What is The Tea Party???

lustylad's Avatar
You betcha! Oh, by the way, I ran for Vice President in high school! It was really close...all the girls voted for the playboy...but a lot voted for me, and I was female. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
You were female back in high school? Cool! Word of advice - when you go to your first tea party meeting, don't be plugging Chomsky...
JohnnyCap's Avatar
the Corporation is simply the middle man. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And like most middle men, it is a parasite, in this case one that is eating its host from the inside out.

I'm really not sure about the official Tea Party, but it's a shame they used that name, as I'd be all for a bunch of pissed off plebeians throwing some shit into the ocean.
Can't back up your stupid statement can you?
"they don't want to pay any taxes"
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
the second half of her sentence was the most egregious

"yet want to reap the rewards of those who do!
I would put forward an "executive order" on corpoations to pay capital gains taxes (right now they don't pay any. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
for your information, should a C corporation have a gain that if it was enjoyed by an individual and be subject to favorable tax rates as a capital gain...the gain is taxed at normal tax rates...

in other words, corporations have capital gains but they don't have lowered tax rates on those gains, those gains are taxed just like their ordinary income
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  • 06-26-2014, 11:33 AM
You were female back in high school? Cool! Word of advice - when you go to your first tea party meeting, don't be plugging Chomsky... Originally Posted by lustylad
Why...99% of the Tea Fags don't know who he is.

Debbie let me answer your question. The Tea Party for the most part is a bunch of old white men that are for unfunded wars and unlimited welfare in their golden years. That's it in a nutshell. They want something for nothing but are to ignorant to even realize that they are like the welfare queens they vilify.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would put forward an "executive order" on corpoations to pay capital gains taxes (right now they don't pay any). Working wages up to oh, say, a living wage, like one hundred thousand per year, should not be taxed! That would relieve the deficit right away! Make the corporations pay their fair share! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I really mean this as a friendly comment, learn something about these things before you post and stop looking for black helicopters.

Corporations (as do all businesses) pass along their costs to the consumer. This includes depreciation, wages, overhead, advertising, utilities, and.....taxes. The consumer pays everything. This is ECON 101. Can you even tell me what a "capital gain" tax is Deb? What's wrong with a million dollars a year if you have government setting the terms? Of course that hot apple pie will cost about $50 and a gallon of gas (the cheap stuff) will run you about $200. Or will you next insist on price controls? I have no idea how a high minimum wage will reduce the deficit and I challenge you to explain it.

Oh, learn the Constitution. ANY taxation legislation has to come from the House. It can't come from an executive order.
lustylad's Avatar
And like most middle men, it is a parasite, in this case one that is eating its host from the inside out. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

Hey JohnnyCapdick, the corporation just acts as a middle man for the purpose of collecting taxes. It is forced to do so by government. Otherwise, it keeps itself busy producing real goods and services - you know, real stuff that real people want to buy from it. That doesn't sound like a parasite to me. The parasite is the one who can survive only by extorting money from what the corporation is producing.
The tea party..
Is a bunch of folks busting out of their double wide's, dressed like Benjamin Franklin shouting "don't tax the rich"
Lewis Black
boardman's Avatar
From the Tea Party Website:

Our Core Principles

Tea Party Patriots stands for every American, and is home to millions who have come together to pursue the American Dream and to keep that Dream alive for their children and grandchildren.
What unites the tea party movement is the same set of core principles that brought America together at its founding, that kindled the American Dream in the hearts of those who struggled to build our nation, and made the United States of America the greatest, most successful country in world history.
At its root the American Dream is about freedom. Freedom to work hard and the freedom to keep the fruits of your labor to use as you see fit without harming others and without hindering their freedom. Very simply, three guiding principles give rise to the freedom necessary to pursue and live the American Dream:
Personal Freedom

We support personal freedom so all Americans can live life the way they want as long as it does not harm others, or infringe on another’s rights.
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Economic Freedom

We stand for economic freedom which means a growing economy with reduced tax rates and reduced government spending so we all have a chance to earn more money and businesses can hire more people.
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Debt Free Future

We support a debt free future because it is only fair and right to pay the debt we have incurred so our children and grandchildren are not stuck with our bills.
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That's it.
Anything else that is suggested as Tea Party ideology is smoke and mirrors...an attempt to discredit the movement by basically putting words in it's mouth. Sure there are radicals(as there are in any environment) within the movement who think it should push for something more but if you get back to the Constitution there really is no need.
Hey JohnnyCapdick, the corporation just acts as a middle man for the purpose of collecting taxes. It is forced to do so by government. Otherwise, it keeps itself busy producing real goods and services - you know, real stuff that real people want to buy from it. That doesn't sound like a parasite to me. The parasite is the one who can survive only by extorting money from what the corporation is producing. Originally Posted by lustylad
I couldn't have said it better, so +1.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Hey JohnnyCapdick, the corporation just acts as a middle man for the purpose of collecting taxes. It is forced to do so by government. Otherwise, it keeps itself busy producing real goods and services - you know, real stuff that real people want to buy from it. That doesn't sound like a parasite to me. The parasite is the one who can survive only by extorting money from what the corporation is producing. Originally Posted by lustylad
I couldn't have said it better, so +1. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I stand by my assertion. The corporation is a parasite devouring humanity under the guises of efficiency and profit. Government is for the most part just another corporation, but not quite, as it has a much longer history of philosophical debate as it its necessity and purpose. But certainly the lines are blurred in this day and age.

And if you must insult, I'd prefer Johnny-dick-Cap. I can see a dick having a cap, but a capdick?
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  • 06-26-2014, 08:26 PM
The tea party..
Is a bunch of folks busting out of their double wide's, dressed like Benjamin Franklin shouting "don't tax the rich"
Lewis Black Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Don't taz me....I mean tax me bro....!
I know who the Tea Part, ain't...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Tea Party started out with noble purposes, but soon got co-opted by the religious right, and then absorbed into the Republican Party. Their core values are honorable, but too many of those who call themselves "Tea Partiers" mix them with right wing evangelical ideas. They don't mix, and it gives the media an easy target to marginalize.