LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Also explain why 98% of the black vote goes to the democratic party. The party that created Jim Crow, the party that fought FOR slavery, the party that fought to put black people back into chains, the party that used a given right to trick black people into voting for them for the next 200 years. Why do they do that? I can understand why you do that, you're an idiot, but why do black people do that? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Because Republicans are no longer for freedom for everyone, nor equal rights, civil rights or minorities (not to mention women, gays or fairness). What you say was all true up until 1965 when it changed completely with the Conservative Movement and LBJ as President. Most of the racist Dixiecrats in the old Democratic Party abandoned ship when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act or 1965 and joined the Republican Party fool. Since then Democrats have supported policies that helped minorities far more than Republicans who abandoned equal rights, civil rights and fairness to pursue the glorification of business and power. As LBJ said the Dems lost the South for at least a decade because of that. Oh, and don't forget the Republican's Southern Strategy has contributed to blacks voting for Democrats when they voted heavily for Republicans for the last 100 years up until 1965 when they were allowed to vote (poll taxes). BTW, there were plenty of poll taxes, Jim Crow and sundown towns up north in Republican areas but you don't hear about it much.

Also there were Democrats in the North and Republicans in the South so they aren't really "the party that fought FOR slavery".
Because Republicans are no longer for freedom for everyone, nor equal rights, civil rights or minorities (not to mention women, gays or fairness). What you say was all true up until 1965 when it changed completely with the Conservative Movement and LBJ as President. Most of the racist Dixiecrats in the old Democratic Party abandoned ship when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act or 1965 and joined the Republican Party fool. Since then Democrats have supported policies that helped minorities far more than Republicans who abandoned equal rights, civil rights and fairness to pursue the glorification of business and power. As LBJ said the Dems lost the South for at least a decade because of that. Oh, and don't forget the Republican's Southern Strategy has contributed to blacks voting for Democrats when they voted heavily for Republicans for the last 100 years up until 1965 when they were allowed to vote (poll taxes). BTW, there were plenty of poll taxes, Jim Crow and sundown towns up north in Republican areas but you don't hear about it much.

Also there were Democrats in the North and Republicans in the South so they aren't really "the party that fought FOR slavery". Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
LawdBieberPelt, you over think shit...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, LordBieberDick, how's that Democrat "helping" minorities worked out the last 50 years?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who are you calling an asshole, you lying sack of monkeyshit?

Do you really want to try and explain why, with half a million more voters in those 15 counties, voting is up only 80,000? Could you please extrapolate the Ds from the Rs?

Or are you willing to admit that the Voter ID laws had nothing to do with minorities (read: Democrats)? Do you really want to continue this asinine line of discussion?

Did you even vote? (I'm betting you went for "one man + one man" Patrick!)
To paraphrase COG it is not my job to prove it it is yours to prove it not. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Actually it is your job to prove it.

It is impossible to prove a negative, so the standard your propose - "prove it not" - can never be used.

You made the assertions, now provide the citation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Election Day vote down everywhere in Texas.

I suppose it was because RepubliCAN'Ts couldn't get their convertible tops up in the cold weather... Right?

When you claim you have PROOF, you should actually prove something.

No wonder you were elected 2013 Dipshit of the Year, whirliecancre
No link, no support for the claim, no source, no about empty post.............just Dipshit bloviating......

Election Day vote down everywhere in Texas.

I suppose it was because RepubliCAN'Ts couldn't get their convertible tops up in the cold weather... Right?

When you claim you have PROOF, you should actually prove something.

No wonder you were elected 2013 Dipshit of the Year, whirliecancre Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually it is your job to prove it.

It is impossible to prove a negative, so the standard your propose - "prove it not" - can never be used.

You made the assertions, now provide the citation. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Talk to COG not me...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, you just regurgitate your initial apples-to-oranges point, but added the credibility of a Breitbart report.

You don't get much more factual than that.

Again. Break it out by party and region. Show me how the higher total was across the board. I said and continue to say that the people who Voter ID was intended to "discourage" showed no increase, despite a vastly larger registered voting population.

You just say the same shit, IBWhirly...over and over and over...
You made the claim voter turnout is down along the border - you provide NO links or source; but you demand that I post my sources- which I did !

You are truly the Dipshit !

Again, you just regurgitate your initial apples-to-oranges point, but added the credibility of a Breitbart report.

You don't get much more factual than that.

Again. Break it out by party and region. Show me how the higher total was across the board. I said and continue to say that the people who Voter ID was intended to "discourage" showed no increase, despite a vastly larger registered voting population.

You just say the same shit, IBWhirly...over and over and over... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
For once in your life you got something correct.....Voter ID in Texas prevented illegals from voting, stopped some electoral cheating...mission accomplished.

..... I said and continue to say that the people who Voter ID was intended to "discourage" showed no increase....

... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Because Republicans are no longer for freedom for everyone, nor equal rights, civil rights or minorities (not to mention women, gays or fairness). What you say was all true up until 1965 when it changed completely with the Conservative Movement and LBJ as President. Most of the racist Dixiecrats in the old Democratic Party abandoned ship when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act or 1965 and joined the Republican Party fool. Since then Democrats have supported policies that helped minorities far more than Republicans who abandoned equal rights, civil rights and fairness to pursue the glorification of business and power. As LBJ said the Dems lost the South for at least a decade because of that. Oh, and don't forget the Republican's Southern Strategy has contributed to blacks voting for Democrats when they voted heavily for Republicans for the last 100 years up until 1965 when they were allowed to vote (poll taxes). BTW, there were plenty of poll taxes, Jim Crow and sundown towns up north in Republican areas but you don't hear about it much.

Also there were Democrats in the North and Republicans in the South so they aren't really "the party that fought FOR slavery". Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook

Now this is just not true and we've told this to you before. Those democrats who voted against the CRA of 1964 Gore stayed a democrat, Byrd stayed a democrat, Fulbright stayed a democrat. Only Thurmond changed his party. Most stayed democrats. Don't post this lie again. Jim Crow was a construct of the democratic party just like the southern chain gangs. You can deny it as long as you like but it doesn't change the facts.

Yes, the democratic party opposed Lincoln, they opposed abolitionism, they opposed the war, they opposes any encroachment into the south, and the democrats opposed the constitutional amendment ending slavery.

Stop the lies!
Webb County Elections Administrator Oscar Villarreal touted a 95% Hispanic electorate’s increased voter turnout compared to 2010. Webb, a county with a 30.6 poverty rate, demonstrates a potential hole in the Holder Justice Department’s case that Texas’ voter ID law harms economically vulnerable voters.
He tried to tout the lie early on in this thread; but the primary vote count is in and take a look at these results. Voter turnout is up along the border...

  • - In Hidalgo County - where the turnout of 11.67 percent was nearly three times the rate statewide - Madrigal outpolled Davis, 18,907 to 16,944.

  • - In Starr County - where turnout was 14.33 percent - Madrigal trounced Davis, two-to-one - 2,785 to 1,489.

  • - In Willacy County - where turnout was 21.68 percent - Madrigal defeated Davis, 1,511 to 967

  • - And in Webb county - where turnout was also an astonishing 21 percent - Madrigal outpolled Davis, 12,100 to 10,466.