Big Oil's job creation promise- could it work?

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If the drillers could take on the reserves under Lake Michigan, off the coast of Florida (shallow water drilling), and off of California, we could probably cut imports 20-30% within 5 years. But the EPA and state regulatory agencies will never allow it. If you want to know what kind of jobs drilling/production creates, take a look at North Dakota. The epicenter of the drilling is in western ND but has also spilled into Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska. Granted, all small population states but also states with very low unemployment. Actually North Dakota has effectively a 0% unemployment rate. The 3.3% unemployment are mostly reported as people in transition, students (who will drop from the rolls), or people who are not actively seeking work. Unskilled labor in oil fields generally earns over $30,000 per year. Skilled labor (truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, etc..) can earn over $80,000 easily. Drilling engineers and foreman normally make $150,000 and up depending on the contracts. These are not low paying jobs.
All states tied to production heavily have the lowest unemployment. Texas unemployment is probably the highest because our economy is the most diverse.
Drill baby drill!! should be the Obama economic policy but as long as he can tax and create "green" jobs (costing an average of $500,000 per job) he, dingy Harry, and grandma idiot will go with that plan.