Now the Libtard Mayors in DC and NY are upset

winn dixie's Avatar
Now the Libtard Mayors in DC and NY are upset

Well cry me a river. Better yet. Have these folks come and stand in The Rio Grande River and shed tears! Were in a major drought in Texas!

berryberry's Avatar
The libtard clown mayor of DC asked the Pentagon to send National Guard troops to help with the illegal immigrant population there AGAIN... and they said NO again! LOL!

Make them experience what border states are with this invasion of illegals
... Reckon THAT'S the way it goes! ...

When President Trump asked for the Guard at the DC Capitol
- He was told "NO" also...

... Me political "insider" mates are sayin' that the
New York officials wanna house the incoming illegals
at the Waldorf/Astoria. ... On the taxpayer 10c-piece. ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Oh yeah Salty - the Federal government is spending our taxpayer money as is some cities like New York and others to rent fucking hotel rooms for these dirtbag illegals who criminally entered our country

Senile Biden and libtards are misusing taxpayer funds to support criminals
berryberry's Avatar
New York City is going to spend $300,000,000 housing illegals in luxury hotel rooms.

Yes, you read that right. $300,000,000.
berryberry's Avatar
Dems Ask Taxpayers To Fund More Living Expenses For Lawbreaking Migrants

As they promote inhumane border policies that are incentivizing record levels of illegal immigration and boosting cartels, Democrats are also asking American taxpayers to fund living expenses for migrants who’ve unlawfully crossed the border. Not only are migrants breaking American laws, they are being rewarded with extensive taxpayer support for hotels and lodging when they arrive. Democrats say that isn’t enough.

A new House bill seeks to use $50 million from taxpayers to supplement living expenses for illegal migrants being bused to D.C. by Republican officials, whose states are overwhelmed amid surging border crossings under the Biden administration. The emergency appropriations bill introduced last week by D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton would pump more money into FEMA’s Emergency Food and Shelter Program for assisting illegal immigrants, adding on to the $150 million already dedicated to supporting this effort at the expense of the American taxpayer. Reports show at least $65 million of this has already been spent.


Activists who believe these illegal immigrants aren’t receiving enough aid complain they are “only” given “a hotel room and three meals a day.”
Trump claimed to have finished the wall (that Mexico didn’t pay for) and that was supposed to be the solution to the immigration problem. So are you telling me that the problem of immigration has nothing to do with building a wall (which btw, he didn’t actually build) but by them coming to the front door of the country and ringing the bell? Sure seems to me then that the problem isn’t that Biden answers the door but that there are so many idiots that think that a wall is the solution
Actually - you must have "mis-typed" there.
Trump didn't say the wall was finished.
They were still working on it when Trump was on.

And, YES - the wall IS the solution.

And the illegals aint knocking on the door.
The LEGAL immigrants knock on the door.

### Salty
Really, he was working on it? So where is this new Trump wall? What state is it in and where does it start and end? The only new wall was placed in Arizona in an area not stable enough for any structure due to monsoonal rain but was built anyway. It’s now washed away (surprise).

So he was building a “big beautiful wall.” Show me a picture of it, Skippy. Because what was built was replacement fence (as in it’s a fence not a wall and it wasn’t new, it already existed). But since you think he was working on it show me where it is…a photo of a wall that he built really shouldnt be that tough to find. So find it for us.
Trump claimed to have finished the wall (that Mexico didn’t pay for) and that was supposed to be the solution to the immigration problem. So are you telling me that the problem of immigration has nothing to do with building a wall (which btw, he didn’t actually build) but by them coming to the front door of the country and ringing the bell? Sure seems to me then that the problem isn’t that Biden answers the door but that there are so many idiots that think that a wall is the solution Originally Posted by luv2sixtynine69
... See? ... You lied.
Trump hasn't claimed that He finished the wall.

Was THAT a CNN talking-point.. or yer-own??

And you have surely spun this thread away
from the topic.

Are YOU as upsot as the Mayours of DC and NY?

##### Salty
Ohhhh because Trump never lies right?
And no, I’m not upset at all… but since you think there’s a legal way to enter the country why don’t you go ahead and explain to the audience what that way is.
Keep running your mouth, your ignorance just sparkles more each time that you do
Keep running your mouth, your ignorance just sparkles more each time that you do Originally Posted by luv2sixtynine69


#### Salty
What’s that legal way of immigration that you think exists that all of these folks should be following? We’re waiting for your explanation of how legal immigration works since you are so certain about the way that illegal immigration works. And btw… where’s that picture of the wall that your boy built since you think he built any actual wall?