
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-05-2019, 11:10 AM
I don't get it. Sure he's angry because Trump won the Presidency while he couldn't but why not be a loyal party member? . Originally Posted by gnadfly
Loyal Party member?

Evidently you forget they do not get elected to benefit a particular Party but to benefit America.

Romney understands that. Those Mormons are good people.

Romney is a two-faced ass kissing faggot. in 2012 he asks for Trump's endorsement and gets it. he ran a shit campaign and couldn't beat a traitor Muslim asshole who should be beaten to death in public with Louisville Sluggers .. made in America!

Romney then kisses Trump's papal ring after he won in 2016. what a two-faced asshole. Trump never really considered him for Sec. of State he just made him come and grovel like the pussy Romney is to teach him a lesson .. here he is being a pussy

anyone who supported Obama should be executed as traitors to America! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Excellent on topic post!
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck romney and his cult religion
themystic's Avatar
Ugh Romney. I did not even vote in that election because I knew he was going to lose. He's a loser. His sense of enlightenment is right up there with Hillary. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That's true. when I think of Moscow Ellen and Trump I see highly enlightened spiritual beings. We are so grateful to have such kind and loving people as you. Each time you speak from your spiritual hilltops at you rallies, it raises the collective consciousness of those in attendance. What a loving gift you both are to humnnity
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Never thought I'd see The Kid and The Mystic agree. Originally Posted by eccielover

you know Moscow mystic is being sarcastic.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's true. when I think of Moscow Ellen and Trump I see highly enlightened spiritual beings. We are so grateful to have such kind and loving people as you. Each time you speak from your spiritual hilltops at you rallies, it raises the collective consciousness of those in attendance. What a loving gift you both are to humnnity Originally Posted by themystic

i sense something ... an attitude adjustment perhaps? maybe you did read those PM's after all?

thank you valued poster!

  • oeb11
  • 10-06-2019, 06:53 AM
Lucy and football with Charlie Brown!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Funny how Mittens was evil personified just a few years ago. He ripped medical care from cancer patients, didn’t pay taxes, and was an animal abusing misogynist with a folder full of whores.

Now he’s Mr Wonderful.
  • Tiny
  • 10-06-2019, 08:56 AM
Romney is a two faced ass kissing faggot who should be a loyal party member? You want loyalty to a man who switched party affiliations 5 times? A man whose only loyalty is to himself? The two faced ass kissers aren't people like Mitt Romney and Jeff Flake. They're people like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham who repeatedly kiss Trump's ass after he slammed them. It pains me to say that about Ted Cruz, because his economic policies are sound and he wants the government to stop snooping on us. If he or Kasich had been nominated in 2016 we probably wouldn't be looking at electing a socialist in 2020.

And what set off Trump's tirade? Romney rightly pointed out that asking Ukraine and China to dig up dirt on the Bidens was wrong and politically motivated. He's right. What Trump has done is incredibly stupid, and against the best interests of the Republican Party and Trump himself.

This is from NBC News,

Trump was asked by a reporter earlier Friday if he'd ever asked "foreign leaders for any corruption investigations that don't involve your political opponents."

"You know, we would have to look," Trump answered.

And that's correct. You think he's been on Duterte or Putin's back to investigate corrpution? BAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  • Tiny
  • 10-06-2019, 09:06 AM
Fuck romney and his cult religion Originally Posted by winn dixie
anyone who supported Obama should be executed as traitors to America! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Very enlightened gentlemen. Waco has one up'ed Trump, who merely wants to put Hillary in jail for running against him and impeach Mitt Romney for criticizing him. Speaking of which, here's Trump's impeachment tweet:

I’m hearing that the Great People of Utah are considering their vote for their Pompous Senator, Mitt Romney, to be a big mistake. I agree! He is a fool who is playing right into the hands of the Do Nothing Democrats! #IMPEACHMITTROMNEY

Hilarious. The narcissist thinks he's going to hurt Romney's political career. Evan McMullin and Gary Johnson, a Republican and an ex-Republican, got 25% of the vote in the 2016 general election in Utah, almost as many votes as Hillary Clinton. A lot of those votes came from members of Winn Dixie's cult religion, who couldn't stomach Trump. You think those voters are going to be on Trump's side on this? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Just remember, Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-06-2019, 10:03 AM
Romney is a two-faced ass kissing faggot. in 2012 he asks for Trump's endorsement and gets it. he ran a shit campaign and couldn't beat a traitor Muslim asshole who should be beaten to death in public with Louisville Sluggers .. made in America!

Romney then kisses Trump's papal ring after he won in 2016. what a two-faced asshole. Trump never really considered him for Sec. of State he just made him come and grovel like the pussy Romney is to teach him a lesson .. here he is being a pussy

anyone who supported Obama should be executed as traitors to America! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Excellent on topic post! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Romney was answering the call to serve his country....

You two loverboys do not seem to understand that you can work for a President while doing a bigger calling such a s serving your country.
winn dixie's Avatar
Romney was answering the call to serve his country....

You two loverboys do not seem to understand that you can work for a President while doing a bigger calling such a s serving your country. Originally Posted by WTF
what the hell is your fascination with all things fag? We get it. You're gay. Go to that gay spa you frequent , and fagg off.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-06-2019, 10:25 AM
what the hell is your fascination with all things fag? We get it. You're gay. Go to that gay spa you frequent , and fagg off. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I can not help it if 99% of our right wing Trump lovers are latent Homosexuals.

I post the pics for all you

I B Hankering's Avatar
Romney is a two faced ass kissing faggot who should be a loyal party member? You want loyalty to a man who switched party affiliations 5 times? A man whose only loyalty is to himself? The two faced ass kissers aren't people like Mitt Romney and Jeff Flake. They're people like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham who repeatedly kiss Trump's ass after he slammed them. It pains me to say that about Ted Cruz, because his economic policies are sound and he wants the government to stop snooping on us. If he or Kasich had been nominated in 2016 we probably wouldn't be looking at electing a socialist in 2020.

And what set off Trump's tirade? Romney rightly pointed out that asking Ukraine and China to dig up dirt on the Bidens was wrong and politically motivated. He's right. What Trump has done is incredibly stupid, and against the best interests of the Republican Party and Trump himself.

This is from NBC News,

Trump was asked by a reporter earlier Friday if he'd ever asked "foreign leaders for any corruption investigations that don't involve your political opponents."

"You know, we would have to look," Trump answered.

And that's correct. You think he's been on Duterte or Putin's back to investigate corrpution? BAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Originally Posted by Tiny
You'd be wrong. Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham are smart enough to hitch a ride on the horse going in the general direction they were headed to begin with. Romney has stupidly hitched his wagon to the jackass dim-retards going wholly in the wrong direction.