July 19th

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The Senile Biden Crime Family Exposed

Must watch

... The TRUTH about the SON will surely come out - TOMORROW!

Wager yer bottom dollar that tomorrow - we'll see more FACTS
about the SON.... Tomorrow, Tomorrow, whistleblowers - Tomorrow...
... Just a daaaaaay a-waaaaaay! ... ...

#### Salty
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The Senile Biden Crime Family owned over TWENTY shell companies to move money through. Let’s remember that they don't produce a single product. They just embezzle, extort and steal money
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The NIGHT BEFORE the Oversight Committee team interviewed the former FBI supervisory special agent who confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, the agent received a letter from the FBI directing him to “DECLINE TO RESPOND” to our committee’s questions regarding our ongoing Biden Family investigation.

This is just another account of the Biden Administration attempting to intimidate critical witnesses in this investigation. Regardless of their tactics, there will be accountability.
Do I smell fresh grilled Nothing Burgers? 🍔 mmm...
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You know it's bad when DNC mouthpiece CBS is reporting on it

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler tells
@CBS_Herridge that he wanted to interview Hunter Biden's adult children, but was told by an Assistant U.S. Attorney that doing so would "get us into hot water."


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“Today, we have two brave and credible IRS whistleblowers who have risked their careers to come forward and provide important testimony.

Their testimony about the DOJ, FBI, and IRS’s investigation of Hunter Biden confirms the committee’s findings. That there is nothing normal about the Biden family’s business activity.”

Mr. X is IRS Special Agent Joe Ziegler, a lifelong gay Democrat who has been with the agency since 2010.

He compares blowing the whistle on the Biden Crime Family to coming out as gay

Ziegler just stated that they drafted a 99 page memo recommending multiple felonies consistent with the long-standing guidelines on tax evasion. He said that he and others found clear evidence of intent to evade.

Whistleblower X, Joe Ziegler, who is calling out the preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden investigation is...

a Democrat
has multiple "Outstanding" reviews from the IRS
is risking his career
flew there on his dime! (no reimbursements for travel etc)
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The Bidens received incremental payments over time to various bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions were used deliberately to conceal the source of funds and total amounts. No normal business operates like this.

"What were the Bidens selling?"

Nothing but influence to enrich the Senile Biden Crime Family

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"The IRS recommended multiple felony charges against Hunter Biden...relating to at least $8.3 million in income from foreign companies based in China, Romania, and Ukraine. The DOJ engaged in a campaign to Delay, Divulge, and Deny that investigation."

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"I'm here because our tax system relies on the American people having confidence it is administered fairly and equally for everyone — regardless of your last name or political connections."

Much more - watch

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Ziegler says that "we all agreed" on the felony counts, including related to 2014. That included both investigators and prosecutors. All four prosecutors agreed that the charges were warranted to include the felonies in two separate districts.

Ziegler just said that "I still think a special counsel is needed" due to the fact that Weiss was "hamstrung and marginalized" throughout their investigation.


Shapley just detailed a series of tip offs and wave offs by DOJ officials, including AUSA Wolf, to prevent them from pursuing evidence needed in their investigation.

Shapley just said that AG Garland's statements to Congress on Weiss having total control of the case "was not true" and "false."

There is now a major allegation that Weiss allowed the 2014 and 2015 charges in D.C. to expire when he could have either brought charges or agree to an agreement to toll the statute of limitations.
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Absolutely devastating testimony exposing the Senile Biden Crime Family and his corrupt DOJ and FBI who are illegally covering up for him


Every decision made in the case were made to benefit Hunter Biden

DOJ shut down investigation of “Big Guy” and search of Joe Biden’s residence despite probable cause

Ziegler just detailed the payments to Hunter and his companies from foreign sources at $17 million. Ziegler also said that other Biden family members received some of this money, including Biden grandchildren. He said that they wanted to interview these family members.

IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley again confirmed under oath moments ago that DC US Attorney Matthew Graves, appointed by Joe Biden, refused to bring charges against Hunter Biden for tax crimes committed in DC in 2014 and 2015. This included omitting his first haul from Burisma.
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“The Justice Department allowed the president’s political appointees to weigh-in on whether to charge the president’s son.”

—IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley

Indictments and convictions are all that matter. Until then, this is a big yawn...