The Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree- Trump Jr is a Disgrace.!!!

southtown4488's Avatar
The Military doesn't serve the American people anymore, that concept has been long gone. I know it's a hard pill to swallow. They serve for the Military Industrial Complex set forth by Global Elites and Corporate Interests. Our freedoms and Liberties are not threatened by foreign nations that's a big misconception. Countries are destroyed from within not from outside forces. If you want to thank Military personnel for their service that's fine. But the reality is this day and time they really aren't serving you at all. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
so u excuse Trump for what he said about Mccain and the gold star family?
so u excuse Trump for what he said about Mccain and the gold star family? Originally Posted by southtown4488
What did Trump say about McCain and the Gold star Family? I don't keep up on everything Trump says. It's not that important. The same goes for Clinton and all the other screw offs in politics.

southtown4488's Avatar
What did Trump say about McCain and the Gold star Family? I don't keep up on everything Trump says. It's not that important. The same goes for Clinton and all the other screw offs in politics.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
hahaha, get lost. ur lying. . .not suprising
What did Trump say about McCain and the Gold star Family? I don't keep up on everything Trump says. It's not that important. The same goes for Clinton and all the other screw offs in politics.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Your statement should disqualify you from commenting on politics.
southtown4488's Avatar
Your statement should disqualify you from commenting on politics. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
this fuckin clown is flat out lying, he knows damn well what I was referring to. A damn liar, just like his hero - trump.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Your statement should disqualify you from commenting on politics. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You were never in the military. You're a liar. The Gold Star family viciously attacked Trump. He is not allowed to respond? They put themselves in that position. Terribly sorry you lost your son in a meaningless war, but that doesn't give you immunity if you're going to take a public stage and attack someone running for office. And McCain is an Establishment idiot. Trump's comments were out of line, when it comes to McCain, but still, McCain is an idiot.
southtown4488's Avatar
You were never in the military. You're a liar. The Gold Star family viciously attacked Trump. He is not allowed to respond? They put themselves in that position. Terribly sorry you lost your son in a meaningless war, but that doesn't give you immunity if you're going to take a public stage and attack someone running for office. And McCain is an Establishment idiot. Trump's comments were out of line, when it comes to McCain, but still, McCain is an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree Mccain can be an idiot. . . but the mofo spent time in a fuckin Vietcong prison in service of the US military. . . Trump was not just "out of line" he was a cunt of the highest order. anyone defending him after that has no respect for the military.

The gold star family was right, Trumps call to ban a religion is unconstitutional. The attack of the gold star mom and their religion was also over the top cunty. theres no excuse for that. . . unless u consider bigotry an excuse.
bambino's Avatar
I agree Mccain can be an idiot. . . but the mofo spent time in a fuckin Vietcong prison in service of the US military. . . Trump was not just "out of line" he was a cunt of the highest order. anyone defending him after that has no respect for the military.

The gold star family was right, Trumps call to ban a religion is unconstitutional. The attack of the gold star mom and their religion was also over the top cunty. theres no excuse for that. . . unless u consider bigotry an excuse. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Why is McCain an idiot? I'm sure his IQ is at least 120pts higher than yours. He's done so much more in his life than you can fathom. So has Trump, so has Trumps children. You are just a run of the mill bitter loser.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I agree Mccain can be an idiot. . . but the mofo spent time in a fuckin Vietcong prison in service of the US military. . . Trump was not just "out of line" he was a cunt of the highest order. anyone defending him after that has no respect for the military.

The gold star family was right, Trumps call to ban a religion is unconstitutional. The attack of the gold star mom and their religion was also over the top cunty. theres no excuse for that. . . unless u consider bigotry an excuse.
Originally Posted by southtown4488
You're a lying hypocrite, suckclown. Hildebeest has physically attacked a veteran serving on her Secret Service detail by hitting him in the head with a book, you bombastic prick. Hildebeest's disdain for servicemen is well known, you unrepentant jackass.

“Hildebeest was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”

Hildebeest didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House,” one former agent remembers. “She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”

Your statement should disqualify you from commenting on politics. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Who should disqualify me?

I agree Mccain can be an idiot. . . but the mofo spent time in a fuckin Vietcong prison in service of the US military. . . Trump was not just "out of line" he was a cunt of the highest order. anyone defending him after that has no respect for the military.

The gold star family was right, Trumps call to ban a religion is unconstitutional. The attack of the gold star mom and their religion was also over the top cunty. theres no excuse for that. . . unless u consider bigotry an excuse. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Oh so that's what you're talking about when Trump said McCain wasn't a War Hero. Well that's just Trump's opinion. But in my opinion every guy that was drafted and went to Viet Nam is a War Hero in their own right.

You were never in the military. You're a liar. The Gold Star family viciously attacked Trump. He is not allowed to respond? They put themselves in that position. Terribly sorry you lost your son in a meaningless war, but that doesn't give you immunity if you're going to take a public stage and attack someone running for office. And McCain is an Establishment idiot. Trump's comments were out of line, when it comes to McCain, but still, McCain is an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are really pushing my fucking buttons don't you dare accuse me of stolen valor unless you can back it up and you are too chicken shit too meet me. I would slap the shit out of you. Did you serve? Or are you an internet Soldier ?
this fuckin clown is flat out lying, he knows damn well what I was referring to. A damn liar, just like his hero - trump. Originally Posted by southtown4488
" A damn liar, just like his hero..." That would describe YOU and YOUR newest butt buddy Lubed Wide Ass !!!! Keep WKing for him suckclown !
Just because he said "laziness is a disease too". Doesn't mean he's a bad guy. Truth hurts doesn't it Lubed. You're a lazy, fat cocksucker. A lazy, fat, lying cocksucker too. Originally Posted by bambino
I have done more positive things in my life than you will ever do in a million lifetimes. I don't give a rats ass if you call me fat. Do you think you are hurting my feelings. I am over weight and have made significant progress in weight loss this year alone. Yet dipshits like you like to poke fun of people's insecurities and medical conditions.
Let's face it you are no stud yourself otherwise you wouldn't be on whore board buying pussy and you purchased far more pussy than I have on Eccie.

Let's be honest with ourselves most Johns on this site are over 50 and over weight and for some reason you want us to believe you are a Brad Pitt chick magnet with a body like and Adonis. Quit fooling yourself and you are no parts Italian.
You were never in the military. You're a liar. The Gold Star family viciously attacked Trump. He is not allowed to respond? They put themselves in that position. Terribly sorry you lost your son in a meaningless war, but that doesn't give you immunity if you're going to take a public stage and attack someone running for office. And McCain is an Establishment idiot. Trump's comments were out of line, when it comes to McCain, but still, McCain is an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Uh Oh !Look out COG ! Lubed Wide Ass is sure to show what kind of internet tough guy he is in replying to your RIGHT ON THE MONEY statement about him !