school, work, credit)..and they BOTH filed for divorce and left the guys...both guys were out A LOT of money!!! .sometimes it works.... sometimes it doesn't...
  • Duke
  • 08-12-2011, 03:11 PM
I have a massage lady (straight) that is from China. When she heard I was going to China for a visit she warned me that there are plenty of women over there that will try to pick me up and want to come to the USA. Then they split once they get here.

I did't play over there so don't know about that. But I did take her unsolicited warning seriously.
pyramider's Avatar
What is the return policy on mail order brides? Is it like Amazon?
timothe's Avatar
To bring someone over legally is not quick, cheap, or easy. The government makes you go through a ton of red tape and forms. Then there are all the government fees.

It ain't like going to the corner market for a loaf of bread. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Correct. I went through the VISA process with one woman. The application for Fiancee VISA took almost 10 months to process which meant continuous trips to Russia to keep the relationship alive. (Once you meet someone, its pretty difficult to maintain relations by email and phone calls alone.) I think the fees just to apply were somewhere around $500 and they are about three times that amount if you use a lawyer. And that's only the beginning. You have to understand that she is mostly unemployable for at least the first year she is in the states.

I don't recommend against the idea as I think it is possible to find a lifelong partner in another country who is younger, better looking, and better educated than what you can find here. But the process is not cheap or easy and you have to take yourself with you wherever you go. If anyone is really serious, PM me and I can give you some direction that will help you find someone who is genuine.
You racist little bitch. So you think it's only ASIAN women that do this to me? Sounds to me like you are just jealous of asian women, because asian women actually act like REAL WOMEN, whereas the typical white woman acts like a masculinized lesbian.

It is WHITE AMERICAN WOMEN who use men and then cheat on them for no reason, divorce them, steal half of their money in the divorce courts, keep their children away from their father, etc.

You have merely proven the points of MY Boycott American Women blog, that white American women are racist, disgusting subhumans who no men want anymore.

Poor wittle baby is upset because American men are rejecting her and going for asian women instead.

Still, there's hope for you, Elisabeth. You can eithfor, rude, behavior. Hopefully a few days off will help him fix his issues Bubba3453
er become a lesbian, or get used to living alone with your 10 cats. THOSE ARE YOUR TWO OPTIONS, YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SLIME OF A HUMAN BEING!

Totally uncalled for. A few dyas will hopefull help him fix his issues Bubba3452 Originally Posted by JohnRambo111
WOW! Somebody forgot their meds today..
Pink Floyd's Avatar
WOW, that one guy was a lunatic. I work with a guy who got a bride from China, and I think she pretty much rules the roost. I am toying with the idea of moving to some place like Costa Rica where the cost of living is lower, and so it the cost of escorts. If I ran into a cute little Tica I could try marriage #4
  • thx
  • 08-13-2011, 12:10 AM
I would not recommend it unless you are very familar with that culture, and got all your sterotypes straight. And, that goes for the women too.

I have seen too many mismatched expectations about lifestyle after the honeymoon period.

ps... and make sure you correctly understand your own and your significant other's motivation/reason. (plenty of losers, scammer, sadists, etc)
bkat6049's Avatar
Quite frankly, why would anyone want a "mail order bride"???

Dallas has some of the most beautiful women in this country from all racial backgrounds... And, a lot of them are in the hobby....

Ampville offers the most beautiful women in this town and are a heck of a lot easier to spend time with and certainly less expensive than ordering one out of the Sears catalogue...

Plus they don't pick you like a chicken once they get here and set up house keeping... Just sayin!!!
A friend of mine got one. Pretty girl, but a lousy lay (speaking from firsthand experience). She had no frame-of-reference on being sexy or satisfying a man.
Wow Elizabeth, who would've expected ALL OF THAT to come from this thread. Geesh! Some people!

Anyways, yes, unfortunately my Uncle's 1st wife was very malicious and vindictive. She had planned it (to divorce him once she was "established" & did some of her divorce homework. - aka found out how much he was worth & how long she had to wait to get it all). In fact, when the divorce was all said and done with, they found 4 storages full of his stuff (she had stolen, as well as, stolen merchandise from her place of employment- Dillards). It was crazy. This b*tch was scandalous and unfortunately, yes, they had 1 child together. It was an ugly divorce - to say the least.

I just hope this next one (the current wife he is putting through medical school) treats him better, even is she does decide to split after she is "established".

I don't believe it is the race of the woman. It is the character/type of woman you are dealing with & how she was raised/brought up.

Hey Flecti - Can I come to Costa Rica with you? I think there is nothing hotter than a petite lil' woman who's mumbling broken english while you're hot N' heavy in some BCD! Hey, Im just sayin....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was very wrong to have zeroed in on race and that wasn't my intention. I have been given a few books, in fun really, that explains step by step ways to use a man to climb the social ladder.

They're both malicious books and both came out of Asia and so although that's a pallid excuse for a written mistake, it really was just writing off of the cuff that I found my large foot in my mouth. Again, I apologize for that.

But there are groups of women everywhere, even here, that have that type of attitude and I believe that it's an evil one. Which is probably why I'm not more successful in this business!!!

That was a bad joke. At any rate, I did ask this question because I have had a sincere curiosity about it for a very long time. And what is even more interesting is that a few people have contacted me with their stories of friends and relatives who have actually done this and they have told me the varying degrees of success.

I sincerely do appreciate all of the responses thus far, even the not so positive ones!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wow Elizabeth, who would've expected ALL OF THAT to come from this thread. Geesh! Some people!

Anyways, yes, unfortunately my Uncle's 1st wife was very malicious and vindictive. She had planned it (to divorce him once she was "established" & did some of her divorce homework. - aka found out how much he was worth & how long she had to wait to get it all). In fact, when the divorce was all said and done with, they found 4 storages full of his stuff (she had stolen, as well as, stolen merchandise from her place of employment- Dillards). It was crazy. This b*tch was scandalous and unfortunately, yes, they had 1 child together. It was an ugly divorce - to say the least.

I just hope this next one (the current wife he is putting through medical school) treats him better, even is she does decide to split after she is "established".

I don't believe it is the race of the woman. It is the character/type of woman you are dealing with & how she was raised/brought up.

Hey Flecti - Can I come to Costa Rica with you? I think there is nothing hotter than a petite lil' woman who's mumbling broken english while you're hot N' heavy in some BCD! Hey, Im just sayin.... Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Yes, hopefully your uncle has a mate who is appreciative of his efforts to take care of her. I just heard of a story of a mail order bride this morning from a friend who had an acquaintance get married in this fashion. Another sad story but he, once again, married another lady (mail order) after an acrimonious divorce. So who knows?

Costa Rica has some of the most beautiful women that I've ever seen in my travels. Just gorgeous. And all ages. Not sure that it's the reasonable area to settle in like it was 15-20 years ago but if Flecti ever gets in that direction, I sincerely hope that he tells us EVERYTHING!

TexTushHog's Avatar
I was very wrong to have zeroed in on race . . . .

At any rate, I did ask this question because I have had a sincere curiosity about it for a very long time. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Thinking of getting you a mail order bride when same sex marriage is legal in Texas??!!!