Which hair color on a woman turns you on?

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-31-2011, 04:53 PM
Purple wasn't listed as an option...

I haven't found any correlation between hair color and satisfaction with the lady.
BeachBum's Avatar
I've always found myself favoring blonds more.
Next would be Red heads. I think its the Irish in me.
Although my last 2 GFs were both brunets
But frankly a beautiful woman is a beautiful women. Regardless of her hair color or skin color for that matter. what can i say Captain Kirk was my hero LOL..
My ex-wife asks me one time what I wanted for my birthday and I told her 4 different colored wigs for her.......she had no sense of humor.....that's why she's my EX-wife.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Now I'm wondering why you professed redhead lovers never made it to my lair... *ahem*

pinehurst#2's Avatar
Although there are some beautiful blondes out there-I absolutely love brunettes. First choice brunette with blue eyes...a rare combination..
I am attracted to Brunettes but I always end up dating blondes.. not sure why that is...
The_Leopard's Avatar
Um I'm feeling a little left out here. Originally Posted by Paven
I ask the mod to add Multi-Color on the voting post. I was in a rush to post this since I was out the door to go to campus.

austinkboy's Avatar
...don't know what color, lighter than than the hair upon her head. Almost transparent...a soft patch of baby hair, just above her tail bone... Get's me every time...
Just blondes, only blondes
the recommendation of brunette with blue eyes can be quite mesmerizing.
  • Robyn
  • 02-01-2011, 09:24 AM
Brunette and Red are pretty much a tie for me. I'm rarely attracted to Blondes for some reason.
As a general rule mine and the better half of NAC74’s preferences are black, brunet, and brunet with light brown highlights. Now the wife would disagree with my next statement but since she isn’t standing over my shoulder at the moment I feel safe mentioning that Asians with blue hair are sexy as hell.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
black hair with bright green eyes does it for me every time
Um I'm feeling a little left out here. Originally Posted by Paven
Paven, You’re stunning. You have that sexy anime/manga look and curves that countless artist illustrate but few women can actually achieve.
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 02-01-2011, 04:24 PM
this is easy:
on Tess: Blonde is perfect

on Sophie: Brunette is captivating

on Alisha, Heather and Kat: Auburn is oh so motivating