Does a tip or gift do anything for the client?

hmm Canadian pooner. That is a new phrase for me.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
So how many providers are gonna say "why no sir bringing gifts or leaving tips doesn't do a thing, he should just bring me the rate I ask for and be done with it" lol.

Should the guys that tip "expect" extras (time, activities ect ect) for tipping because in my opinion if you tip it's to show appreciation not to gain favoritism. How many of you guys tip so that you can get extras? How would you providers react if a client that tipped started asking for more time or activities or for you to "hang out"?

Not that all providers are this way but it's been my experience that when I tipped it made no difference once so ever. In fact the ones I tipped started expecting it and asking me for "help".

Does not tipping or bringing gifts make providers think a client is a "cheap ass"?
atlcomedy's Avatar
A small and thoughtful gift can get you a lot of mileage with a SP. It never hurts and can pay off nicely. It does not have to be big or expensive, but it helps if it shows some thought, effort and uniqueness when choosing a gift.

I have a nice gift that I now bring to all the Indie SP's that I see for the first time and has always been well received. Originally Posted by the.namssa
That is my experience. Something nominal. Puts a smile on her face. Puts her at ease. If nothing else it is just good manners in the case of an incall. I mean someone invites you over to their home you bring them something: wine, flowers, a fruit basket, whatever. It is just polite.

I don't classify it as hoping for "extras" (like time/activity), but it increased the odds of being on the good side of YMMV.

So how many providers are gonna say "why no sir bringing gifts or leaving tips doesn't do a thing, he should just bring me the rate I ask for and be done with it" lol.

Should the guys that tip "expect" extras (time, activities ect ect) for tipping because in my opinion if you tip it's to show appreciation not to gain favoritism. How many of you guys tip so that you can get extras? How would you providers react if a client that tipped started asking for more time or activities or for you to "hang out"?

Not that all providers are this way but it's been my experience that when I tipped it made no difference once so ever. In fact the ones I tipped started expecting it and asking me for "help".

Does not tipping or bringing gifts make providers think a client is a "cheap ass"? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I think Addict raises many good points and asks some pointed questions. I've seen many a thread on this topic and always take the responses from the ladies with a grain of salt. I mean, really, what do you expect someone trying to maintain their "brand" as a provider to say on an open forum? I've already gotten a chuckle at one or more of the responses in this brief thread.
If he stays longer, it isn't really a tip is it? Don't get me wrong, I don't rush anyone out the door. With that being said, a guy knows when an hour is up. I don't discuss money at that point. They throw a little extra on the desk bacause they know they are paying for my time.

Just my 2 cents.
hmmm....I would say that gifts make me check in on the fellow from time to time, ask about how things are going, and make me a lot more comfortable with him because normally me being gushing and saying "thanks so much! That's really a considerate gesture" thaws any initial ice quite nicely. Plus it's easy to jump all over him at that point and kiss him all over silly, rather than do my slow, slide into seduction.

I don't rush out the door either, but I'm much more inclined to sit and talk for fifteen to twenty minutes if we have a connection. From the past, in my dancing career, anytime a man tipped extra above and beyond, it always made me go above and beyond with the little touches, remember his likes and dislikes, and being more accommodating if things occurred like lateness or having to cancel. It's more of a cumulative effect if you will, than a "oh, baby! you got me a slut dress?! Oh it's Greek for you! This shit is ONNN!!!"
I dont expect gifts or tips from nobody, I like them yes, but I will say that is the last thing I am worried about. Tips are always appreciated because then it shows that I provided you with great service and that means you will be returning to come see me again. I have regulars bring me stuff all the time and I like it but I reallly am not worried about it at all. If you really want to bring me anything, pssh bring me some apple juice or powerade ( the blue kind) & I will be the happiest person ever.
Don't hate me for not being a kiss ass here...

If you get a hair cut, this is a service and yes the tip should be relative to the service you received as well as the total dollar amount of the bill. If you tip $2 on a $6 hair cut well ok maybe fine. Do that on a cut & color for example... and you should not plan on going back there,lmao. Right ladies?

Same goes for a meal out among other things.

If a lady has included a little tip for herself into her rate and she is comfy with that as is the client. Ok fine. However, she may "often" loose out on the larger tips.

On the other hand, these days in the hobby you can't count on any tip at all. More often then not, the hobbyist will come with only the exact amount in hand.

I find this a "CHEAP ASS" behavior. And yeah I will consider him a "blue light shopper". Because he is not even prepared to tip no matter what service he gets. I understand not taking your whole paycheck in, but really.

Not so long ago, tips were more common as were the combination of gifts and tips.

Gentlemen define them selfs.

IMHO, if he stays longer then no it's not a tip. And if its not the correct amount for the overtime then it is certainly not a "tip".
topsgt38801's Avatar
I really feel a tip or small gift is appropriate especially if going to an incall location or if you were treated especially nice. The tip or the gift is not for any extra attention or special treatment, it is in my opinion the gentleman thing to do if you have been well taken care of or maybe even just meeting a lady for the first time at her incall location. It never hurts anyone to be nice and not have to expect anything in return.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
+1 Topsgt, especially the first time, like altcomedy said it puts the lady at ease, plus it gets things off to a great start !!
It doesn't have to be anything expensive, hell pick some flowers out of the neighbors yard on the way
Your neighbors yard, Not the ladies neighbor PLEASE. lol
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Your neighbors yard, Not the ladies neighbor PLEASE. lol Originally Posted by Jessy Stone
right Jessy
Eccie Addict's Avatar
So do any of you tip your lawyer or doctor? Those are service professions as well....

Also if every client you ever dealt with "expected" more out of you be it off the clock time or whatever due to tipping then I'm sure that you would tell your clients to shove the tip where the sun don't shine. Ever heard the saying "it only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everybody"? I would think that some would take that into consideration before calling people "cheap asses"....
I may be odd. Every time I see a Lady ,I bring an inexpensive goofy looking stuffed animal as a calling card. It helps jog memory for references.
Eccie Addict, I am a "if the shoe does not fit" kind of person. BTW, there are a number off ladies who claim to have or earning a PHD. I however am not one of them,lol. If your doctor SUCKS YOU OFF, then yeah I would say that might deserve a tip. lmao

I'm sure it does Dog Soldier.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ah ok I see where you're coming from.

I guess saving your life or curing an illness or taking away an indescribable kind of pain can't possibly compare to a bj.... lol. Please don't read too much into my statement as it's meant to be humorous.

You still didn't mention the rest of my post. What if all your tippers treated you the way I mentioned above. How would you feel about tips then? Would you just accept their behavior because they give you extra? I doubt you would and if they all did that would you eventually not want to accept tips?