only when you hire a butler
most lawyers destroy jobs
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Nope. I have about 10 employees at my law firm and about four, albeit only one direct employee, at my relatively new mineral leasing company. One full time at the house. Not to mention keeping accountants and other lawyers hired doing accounting and legal work for the two companies. Also, the law firm creates work for court reporters, court staff, videographers, medical illustrators, jury consultants, expert witnesses, catering companies, medical records services, etc. Trials in our locale employe many hotel and restaurant workers, etc. Out of town firms rent temporary office space. The wealth is spread around pretty widely.
But the original point that someone in my position the last guy who needs tax relief, yet I'm the only one the Republicans give it to stands. And to add insult to injury, they expect those of you who are working stiffs to make up the difference so that I can get five and six figure tax breaks. Yet you idiots love it and it galls me.