SA/Online Only?? WTF

blkstocking's Avatar
Yes, DR Bob, you have that correct.
Gabrielle's Avatar
I wonder if the girls see these rules now too? Originally Posted by spazzer
I wonder if anyone actually reads the rules before clicking the box in agreement?

Report the girls? They don't do what you want and you tell on them?

Keep in mind reporting goes both ways. (see screenshot below)

Turn them in? Seriously?

What's next? Calling the cops because she didn't suck your wee-wee good enough?

blkstocking's Avatar
Truly, Gabs, you KNOW that would be a True Crime.
SA as a site is full of hacked accounts. My guess is a lot of the photos or online only accounts are hacked, fake and operated by some guys who is selling photos stolen from other sites or the Internet in general. They need to be reported.

As pointed out in this thread, some people are into that and that is okay, but a girl has to be willing to meet. If online and pictures are your thing then negotiate that with her.
Ive actually had a girl tell me that she charges $500 a month just to send out nudes. I laughed and told her no guy will pay that, and she said she actually has about 5 guys that do.

So either 1. she is lying 2. the guys are stupid or 3. the guys are very stupid.
If you get too many reports, you will have to go make another email, make a new profile, lay low for a while and of course pay with a different card. Works both ways too. I report all the picture girls. Just my .02
How many guys enjoy phone sex? Camgirls? Just looking at beautiful pictures?

Just because it's not for you doesn't mean it's stupid.
Stop knocking others for their "thing".
Some of y'all truly need to think beyond your own choices.
The site isn't intended for that. If you want to be a cam girl, join camsoda. SA is intended for actually meeting.
I'm glad guys are reporting them. The site says its against thr rules and it wastes a lot of time.
Is it?

And here I thought it is a site for ADULTS to find whatever sort of arrangements suit them without being judged by others.

Silly me.
The SA Terms of Service Section 8.e.vii Engaging in advertising to, or solicitation of, other Members to send money, or buy or sell any products or services.

Selling pictures violates the terms of service.
And we're all about obeying rules now aren't we.
Ive actually had a girl tell me that she charges $500 a month just to send out nudes. I laughed and told her no guy will pay that, and she said she actually has about 5 guys that do.

So either 1. she is lying 2. the guys are stupid or 3. the guys are very stupid. Originally Posted by Whitegrlwaster
It's a combination of 2 and 3, lol.

I used to see a gal on SA 4-6 times a month at her place. She was fine getting $900 per month from me for that. But, she told me that, in addition to me, she was going to keep seeing one other guy because that guy would see her once a month, only expected oral, and gave her $1,000 each time.

I also saw a 19 year old coed a number of times who was fine with $150-$200 each time, but she told me that there were a couple of guys who gave her between $500 and $1,000 for pictures.

So, yeah, when they say they get the big numbers, some of them are telling the truth
Gabrielle's Avatar
The SA Terms of Service Section 8.e.vii Engaging in advertising to, or solicitation of, other Members to send money, or buy or sell any products or services.

Selling pictures violates the terms of service. Originally Posted by drbob_101
So telling on people is the way of the future in this biz?

*Providers take note, all of the above tattletales will sell you out to save their own ass!* Personally, I would NEVER see someone who so openly promotes tattling, like a schoolgirl.

Now you can all go tell your Momma a whore encouraged other whores NOT to suck your pee-pee because you ARE a liability to the business. Maybe she'll suck it for you instead.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Ive actually had a girl tell me that she charges $500 a month just to send out nudes. I laughed and told her no guy will pay that, and she said she actually has about 5 guys that do.

So either 1. she is lying 2. the guys are stupid or 3. the guys are very stupid. Originally Posted by Whitegrlwaster
She is not lying