threAD's and you

Sleepy363's Avatar
Unless you can tell me what comprises a threAD its not clear at all. Its one persons viewpoint v another. By not answering my question, you imply you have no real idea what a threAD is. Like art, "I dont know anything about Art, but I know what I like when I see it." If you cannot define what your taking about to, then how is anyone able to understand? Attacking me is not answering a very legit question.

What if I had posted something like "Anyone heard from April? I wonder what happened to her? Heres a link to her old showcase so you know who whe is. Never got to see her. Wish she would come back."

Then, as I already know she is back, I just wait for someome to pop up and say "She back. Just saw her post in the ad forum. Same exact result, just being sneakey instead of direct and honest. Originally Posted by Bubba3452

It's quite clear, just not to you apparently, which is sad considering you are a moderator and can't see how it can cause conflicts. You see people all the time posting things exactly you did, and those were looked at previously as threADs. You could have easily seen that this would be viewed the same way.

As a moderator, you ARE held to a higher standard. Sorry if you don't care for that, but that's the way it goes when you accepted that position.
Sleepy363's Avatar

What is frustrating is your obtuseness in refusing to admit what you did. It reminds me of your buddy bigdog defending his "embellishments". Originally Posted by TheBizz

And yes, you can go ahead and post all the ads you want for them, because as Bubba snapped back with... there is no rule against it right?
I would say an example of a threAD that really is an ad would be "hey, I am coming to dallas, where should I stay?" Originally Posted by Boltfan
Actually, I respectfully disagree on this-to a point. Many times ladies travel to various cities having no idea what the city is like, good parts of town versus bad parts, etc. And it is actually a legitimate question-on first visits only of course. After you have been there once, you should know. Asking other ladies what part of town to stay in often works against you, as other providers CB and send them to bad parts of town to benefit themselves. I guess a more appropriate question would be "what part of town is the best area to avoid" and leave off the "I'm coming to town" part? I dunno.

To me, the "I was thinking of coming to town, what do you think" type are the blatant ones. Post an ad and see what kind of response you get is my philosophy.

But then again, there are some guys who think that every post a woman makes is an ad-even if it's telling some guy to kiss off. *shrug*
So, once again, you would rather attack me than answer a simple and direct question. What constitues a ThreAD?

If you dont know or cannot expalin it, then why not just admit you have no idea what your talking about instead of trying to deflect things back at me?


And yes, you can go ahead and post all the ads you want for them, because as Bubba snapped back with... there is no rule against it right? Originally Posted by still-asleep
Unless you can define for me what a threAD is, why should I admit to anything? I did not post an ad for anyone by any definition anyone has put forth. Why is its hard to answer a direct question without attacking the person answering the question?

So to summarize: shameless promoter > shady shill.

Bubba, you can get into semantics all you want. Posting an ad for April in coed isn't a big deal. Hell, from here on out I'm gonna repost all my favorite girls' ads here when I'm bored. My goal is actually to have the entire front page, and I'd appreciate your support.

What is frustrating is your obtuseness in refusing to admit what you did. It reminds me of your buddy bigdog defending his "embellishments". Originally Posted by TheBizz
*****, To me, the "I was thinking of coming to town, what do you think" type are the blatant ones. Post an ad and see what kind of response you get is my philosophy.

**** *shrug* Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Actualy that is not doable. You may only post in ad forums that you are actualy servicing. You are not allowed to post an ad in a city you cannot service. So posting an ad trying to gauge how much response one might get for traving to another city is against the rules. The only real option is to post in co-ed of the desired city and try to get some feel of the response she might get. Especialy if its a long trip to the target city. The idea is stop the clutering of city forums with ads of people who are not servicing the area.

And yes, you can go ahead and post all the ads you want for them, because as Bubba snapped back with... there is no rule against it right? Originally Posted by still-asleep
Oh, come on I never said that, at least get your quotes right
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Is it really that difficult? threAD = first post in a new thread that is essentially an ad. Do I need to define "ad" as well?
I just love this place. Other than my posts only 2 out of 22 have even tried to discuss what makes up a threAD. I am still trying to make up what constitutes a threAD myself. What is a legitiment attempt to convey usefull information and what is a shameless attempt to increase business?
So if someone waited until the 2ed or 3rd post in a thread to post the same exact info, its not an ad? And yes, what are the critical componets that make it an ad? No copouts trying to define something by simpy reusing the same words. You can do better than that. It like defining an automobile as a car. Does not really help does it?

Is it really that difficult? threAD = first post in a new thread that is essentially an ad. Do I need to define "ad" as well? Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
Actualy that is not doable. You may only post in ad forums that you are actualy servicing. You are not allowed to post an ad in a city you cannot service. So posting an ad trying to gauge how much response one might get for traving to another city is against the rules. The only real option is to post in co-ed of the desired city and try to get some feel of the response she might get. Especialy if its a long trip to the target city. The idea is stop the clutering of city forums with ads of people who are not servicing the area. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Well true. But if said girl posts an ad and says "coming to BFE on Sept x and X" then gets no response and cancels said trip???

I am still trying to make up what constitutes a threAD myself. What is a legitiment attempt to convey usefull information and what is a shameless attempt to increase business? Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Ha! Ok, I'm going to take a stab at this. How 'bout if a lady posts in a discussion thread, say about who your favorite sports team is...and all she says is wow, or i agree, or cool then spaces about 10 times and then posts in bold "call me i'm the best you ever had" and gives her number...and this is NOT in the signature line. that's an ad

ohhh ohhh ohhh or how bout this one? a discussion on what is your favorite steak place to eat at?

provider says i like going to blah blah blah they have the best steaks and then....

wait for it!

is posted NOT in the signature line.

how's that?

did i just shamelessly plug myself! hahaha! i crack myself up
I would agree that starting on one topic then at the end changing to a completly unrelated plug for ones services would be a good example of a threAD
Boltfan's Avatar
I know how to settle it.

Anything that Deejah posted was a threAD. OK! Nuff said.
I know how to settle it.

Anything that Deejah posted was a threAD. OK! Nuff said. Originally Posted by Boltfan
LMFAO! Now behave Bolt!
Dude, the similarities between this and bigdog justifying his lying are eery.

Bubba, how about you define "in a tizzy" and somebody will define "ad" for you. *Secret* it has to do with promotion.