Supreme Court says NO sxrew you Alabama

  • Tiny
  • 09-27-2023, 06:56 PM
It’s pretty simple Tiny, you can’t discriminate because of race, color, sex, etc. You can discriminate as much as you like because of political views. In states like Bama, Mississippi and my beautiful home state of Lousyana, racism has and sadly long will be its legacy irrespective of political leanings. Drawing districts in a way that dilutes the black vote, particularly considering the black v white population, isn’t acceptable. If you have a state that’s minority white and they were being precluded from representation, they’d get the court’s favor as well.

In states like North Carolina and Texas, screwy as hell districts have been drawn to advantage republicans. Maryland Cali and NY will likely get even more so after the next census. I’d prefer no gerrymandering but as long as we choose congressman and senators locally (well supposedly) we’ll get stuck with that. Many other options have been suggested but unsurprisingly current congresspeople and republicans in general hate every idea that could result in them losing the thin grip they hold through gerrymandered districts. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Excellent first paragraph, thanks for taking the time to write it. Please note that 58 out of 535 representatives, or 10.8%, are African American, compared to 12.1% of the population.

Votes for third party House candidates account for an average of about 4% of the popular vote, and currently there are no third party Representatives. So people like me, who frequently vote for Libertarians, etc., are really disenfranchised. But as you say, that's not based on race, color or sex.

Your second paragraph shows classic signs of watching too much MSNBC and believing it. They're just trying to sell commercials Blackman. Rachel Maddow will twist the truth like Tucker Carlson for the almighty dollar.

Democrats are just as bad as Republicans at gaming the system. The pundits on MSNBC are just fine with gerrymandering, in blue states. Passing out beer and barbecue in election lines in blue precincts in Georgia is just fine too. As is making the taxpayer pay to provide security and manpower for 24/7 voting for a couple of months before elections, in blue precincts in Texas.
Since I watch neither MSNBC nor Fox with enough regularity to get inundated with propaganda I can say I’ve no clue what you’re talking about. Now, I do read and have real life experience in politics throughout TX, Maryland, DC and good ole Louisiana so I may know a bit about how the game is played on both sides. Sadly, you fail to believe reality about people you believe think like you. And sadly you fail terrible at drawing the correct conclusions from some correlations.

Making voting easier for everyone shouldn’t be an issue. I’ll make a deal, voter id in exchange for longer early voting periods, water and barbecues, more and easier to access polling places for everyone and a national voting holiday.