Anyone one heard of an escort reaching a million dollars in earnings?

Escorts if they are doing it right! Strippers have licensing fees and house fees and tip outs to do and they do not always have control of their schedules. Unless they are maybe at a really high roller club in vegas but even then their income changes depending o tips from night to night Just my thoughts I could be wrong after all I am not a stripper lol
cabletex7's Avatar
. . . after all I am not a stripper lol Originally Posted by SweetLexi777
but you stayed in a Holiday Inn Express?
  • hd
  • 09-16-2014, 12:51 PM
Whether or not they make a mil doesn't matter, as long as they're smart enough to invest some of what they make and not blow it all. This is not a life long gig!
LOL i had a friend she made 120k a year for a few years.and pissed it all away.She was a fun party girl.
-$400 p/h
-1 client per day
-365 days per year

$1,000,000 / $146,000 = 6.8 years....

But lets just round up to 7 years for outfits, advertising, and misc. overhead...

P.S. - that would be 2,555 hobbyists over 7 years....may need to save some $ for a vaginal-rejuvination. ijs
And what one chooses to report in taxes is one's own decision. Best cover is to have a part time real world job as "cover" and hobby on the side as a "consultant".

P.S. - that would be 2,555 hobbyists over 7 years....may need to save some $ for a vaginal-rejuvination. ijs Originally Posted by SNL9933
Not if she had a lot of regular clients. I rarely see new clientele, I see the same few over and over and over again. Some I've known for almost 6 years.
Not if she had a lot of regular clients. I rarely see new clientele, I see the same few over and over and over again. Some I've known for almost 6 years. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
I was just being's no different than couples in RW...that have a healthy and frequent sex life...Heck my ex and I had sex almost every day for like 4 years and her hoo-haa was just
chicagoboy's Avatar
Classysex used to knock back $400k per annum. At least, that's what she told us.
Before I post this understand I am quite hindered on math.

I noticed a couple of things missing from these expense reports.

Expenses incurred is not just hotel. From small to large the average expense a month for a moderate to high end escort is going to range taking out the normal bills that are the same for us all (rent/mortgage, electricity, gas, water) The cell phone bill is often at least 100 dollars more than the average.

Are you also calculating in that week a month she needs to take off? The average escort can work no more than 15 days a month (if she is lucky) 30 to 31 days if she has found a way to prevent that once a month down time.

Condom costs will range depending on high or low traffic. physical maintenance should be taken into consideration. Be it the garter belt that was requested (anywhere from 25 to 90 dollars) a stock of adult toys. (rough calculations is add another 100 a month to this bill)

Travel and gas too and from hotel. Wine or other beverages she may have brought. specifically requested costumes/lingerie/outfits.

Ads for business. Higher end escorts are going to use higher end sites and this will cost her at bare minimum 100 a month.

Most providers now a days are going to do monthly testing for safety reasons. Add another 150 to 650 depending on their insurance carriers.

The lower end providers or less expensive may or may not also incur these bills.

My monthly work expenses removing anything that is NOT specifically companion related is as fallows
600-1000 a month hotel expenses
100-200- a month EXTRA gas expenses
250 Health check a month
200 Phone bill a month
250 Advertising Fees
280 Misc (wine, protection, specific costume/lingerie requests, other specific requests, toys)

and that is after my normal bills are paid. So can a provider make it to the 1 million mark? Absolutely with diligence, penny pinching, saving and possibly cutting off some frills for the clients it is doable faster.

Remember the ladies in question make their OWN retirement. They do not get a 401K. We purchase our own health insurance it is not occupationally provided. If they lady gets injured on the job it is her responsibility to take care of the bill and the time off.
Whether or not they make a mil doesn't matter, as long as they're smart enough to invest some of what they make and not blow it all. This is not a life long gig! Originally Posted by hd
Unless they are really smart and lucky, investing the money can get them into more trouble then local LE. Investing money obtained through illegal means would get the FEDs on you for money laundering.
Jaycee does shed bring up some very valid items. There is obviously over head and expenses that are incurred from being a provider.

Sure there are expenses so there are no "tax write offs"..but then again it's all tax free money....after a while if a girl makes enough it is going to be a little harder to explain where the money came unless she makes small deposits in to a non-interest bearing checking account. Otherwise, the interest paid gets reported to the fed...and then tax returns need to be filed and then it's all down hill from there....
And what one chooses to report in taxes is one's own decision. Best cover is to have a part time real world job as "cover" and hobby on the side as a "consultant". Originally Posted by Zhivago52
That would get the feds looking at your reported income versus your expenditures. The best way to hide it is with a home business but you need to be really creative with your books. NOT TELLING YOU TO DO THAT. This is just food for thought. Some of the massage parlors you see are strictly money laundering fronts. Because the club deals in cash their books can say whatever they want them to. One of the biggest unground business is money laundering. Think about all of the money from drugs and you see dealers riding around in brand new cars. The problem is that if you walk into a showroom with over $10,000 in cash it has to be reported and explained. If you get caught with a case of money like you see on TV, you are going to have to explain it or spend some serious time away. President Nixon eliminated all of the large domination bills so you could not walk around with 10 or more $1000 bills in your pocket.
Randall Creed's Avatar

Since when did a million dollars become 'not a lot of money'?

Some of y'all say the dumbest shit. 50 bucks is 'not a lot', and even in saying that, it's still relative. I say it's not a lot because, with one trip to the ATM, I can show you $50.

If one million bucks is not a lot of money, then take a picture of it and show it to me.

Oh, I'm sure the IRS would love a list of all the providers and strippers who make 'not a lot' of money. That way, they can only take a little bit of it, since they don't make that much to begin with.

There's other overhead,too, like food, water, soap, lady products, etc. But then again, a mil is so easy to make these days.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I've heard of strippers that make more than doctors.
But, now I wonder, who makes more strippers or escorts? Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
Now THATS funny.

The only way this is even remotely true is if they're referring to the lowest level of doctors compared to the most coveted stripper in Vegas, Atlantic City, etc.

Some doctors elect to only make a certain amount, i.e. they may decide that making $190,000 is better than making $210,000 because it would put them in the next tax bracket, whilst the non tax paying stripper has no such limitations. He could close up shop and play golf for 2 months (working 10), while the stripper worked 355 days (nights, rather), and did something on the side (wink, wink).

Taking one or two skewered examples doesn't prove anything.